Posts Tagged: ‘Digital Marketing’

☠️🔥 5 things marketers can learn from Doom 🔥💀

12. November 2021 Posted by Catrina Boisson

Slaying it in Marketing just like in a video game

Doom is the OG of immersive video games.  In 1993, Doom essentially created the genre, and almost 30 years, 20 releases and more than 10,000,000 sales later, the franchise is still considered by many to be the best of all times.

A big part of what makes Doom so popular is that it delivers “flow”– defined by psychologists as a “mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment of the process of the activity.”

But what does that have to do with marketing?

I’d argue that

  • The marketing equivalent of flow is the age-old “right message delivered at the right time to the right person via the right channel” — marketing so relevant and seamless it feels like a service instead of an intrusion.
  • The keys to achieving flow-state marketing, just might be found in video games


First-person Perspective

In immersive games like Doom, the player is the protagonist.  Everything that happens, unfolds through their eyes, their perspective.

Translation – The best marketing is no longer product centric or channel specific.  It’s customer centric and experience driven. Stop selling and instead think about what your customer is trying to do and how you can help them meet that need.



In Doom, a player has infinite choices, but they are presented in a way that fits the specific situation and moment in time.

Translation –The best personalization is real-time, contextual and individual.  It reflects everything you know about your customer combined with what they are doing now, in channel.



When you play Doom the action isn’t just happening to you, you are driving the action.  And you live or die based on the decisions you make…

Translation – In a world of GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA and IOS 15, customers control their data. They are only going to allow you to collect it if they trust how you will use it. Don’t spam them or overload them or ignore their explicit preferences. Show them you know them.



Thousands and thousands of hours go into developing a game like Doom. The action may feel effortless, but it’s being driven by lines of code — programming and business rules and machine learning algorithms.

Translation – You can’t deliver a seamless, relevant, omnichannel experience if you are stitching together campaigns across channels, tossing data across platforms and analyzing responses across silos.  You need automation and integration and ideally, an element of self-learning/optimization.


The Journey

We are not talking Pong or PacMan, where your final score was probably the best determinant of enjoyment. When you play Doom you are immersed in a story that progresses over time and you are an active participant in the action that propels that story forward.

Translation – Marketing today needs to be about conversations, not campaigns. We’ve been mapping customer journeys for years, but now it’s time to actually operationalize those journeys.


We may be the OG of marketing platforms, but with the new release of v12.1.1, our solutions for real-time personalization, journey orchestration and campaign optimization are helping modern marketing organizations across the world universe 🚀 slay today’s monster challenges💀… just like Doom🔥.

If you’re ready to achieve flow-state marketing, Unica is here to help.

Unica the OG of Marketing

[EN] The Role of Social Media in B2B buyers’ decision making | CustomerThink

20. Januar 2016 Posted by StefanP.

Some key facts and recommended read on the role of social media in B2B buyers’ decision making, which should make us think.

To put this in perspective, one American university study found a massive 75% of B2B buyers were influenced by information they found on social media – showing that having a well thought out strategy really can prove vital.

…, researchers divide buying into 3 distinct phases: Identifying and defining the need (Awareness stage). Identifying potential suppliers. (Consideration) and final supplier selection (Conversion).

According to their findings, Facebook and blogs are most useful in the first phase. LinkedIn and blogs are the most effective in the second phase and Twitter and Facebook are most useful in the final stage of buying.

… 57% strategically browse existing conversations on social media as part of their purchase research. So taking part in those industry-related conversations and showing off your expertise online is a must…. The most popular sites used being industry-specific forums, which stood out from the rest in terms of both usage and their influence.

