[DE] Social Media: Wie Manager netzwerken | FTD.de

29. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

Am häufigsten nutzen die Manager dabei die Business-Plattform Xing (72 Prozent). 40 Prozent tummeln sich zudem auf Linkedin, bei Facebook sind nur rund zwölf Prozent der Befragten dabei. Geht es um Privates erhält Facebook von den Führungskräften mehr Aufmerksamkeit, immerhin jeder Dritte ist dann zwischen Like-Button und Status-Post unterwegs. Xing prägt aber auch bei Privatem das Nutzerverhalten der deutschen Manager.
Twitter , Youtube oder Google+ spielen dagegen weder beruflich noch privat eine Rolle. Besonders bei den über 40-Jährigen scheint der Vorbehalt groß, die Daten könnten in sozialen Netzwerken nicht sicher sein. 30 Prozent der Teilnehmer in dieser Altersgruppe verzichtet deshalb privat ganz auf Social Media.
via ftd.de

Deutschland bleibt speziell: Beruflich nutzen die Manager vor allem XING, das außerhalb unserer Lande keine Rolle spielt und beispielsweise auch von keinem der gängigen Social Media Dashboards unterstützt wird. Und das Mißtrauen ist da, vor allem gegen Twitter, YouTube und Google+.

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[EN] Microsoft vs Google: Office versus Advertising | ZDNet

27. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

Google are on the march, transforming from a search engine to a service that lets people merge the internet seamlessly into their social lives in ways that are just coming into focus to end users. Stephen Shankland's excellent piece over on CNet 'How Google is becoming an extension of your mind' does a good job of defining that statement. 

Google is becoming ...an omnipresent digital assistant that figures out what you need and supplies it before you even realize you need it… 


The stakes are not least about continued relevance in the future, and Microsoft and Google both aspire to provide the complete underpinnings of your digital social life.  We are gradually leaving the document, operating system and portal era behind - ... 

The bigger question though is whether the document based work environment is the buggy whip of our era, and Microsoft's understandable reluctance to disrupt the great revenue the Office division yields may prove to be short sighted.  ... 


via zdnet.com

Interesting posting by Oliver Marks. Not sure, if the analysis is appropriate without more seperating the business and the private scenario. But Oliver works put very well Microsofts dependancy on Office and documents and Google's dependancy on advertising ...

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[EN] It starts with Email … but get out of your Inbox

23. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

This is a great video covering the disadvantage of email for collaborative and knowledge work. Email is a great tool for direct communication. It is not optimal at all for knowledge sharing and collaboration. Will email go away? No, for sure not, but we need to drive change in the workplace! I am a child of the Email generation and in todays workplace still a lot of the employees live through and within their email. To change that we need to integrate email and Social Software, where social ways of collaborating and sharing become a natural piece of the email client. We need Social Mail!

And we personally to adhere to some simple rules to teach our co-workers, how to work more productive and reduce the number of emails:

  1. Don't send attachments - Wherever appropriate don't send attachments. Store them in your social software or content repository, protect them if needed and share them with your teammates.
  2. E-Mail is not ideal for Project Work and Project Management. Use Social tools like the Activity module within IBM Connections as an easy to use, not overloaded Project Management tool. Get away from spreadsheets and email trails to manage projects.
  3. Leverage the wisdom of the crowd and brainstorm ideas and questions through communities and blogs. You will be surprised how much better a transparent discussion works.
  4. Use Email - thoughtfully. Yes, we should continue using email, but in cases like the ones described as a notification vehicle making people aware of the social places, they should collaborate and share information on. Let us be realistic: Most of the people still look in their email inbox for new work to be done or new information. We need to capture their attention in the inbox and then drive them to social places, so that they personally experience the advantages of to work social.
  5. Think before you Email, share wherever appropriate - We need to get a checkbox in our DNA. Before we send an email with information we should to a bunch of people, we should always consider, if sharing information is in this case not more efficient. If we receive valuable information in our inbox, we should always consider to put the information in our Social Software. Get valuable information out of your personal information silo and put it in Social Software. Security is not an excuse. You can protect information in todays system, so that only authorized people have access (even with read-only and/or editing rights).
  6. Move email newsletters into your Social Software - I used to send around a weekly newsletter to my European team every Monday. It was a traditional email with hopefully useful information and links. A few weeks I turned my way of working around. The newsletter is now a blog entry within IBM's European Social Business Community. Information is and stays available for retrieving in our worldwide IBM Connections community. And in addition I am distributing the information by email.
  7. I am bored of promotional emails and SPAM - Wherever I have left my business card or my email online, I get quite often spammed with information I have not asked for. Since a while I am rigorously unsubscribing (if the option is offered), reply and ask to put me off the distribution list or put senders on my Email Junk list, so that I no longer get bothered with this kind of information.

