Posts Tagged: ‘Community’

Social Business Club tagt erstmals am 20. Oktober in Köln: Community Management und Social Recruiting

23. September 2015 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Der angekündigte, neu gegründete Social Business Club wird zum ersten Mal auf der IBM BusinessConnect 2015 am 20. Oktober ab 15:15 Uhr in Köln tagen. Zwei Vorträge stehen unter Moderation von Markus Besch auf der Agenda: Dr. David Wagner stellt von der German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS) Heilbronn, Deutschland stellt die Ergebnisse der Studie „Zum Status von Social Media und Community-Management in D-A-CH" des Bundesverband Community Management e.V. (BVCM) vom Sommer 2015 vor. Die Studie, die Dr. David Wagner leitete, hat das Ziel, das Arbeits- und Organisationsumfeld von Social Media & Commmunity Professionals sowie die Wirkung des Social Media und Community Managements auf den Unternehmenserfolg umfassend zu untersuchen. Es ist die erste groß angelegte Studie zu diesem Thema im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Danach berichtet Dennis Wachter von der Agentur Elbkind über "Social Recruiting in der Praxis bei der Deutschen Telekom am Beispiel der Kampagne "Leave your mark". Hier geht es darum, wie Telekom „Young Potentials“ auf sich und die neuen innovativen Themengebiete wie Smart Home aufmerksam machen kann. Einen ersten Eindruck davon vermittelt dieser Film:

Der Social Business Club richtet sich an Unternehmen und an Social Business-Enthusiasten, Community Manager und Strategen in Firmen. Der Club soll die Möglichkeit geben, sich unabhängig von Anbietern und eingesetzter Software zum Thema Social Business und digitale Transformation auszutauschen. Wer sich für den Social Business Club interessiert, kann sich unter registriere oder sich direkt mit Markus Besch ( in Verbindung setzen.

Anmelden kann man sich für den Social Business Club über die Anmeldeseite der IBM BusinessConnect.

Best Practices Social Business: Community Management & Strukturierung als Thema des AK-Workshops Social Software & Knowledge Management am 11. November 2013 in Frankfurt

14. Oktober 2013 Posted by Roswitha Boldt

Die nächste Veranstaltung des DNUG Arbeitskreises "Social Software & Knowledge Management" findet am 11. November 2013 ab 13 Uhr im Lindner Congress Hotel in Frankfurt/Main statt - im Vorprogramm der diesjährigen Herbstkonferenz "Social Collaboration 39".


Warum sollten Interessenten bzw. Nutzer von IBM Connections / Social Software teilnehmen?

Sie haben in Ihrem Unternehmen IBM Connections installiert und eingeführt! Sie haben alle Widerstände im Vorfeld überwunden und es geschafft, dass die Plattform in Ihrem Unternehmen ausgerollt werden kann. Sie haben sich auch die Unterstützung des Managements, des Betriebsrates und dazu die Zustimmung der Mitarbeiter erarbeitet. Und nun merken sie, dass das Ganze kein Selbstläufer ist. Sie stellen fest, dass zwar die benötigten Funktionen da sind, aber trotzdem füllen sich die Blogs nicht, nur ein paar Wikis werden von den üblichen Verdächtigen gepflegt und der Activity Stream gleicht eher einem stillen Gewässer denn einem Fluss.

Im Vordergrund der Diskussion und des Erfahrungsaustauschs im AK-Workshop steht „Community Management“ sowie - als ein weiteres Element für die erfolgreiche Etablierung - das Thema „Gamification“. In beide Themen bringen sich erfahrene Co-Moderatoren ein - Katharina Perschke, Robert Bosch GmbH, und Felix Binsack, TIMETOACT Group.

Die Workshops des Arbeitskreises sind seit Jahren durch eine hohe Interaktion zwischen allen Anwesenden geprägt. Die Leiter - Joachim Haydecker, Selbstständiger IT-Consultant, und Anja Wittenberger, Communardo Software GmbH, gestalten die Workshops so interaktiv, wie Sie es von Ihren Anwendern auf ihrer Social Business Plattform erwarten.


Melden auch Sie sich an und bereichern Sie die Erfahrungsdiskussion im Workshop mit ihren Fragen, Ideen und Anregungen.

Anmeldung zum AK-Workshop


Überblick über die Vorveranstaltungen der Social Collaboraiton 39

Überblick über das Konferenzprogramm





On the Power of Communities to connect Employees, Customers, and Partners

23. August 2012 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Building out an enterprise social network (ESN) goes beyond just connecting employees to each other. Talking about a company’s ESN one might picture a single network, but in reality many companies will operate with several / many interconnected communities and networks. That’s one of the reasons that community platforms, ESN platforms and private social networks need to be built on open standards. Disconnected communities and networks perpetuate silos. Integration is really critical.

Customer communities are used by companies for many different activities, support and service, marketing, and sales. As customers interact in the community a great deal of valuable content is developed. The value of that content is greatly increased by providing a method for sharing. Beyond the content the interactions in the community provides useful insight into the members behavior. Using analytics to examine the data, a great deal can be added to a prospect’s / customer’s profile. The information can be used to provide a much richer customer experience. The problem though, is getting that information into the right hands inside a company. Most communities are disconnected from the internal systems and thus, create data silos.