…Love them or hate them, it’s worth mentioning here that Google still remains the first place many people will go when they want to search for something online – be it a product, service or company, reviews or other information. …

Source: The role of social media in B2B buyers’ decision making | CustomerThink

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: B2B, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing

[EN] Lessons on Paid Media and let us respect our Customers [INFOGRAPHIC] | via Social Media Today

15. Oktober 2015 Posted by StefanP.

As a strong believer in good, relevant, if possible regional relevant content I do find this infographic and the findings of the survey behind it extremely useful. I do see a tendency right now to invest in Paid Media – which is the right way -, but to forget, what the potential customer wants:

  • They don’t want to get annoyed by Paid Media.
  • They don’t want to fill out endless registration forms in an early stage of information discovery. Nor do they want to be called by Sales people to early.
  • Personalization is great, but potential customers are more and more sensitive, that their private data is being protected.
  • And they appreciate high quality content.

Let us keep that in mind, when talking about Content Marketing, Marketing Automation and Inbound Marketing. Yes, we all want to sell something, but let us respect our customers!


Brands provide serious value through their content, and their profile organically rises among consumers; they become a brand people trust and eventually a brand people turn to for purchasing needs. …

The lessons: Your paid media content must not appear to be creepily informed by personal data, but it must be relevant. … Brand content—whether paid or organic—must make building trust and not selling product the core effort. In a world where there is so much sales noise online, brands will only break through by providing value and engendering trust. Don’t stop the creative efforts at the ad. Make sure landing pages and directed traffic go to content that is equally persuasive and fresh.

Source: Is Paid Media Dead? [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Advertising, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Paid Content

[EN] How to Create a High-Converting Landing Page (@JeffBullas)

11. September 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Very true statements on the importance of good landing pages with a clear, interesting and impactful call to action:

What is the first thing visitors notice when they come to your website?

If you’re being deliberate about how you direct people to your site, it’s going to be a landing page. The first glimpse of your landing page decides whether the viewer will stay on your website or if they will bounce.

Every cent you spend on running ads, or every minute you commit to writing guest posts – all of it is a waste if you don’t convert visitors into leads or customers. …

It usually serves a purpose of enticing a website visitor to do something specific – sign up for your email list, buy a product or set up a meeting.… every website landing page should accomplish one goal- whether it is about selling something, creating brand awareness or growing leads. Your landing page should be different from your website’s homepage. Just make sure that the visitor gets the information they are looking for, otherwise, they won’t hang around.

Source: How to Create a High-Converting Landing Page (Jeff Bullas)

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Web Experience

[EN] Marketing to the “Connected” Generation

9. September 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Think about it!

This is the “connected” generation, those 18-34 year olds who are now responsible for $500 billion in internet spending each year. And in just a few more years, they will make up 75% of the workforce. Here are a few characteristics of this group that should impact your marketing strategies:#

  • They’re connected all the time
  • They’re disconnected from traditional attempts of businesses to reach them, even via content marketing
  • They rely on friends for recommendations
  • They don’t want to be “pushed”
  • They want reasons to read and share – they’re amused, they’re entertained, they’re asked to participate, they see cleverness, they see authenticity, and they see social responsibility

Source: Content Marketing Strategy for the Next Decade – 10 Things to Think About | Social Media Today

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Customer Experience, Digital Marketing, Marketing

[EN] Even more in Digital: You need to know your Customers

23. Februar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Are your digital channels the most effective ones?

While digitization, overall, is a no-regrets play, some channels resonate more in certain industries. When we compared two retail brands, we found that social media converted consideration into purchases twice as effectively as other digital channels did. For two Italian banks we studied, online searches were found to be five times more effective than other digital channels in converting consumers. The key is to know your customer, figure out the correct digital channel, and use these insights while building your ecosystem.

The digital revolution cuts two ways for companies as customers with a wider range of options become more difficult to reel in. However, brands that have moved swiftly to master digital channels—gaining a deep understanding of customer preferences, crafting digital experiences, and improving offerings via social feedback—are establishing a competitive advantage that may be difficult to beat.

via Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism | McKinsey & Company.

I strongly believe, that companies have no choice to go digital, if they want to survive. Is it easy? No! You need to know your customers and you constantly need to evaluate and re-evaluate your channels.