It is not about completely replacing Email. It is about using Email appropriately and work social wherever it makes sense. There are for sure more rules how to drive change to a Social Workplace and Social Business. I would be happy to get your suggestions and comments.

Check out the IBM web pages on how to live outside the inbox. They are available in several languages.


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[DE] Neue Studie: Deutschland am wenigsten flexibel, bei Arbeit unterwegs erledigen – CIO.de

20. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

In Deutschland haben die Mitarbeiter im Vergleich die geringsten Möglichkeiten, Arbeit unterwegs zu erledigen. 31 Prozent der deutschen Arbeitnehmer haben nach dem Verlassen des Büros überhaupt keine Möglichkeit mehr, auf berufliche Daten oder E-Mails zuzugreifen. Dies könnte auch eine Erklärung dafür sein, warum 34 Prozent der deutschen Arbeitnehmer bereits um 17 Uhr mit der Abfrage von E-Mails aufhören. So früh ist das nirgendwo sonst der Fall. Nur elf Prozent der Arbeitgeber ermöglichen ihren Teams den Zugriff auf alles, was sie brauchen, um ihrer Tätigkeit auch außerhalb des Büros nachzugehen.
via cio.de

Das kann man nun so und so sehen ... Die Deutschen haben früher Feierabend oder aber die Deutschen sind weniger flexibel. Meine Tendenz geht zur letzteren Einschätzung. Da mögen auch Sicherheitsbedenken (ich verkneife mir gerade Sicherheitswahn) eine Rolle spielen. Unterschätzt wird wohl, welches Potential darin steckt, unterwegs arbeiten zu können.

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[EN] The emergence of enterprise intelligence layers in the Social Enterprise

19. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

It is in this latter majority that we are seeing the long awaited emergence of enterprise intelligence layers that draw upon artificial intelligence, search indexing, text and semantic analysis, rules and good old algorithms to automate the classification and understanding of information. Enterprise Intelligence that is smart enough to make decisions to push highly targeted information to workers and systems, to create intelligent links between disparate information items that enables information to better managed and leveraged.

When reading this, the Company tag line of FileNet "Better Decisions. Faster" comes into my mind. It seems that we are now beginning to make the vision much more real, in particular haviong technology like IBMs Watson in mind.

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[EN] Microsoft to Apple: You Will Lose In The Enterprise – Forbes

19. Juli 2012 Posted by Digital naiv - Stefan P.'s Blog

Apple had the chance to define the future workplace, but have been largely silent on the issue.

Here’s why: Apple has surprisingly little enterprise experience in the company despite its mobile device dominance in the workplace.  That’s left CIOs scrambling to devise their own device policy and an opening for Microsoft to bring clarity to it. Apple is officially in danger of losing their enterprise foothold. Ouch!

As far as I have seen there has never been a real focus from Apple itself on the enterprise. And I agree: This is a missed opportunity. The door was (perhaps is) still wide open. They just need to enter. Social ties everything together? Aggregated Activity Streams? And so on. If they don't want to do it themself, why don't they choose a more than natural ally? Very hard to understand, why they give away this chance. They had or have nothing loose, only to win even more.

Some more interesting quotes from Mark Fidelmans posting:

Microsoft lacks social in their DNA and is at risk of not following through with social.


I didn’t see anything about ‘smart data’ or data analytics. It’s a big miss.  Expect a big announcement or acquisition – there’s simply too much data being created to deprive a solution that makes sense of it. IBM and SAP are taking the lead here, Microsoft needs to follow suit.


You can bet on a few missteps along the way, but our workplace is going to change drastically in the next five years.   And change means a workplace that exists anywhere and everywhere. Are you preparing?

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