A great description, why Communities make sense in communicating with customers and Business Partners. This is why the idea of a Social Portal hosting not only the company web site but social functions including communities is so powerful. Talking about my own work I am extensively using Communities to get my job done:

  • The EULUC-platform to communicate with the German users and User Group DNUG - and now you guys out there.
  • User Communities are today an extremely important instrument to have a two-way-communication and discussion with your customers. In my previous role as Marketing Lead for IBM Collaboration Solutions in Germany I was (and I still am) leveraging the EULUC-community. This is the platform of the German IBM Collaboration Solutions User Group running on the newest release of IBM Connections. It is being hosted by Softwerk and, two German Business Partners. The discussions on EULUC and the two blogs, which Stefan Krueger and myself have been cultivating, became an indispensable part of our communication an Marketing mix. Our German customers know in between that they will always find the newest information in this community. And of course the blogs offer the opportunity to post different kind of information's from press and blog clippings up to personal comments (which are made visible as personal statements). The click rates are impressive: the IBM Collaboration Solutions Germany reached 3.650.707 clicks as of today (May 28, 2012). Of course EULUC is not a one-way-communication vehicle for marketers. It is much more. It is a real community, where we as a vendor get and want feedback and where lively and of course sometimes controversial discussions. And I know that even our competitors are very active readers of the Community … It is a place, where you can meet the experts, not only the IBM experts but the experts from our customers and partners. Not a surprise that the Meet the Expert-blog and community is highly used.

  • IBM SmartCloud for Social Business to work with my suppliers.
  • One of the most appealing use cases for me is working with my supply chain and my partners. As a marketer I am obviously organizing campaigns and events. External suppliers are always involved in these projects, e.g. our PR Agency Text100, our event agency, my partner in crime CPP, Freelancers, Speakers etc. What are you doing in these projects? You define Milestones, you are assigning and hopefully tracking tasks, you are sharing and collaborating on files, you write meeting minutes and much more. Of course you need to share and track all this information. So typically files and info's are send by Email, tasks are managed in extensive spreadsheets, which are again being distributed by Email. And we all experience the disadvantages of Email for sharing and tracking projects, information and files.  A few years ago I changed the way how I manage projects and in particular events away from the Email centric approach to I would call the the „Social Business“ way. I am using with my suppliers IBM's Smart Cloud for Social Business. I am setting up a project community and activity in the cloud, invite the internal IBMers to the project, include my external suppliers and manage the whole project collaboratively in this community.

  • Communities on to collaborate and innovate on different topics.

  • The German IBM Web team around Petra Baeuerle did set up the IBM BlueBlog, a group blog, where IBM'ers like myself are posting their views in German language. The Community, Blog and other functions of IBM Connections are available on to be leveraged by IBM'ers, customers and partners for their special interests and topics. I used to run some communities on, e.g. around our two IBM Social JamCamps, which took place 2011 and 2010. This power of Social is unbelievable important to energize your web site and it is the reason, why we have most recently extended functionality and integration of the IBM Exceptional Web Experience Suite to provide an even deeper and smoother integration between the traditional Portal and WCM with the social functions of IBM Connections.

These are only a few examples out of my life, where I leverage communities. There are many more beyond Marketing in Product Development, HR, Sales and many more functions. I strongly believe that we will see more and more Communities leveraged. They will be a Communication and Dailogue Hub between the Enterprise and its external eco system, crucial for running the business successfully. I am looking forward to the next release of Connections which will even extend the capaibilities of linking internal and external communities together, And to finish this posting, I would like to reference again to this great graphic from Dion Hinchcliffe visualizing the importance of communities for the Next Generation Enterprise:

 image – European #SocBiz Blog is LIVE

21. August 2012 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

The new European #SocBiz Blog is live under First posts have been published and we are looking forward to your participation. It should become a place,

  • where the dialogue in particular between European Social Business Adoptors can take place,
  • where you can share ideas and discuss with your peers,
  • where you can network and meet people, who are facing the same challenges,
  • where you find newest information around Social Business.

In the next weeks we will extend the funtionality from blogging to the full extend of an IBM Connections based-Community with Forums, Bookmarks, Files, Media Gallery, Idea Blog and more. Stay tuned.

Thank you very much to the German Collaboration User Group DNUG and its board. They have offered us their Euluc-platform as the place to host this new community. And by our request they are opening up the platform, so that all modules can be read without a login. Thank you in particular Reiner Gratzfeld, Birgit Krüger, Jürgen Zirke and Roswitha Bold from DNUG. And thank you to the teams of and Softwerk, which are technically hosting the environment. We really appreciate all your support.

Currently the is moderated: Anyone can see and read, but you must ask to join and actively contribute. Based on your input and requests, we may open it up completely (anyone can see and join). If you want access to the platform or become an active blogger, please register for EULUC through this link: and the Tab Registration. You will get your login within short period from the DNUG Team. Afterwards please request to join the Community. And there you are ... Looking forwrd to share and discuss ideas with you.

Nehmen Sie sich "Zeit für z"!

7. September 2011 Posted by Amir-Sasan Bahreini

 Nehmen Sie sich "Zeit für z"!
Werden auch Sie Teil unseres Netzwerks und seien Sie dabei, wenn wir in regelmäßigen Abständen
und an interessanten Orten
in ganz Deutschland zu unseren "Zeit für z"-Events einladen.
Es gibt drei gute Gründe dabei zu sein:
1. Zeit für Expertenaustausch auf Augenhöhe
2. Zeit für neueste Informationen rund um System z
3. Zeit für eine Alternative der IBM Breakfast Briefings
Nehmen Sie die Möglichkeit wahr und registrieren Sie sich hier, damit wir auch Sie zu unserer "Zeit für z" Community zählen dürfen.
Somit verpassen Sie keine wertvollen Informationen mehr rund um das Thema System z!