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation

[EN] Marketers: 85 % of the Business Executives prefer Text when making Business Decisions

22. Oktober 2014 Posted by StefanP.

Content Marketing (in conjunction with Digital Marketing) are hot at this very moment. And of course Marketing Departments are discussing, how much and which content to create. Obviously in the age of YouTube and Instagram in particular the younger marketers are pushing videos and graphics as content type. As an old-fashioned former journalist I still believe in text (although I did radio and TV for a short while) and this study by The Economist confirms my preference:

85 % of the Business Executives report preferring text over video and audio when making business decisions


Ok, just kidding. I believe in a good content mix and having all target groups to reach in mind.

Essence: Don’t forget text and don’t forget to produce valuable text, which is not only promoting your products and services. Provide information, not promotion. Don’t forget the Business Executive, who still prefers text, while informing the influencers and usually younger guys with videos, podcasts and infographics.

Filed under: English Tagged: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, featured, Marketing

[DE] Zuhören statt Abhören – Die feine Linie zwischen erwünschtem Service und Spionage

20. Oktober 2014 Posted by StefanP.

In den vergangenen Monaten hat mich das Thema Big Data, Analytics und Personalisierung im Zusammenhang mit dem Tracken von Kunden- bzw. Surfverhalten stark umgetrieben. Jeder kennt das Thema ja: Cookies – und nicht nur die – erfassen, wo man im Netz gesurft hat und wofür man sich interessiert, was man vielleicht kaufen möchte. Plötzlich tauchen auf allen möglichen oder unmöglichen Webseiten entsprechende Angebote auf. Das kann nerven.

Auf der einen Seite kann es nützlich sein, aufgrund der eigenen Interessen, Informationen eingeblendet zu bekommen. Ich finde es beispielsweise gut, wenn mir auf Amazon aufgrund meiner gekauften Bücher, weitere Lektüre vorgeschlagen wird. Ich finde es dagegen nervig, wenn ich nach dem Kauf eines Produktes noch wochen- oder monatelang mit entsprechenden Offerten genervt werde. Da hilft nur: Alle Cookies radikal löschen.

Tja, es ist eine feine Linie zwischen dem Gefühl, abgehört und belästigt zu werden oder aber, dass einem zugehört und auf die Privatsphäre und das Wohlbefinden Rücksicht genommen wird. Und es gibt auch hier keine einfache Lösung – außer man ist wirklich transparent. Ich warte noch auf den Online Banner, der mich fragt: Wollen Sie wirklich noch Informationen zu XYZ oder sollen wir die Berieselung sparen?

Schwierig, aber gerade wir Marketiers müssen uns des Themas annehmen, denn die Sensibilität vieler Kunden und Interessenten gerade hier in Deutschland nimmt immer mehr zu.

Was ist Ihre/Eure Empfehlung und Meinung?

Hier einige Links und Zitate, die ich in den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten gefunden und kuratiert habe:


Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: Big Data, Data Privacy, Digital Marketing, featured, Marketing

[EN] Data should work in both your and the customer’s favor

13. Oktober 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

As a marketer, however, I have to be careful with how I use shared information. As a B2B marketer, I have to be even more careful, since most B2B software purchasers have grey hair like me and tend to be less trusting when it comes to privacy.

The trick is to leverage data in a way that provides the best experience possible, without risking your customer relationships by creeping them out. …

Remember that data should work in both your and the customer’s favor. As long as you’re respectful and responsible regarding boundaries of privacy, using these insights can create a more personalized experience that your customers will not only approve of but also appreciate.

via 3 Rules of Respectful Data-Driven Marketing.

Brillant summary by Heather Zynczak.

And no, I don’t agree with the ignorance of Google CEO Eric Schmidt or Sun Microsystems former CEO Scott McNealy.

Filed under: English Tagged: Data Privacy, Digital Marketing, Marketing

[EN] More than just a Vague Concept – Getting Content Marketing right

8. Oktober 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Content marketing is currently on everyones lips that is to say, on marketerslips. Customers are apparently just waiting to be won over with great new content. Critics are quick to decry content marketing as a vague concept that is little more than hot air. I dont quite share that opinion, but I do think that good content is always important, no matter what. To my mind, it goes without saying that there are criteria for and challenges involved in creating good content.

Today, content is, without a doubt, a multimedia animal. Younger generations are not alone in consuming their information increasingly through the medium of video. Personally, Im not the biggest fan of videos as I dont really like to wear earphones, dont want to annoy my fellow passengers when Im traveling, and cannot turn up the sound when using the second screen and watching TV (only news, you understandOkay, Ill admit it: soccer too). I have also produced or managed the creation of increasing numbers of videos in recent years. However, it is important to compare user traffic with the number of hits for text information in order to decide whether the effort involved in making a video is worth it for the respective target group.

Audio mainly podcasts is on the way out, even though it could actually make a lot of practical sense: like listening to a podcast in the car on the way to work, for example. It sounds like a great idea, but I have never managed to download the right podcast, and I find it irritating to fiddle about with my smartphone while driving. One is supposed to keep ones eyes on the road, after all! And I also found that I was quickly distracted and no longer able to concentrate on what the podcast was talking about. So, I could rewind it and listen to it again, right? Yeah, but I never did get round to that

High Quality Content = Correct Spelling + well written Text

Whether video, podcast or written text, I firmly believe that content has to be of high quality and be put together in an interesting way. Correct spelling is a duty, well-written texts an art. I dont want to go so far as to say that writing is a science, but there are loads of tips and hints out there on how to prepare texts, and many excellent reference works on style. There are rules used by journalists, for example, on how to write a good first paragraph, and the advice that it is better to write a sentence in the active voice or to use verbs rather than strings of nouns. Writing good copy can also be learned, i.e. by having seasonedcolleagues read over your work and make suggestions.

Why do I keep harping on about this subject? Lots of texts in the IT sector are in dire need of improvement, especially those translated from sources originally in English. Not only white papers translated from English into other languages are, all too often, a catastrophe. Julia McCoys article on Social Media Today hits the nail on the head; far too much crappy content is produced today. Which is why I strongly feel that professional writers and copywriters should be hired, and that training should be provided for the relevant employees, who are hopefully active bloggers or contributors to forums. Its only people who do this that will end up producing texts that interest their readers.

The Art of Story Telling: Good stories are personal, authentic and interesting

And this is where the word storytellingcomes into play. I like it when stories are personal, authentic and interesting. By the way, only those who actually communicate with their customers, either face to face or via digital channels, are in a position to tell stories. Stories, personal experiences and the experiences of others (testimonials, etc.) are the things that readers probably find most interesting and what influence them most. Copywriters can also receive coaching on how to find and prepare these kinds of stories. The same goes for creating video and audio content.

The whole time we are creating such texts, videos and audio streams, we need to bear in mind our recipientslevel of concentration attention spans seem to be getting ever shorter. At a conference a few weeks ago, Jennifer Beck of Gartner said that todays readers can concentrate on a single topic for only eight minutes. Its no coincidence that a TED talk lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes. And, according to the most recent studies, these days we have just eight seconds to catch someones attention. Good headings not just written for the sake of Google the right keywords and an interesting image are the things that inspire Internet users to read on.

For me, these are all good reasons to create high-quality content and to avoid lapsing into the hackneyed phraseology of advertising speak and company communications jargon. A question that naturally interests me most in my job is what types of content people are consuming most often in the B2B arena right now. Here are some results from Demand Gen Reports 2014 B2B Content Preferences Survey:

© 2014 B2B Content Preferences Survey

© 2014 B2B Content Preferences Survey

© 2014 B2B Content Preferences Survey

White papers, case studies and webinars are still at the top of the list and these are almost always longer chunks of information that require longer attention spans. However, preferences appear to be shifting towards interactive, multimedia and shorter content, the survey concludes. The graph above only displays the sources that were used. Recommendations from other customers, so-called peer referrals,were actually most highly valued. Moreover, the surveys authors recommend a stronger focus on interactive content and content that can be consumed or read on the go.

We need the Subject Matter Experts to be vocal

I would recommend a different focus: quality and people. I am convinced that we need more high-quality content written by experts. Theres enough pseudo-official marketing blather out there, and a lack of real-life experience and people who really care and know about the issues. These subject matter expertsrange from employees at your own company to business partners and customers. The platforms that these experts can and should use to get their message across are specialist communities or blogs. Breathing life into both of these areas is surely no easy task, and may require a community manager or an editorial schedule for blogs.

Hosting a blog on a company website was one of the top recommendations from Gartners Jennifer Beck, whom I mentioned earlier. I have experienced for myself just how difficult it is to get a blog of this kind up and running (I have deliberately avoided using the term corporate bloghere). The fact that writing blogs is worthwhile for a whole number of reasons has been articulated by commentators. But the bar is set especially high for corporate blogs. Far too often, corporate blogs degenerate into a mere platform for the repetition of marketing and advertising messages, which are on the company website anyway. And thats exactly what readers dont want. Your blog shouldnt focus on your own products and company, but the apparent benefit for the reader. A good corporate blog therefore does not revolve around the bloggers company, but focuses on the ins and outs of topics that the company addresses in its work.

I am a fan of group blogs blogs with multiple authors especially in the corporate domain. This relieves the authors of much of their time pressure and emotional burden. Nevertheless, these authors still need to be given the time to write articles and to be offered coaching. This is the only way to get them on board as writers. By the way, the aforementioned subject matter experts are very sensitive to marketing speak. They dont want to be harnessed as marketing tools; they want to preserve their status as lofty experts. And I think thats fine even if my saying so might make some of my colleagues want to pelt me with rotten tomatoes. Hark, my dear marketing colleagues! They will still write about the topics addressed by your company, mention your products, and communicate to the world how competent your company is.

Share your Quality Content – avoid to much Advertising and Promotions

Of course, its not enough to just create high-quality content. People out there need to hear about the content via Google, tweets, Facebook, e-mail newsletters, Xing or LinkedIn, and all of these great ways to disseminate content. Some of my friends called me a marketing centrifuge because I (naturally) share content on Google+, Facebook and Twitter via tools like Hootsuite, with my multiple accounts. The text is often identical the same 140 characters that Twitter allows me as a limiting social channel although the content actually ought to be tailored to the respective social channel. But lets be realistic: who has time for that?

I am not afraid to share and promote content that I consider to be important and of high quality via these channels. But I do have a problem with sharing mere advertising or event and product promotions. Of course, the people in charge of the products do ask me to do this, but I try to avoid such messages as far as possible and only share them via the official social media channels. Too much advertising can damage not only the credibility of a blog but also of an individual Web user. But this is a topic big enough for an article all its own, about what one should and shouldnt do as a company representative and social media expert.

So what is my (preliminary) summary of content marketing?

  1. No matter what kind of content text, audio, video, interactive content the quality is what counts. That is why good content needs good authors who know how to write.
  2. Authenticity matters. If experts blog about their own companies, then this pays great dividends. But they need to be given adequate time, training, and a reward for their efforts.
  3. Corporate blogs only make sense if they are underpinned by a binding editorial schedule incorporating authors, and are not awash with company blather. Just generating content is not enough. Blogs require a plan and a concept for getting their content out to a wide audience.
  4. Only creatung content is not enough. You need to have a concept and plan behind it, how to share the content and to reach your target audience.

Thats my two cents on content marketing for now. There is a lot more to say, but thats the nature of the beast. I would be happy to hear your comments and suggestions for further discussion.

Filed under: English Tagged: Blogging, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, featured, Marketing

[EN] Forget Inbound – Unbound your Marketing

26. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Gleanster Research just published their evaluation of Marketing Automation offerings and Ian Michiels their CEO makes the following statement on Inbound Marketing:

Forget inbound – unbound your marketing. … It’s also more expensive. Inbound is beneficial, but it will never replace traditional marketing tactics. … Bottom line, you need to invest in a mix of inbound and outbound marketing – and the marketing automation partner you choose ought to be open to some level of SPAM-compliant outreach to non-opt-in lists, … That’s the key, you can’t just deliver generic messages to generic lists anymore – it’s bad for your brand. But you should be able to deliver targeted messages to relevant recipients without “hoping they come across a blog post or find a whitepaper”. … With more and more innovation around predictive insights (using your existing win/loss data from your salesforce automation system) you can actually narrow down very relevant target audiences that have the greatest chance of converting. That way you don’t waste boatloads of money on a top of the funnel strategy that only drives a handful of leads.

via 3 Compelling Trends to Watch in Marketing Automation | Social Media Today.

Not sure, if I agree on to be open for SPAM-compliant outreach. I personally hate to get email newsletter I didn’t explicitly opt in for.  This SPAM for me!

And not sure on his perception on “hoping they come across a blog post or find a whitepaper”. I am a strong believer of attracting potential customers through quality content. This doesn’t mean to sit down and relax and wait for the customers. It means to be actively promoting the offerings.

A mix of inbound and outbound tactics: YES.

More personalized messages delivering what the customer is interested in: YES

SPAM and unwanted outbound-generated messages: NO!

Filed under: English Tagged: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

[EN] In the Digital Age Advertsing and Social Media Teams need to merge into one Digital Team

24. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

IBM Experts on

IBM Experts on

Very good and true examination by Jennifer Polk from Gartner. The borders between paid, owned and earned media are getting porous, I wouldn’t say transparent (yet). Take, a German language platform on important IT topics. This is a perfect example of a platform sponsored by a vendor, enriched by professional copywriters with independent quality content. It is around the IBM growth initiatives Analytics & Big Data, Mobile, Social Business, Commerce and Cloud offering IBM Subject Matter Experts as sparring partners for customers interested in these topics. Prospects and customers can get engaged through live chats or forums asking questions. IBMers are adding content (by the way nor official language press releases). The content is being distributed through social media through the platform channels, e.g. Twitter, official IBM channel and personal accounts from individual IBMers. And obviously tweets and comments are being earned from independent people on the web.

Who is running or should be running it? The department in charge of Social Media? The classical advertising department? At the end it doesn’t matter, who is paying the check. It all comes from IBM. But it matters to understand that Social Media and classical advertising converge and need to converge in the Social Age. In our case the Advertising department took the initiative and was heading down this path the lead. THANK YOU! We are in the age of Digital Marketing changing the roles of the last century. Social Media and Advertising teams need to merge into one Digital Team!

Social media managers and community managers—the hosts at the social marketing party—are really good at managing earned social media. … But they aren’t exactly experts in paid media. They haven’t had to be. …

On the other hand, digital advertising and media managers—experts at generating impressions—are really good at managing paid media. They can define the target audience, … and guarantee (sort of) that the right people are seeing the right message in the right place and at the right time. …

… Now those two worlds are converging colliding because success in social marketing requires paid advertising to ensure your compelling content actually reaches enough of the right people.

… If media managers and agencies want reach, they need social networks, but it’s not just about designing ads and buying slots. Success in social media requires an ongoing engagement.

…  Or do we see an emergence of a third, hybrid role that combines skills needed to manage both paid and earned media? Comment and tell us how your company manages these two silos and the convergence or collision of two worlds.

via Will paid and earned social media converge or collide? | Jennifer Polk.

Filed under: English Tagged: Advertising, Digital Marketing, Social Media

[EN] Does Content Marketing Replace the Seller?

19. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

What a question. I hear my colleagues from Sales screaming. My 2 cents: In Complex B2B sales with a complex customer journey we will need the seller for sure. But even there – and I am marketing B2B Software solutions – the Cloud paradigm is going to change the sales process. The decision process and the sales journey has already changed dramatically, although some people might deny this. Customers are coming to the table already well-informed with in-depth information, with insights and comments they got from the web on your company and product.

And they might already have made a decision – based on the information and quality content you have out there on the web not only on your own web site. You need to know what the questions of your customers are or might be, where they look for information beyond your web site, where people talk about your solutions or solutions like yours, who the influencers are and much more. The sales process has changed and much moved to marketing. Marketing needs to make sure to provide high quality content, put it on the right places, easy to find and build and maintain influence in the market. The seller becomes more a “closer” and somebody building at a very late stage in the sales and decision process a trustful relationship with the customer. For sure Sales and Marketing need to walk hand in hand even closer to analyze and understand the Customer Journey.

Modern buyers are stubbornly independent, going into the purchasing process armed with the notion that they’ll be the ones to lead the charge.

B2B buyers don’t want your brand’s help making their decisions.

  • 57% of the buyer’s journey is completed before speaking with sales. (source)
  • 67% of the buyer’s journey is done digitally. (source)
  • And, by 2020, analysts predict 85% of the customer experience won’t include human interaction. (source)

B2B buyers want to research a product, come to a conclusion, and throw down money with full anonymity from a sales representative. …

A well-written whitepaper, case study, or website can accurately convey all the information a buyer might need to make his or her decision. Does it replace a human? Of course not. … But it allows those people who want to make the purchase on their own, to do just that.

This is why content continues to be the major force behind all marketing and business efforts. For business transactions to happen, whether on a B2C or B2B level, you have to give the modern buyer the option to make his or her decision independently. …

The new, independent buyer is more likely to do business with your company if they can “get to know” your company online and at their leisure before meeting you face to face. Building that foundation of content now means you’ll be ready for those buyers who never want to interact with a salesperson.

via Content Marketing Minds: Could Content Marketing Replace the Human Sales Team? | Social Media Today.

Filed under: English Tagged: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Sales

[EN] A Definition of a Digital Business

12. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

We define Digital Business as follows:

A Digital Enterprise or Digital Business leverages (and ultimately is built upon), a range of digital technologies to drive revenue and create value for customers via innovative business strategies, processes and interactive experiences. At its core, Digital Business empowers buyers and sellers through data and collaboration, enabling analytics-based insights and behaviors, and the ongoing creation (and enhancement) of digital offerings.

Digital Businessis, at its core, a means to optimize how, when, and where business is done using a dynamic array of Cloud-enabled resources – with improved means of managing and monetizing those resources and the processes in which they are used.

via Cloud and Digital Business: Success Is More Than Innovation – Information Management Blogs Article.

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, SocBiz

[EN] The Digital Marketing Hub: Engage Audiences with Content appropriate to the Moment

11. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Since 2013 Gartner is pushing is the Digital Marketing Hub:

In fact, this is a key driver for the digital marketing hub, which is really about bringing the advantages of performance marketing to “broken-loop” marketing models, where decision journeys are anything but direct and revenue attribution is complex. Recall the characteristics of the digital marketing hub:

  1. A unified customer profile that combines first and third party data and the necessary instrumentation to achieve known and anonymous audience resolution.
  2. A content supply chain that “feeds the beast” with relevant offers, stories and experiences.
  3. Intelligent orchestration to sequence and coordinate this content to the moments that count on the decision journey, in near real time.
  4. Unified analytics that allow marketers to trace the thread from investments to outcomes so they can optimize investments to highest yield.

This last part certainly calls to mind performance marketing. The challenge, of course, is broadening these principles to apply to a more experience-centric way of thinking. Here, the goal is to engage audiences with content appropriate to the moment, often holding fire on the offer itself. The goal is to use data to drive dialogues to create loyalty and advocacy over time.

via Performance Marketing Comes of Age | Jake Sorofman

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Gartner, Marketing