Posts Tagged: ‘Marketing. SocBiz’

[EN] The Top 7 Things Obama Taught Us About the Future of (Social) Business – Forbes

21. Februar 2013 Posted by StefanP.

I really like this posting by Mark Fidelman and do agree with a lot of his points – and the criticism on some of the so called experts … I picked my favorite recommendations, but absolutely read the whole posting!

Forget what you’ve learned in business school. Forget the marketing consultants, public relations gurus, and social media experts. It isn’t working because they don’t have the big picture. The big picture as it turns out, played out on Election Day and is the reason Barack Obama was sworn in again as President.

There are a lot of lessons for business that played out that day – lessons for you, lessons to do, lessons to act on. It’s beyond the politics, the debates, and the spin. ..

1. Big data has purpose, little data has hope

… In other words, businesses must dig deeper to analyze their current and prospective customers’ needs and wants, and then use that data to target them with laser-like precision. Spray and pray messaging and advertising won’t cut it anymore. …

5. Working with influencers is powerful

… Smart businesses will learn how to work with their industry’s influencers in order to create what I call the Oprah Book club effect (or a massive increase in recognition and sales as a result of an endorsement). … The balance will increasingly shift towards influential people in the future. …

6. Mobilize your advocates, influencers, partners and employees

… Smart businesses will use mobile technologies to mobilize their advocates and influencers, employees and partners. They’ll bring them together as a formidable force. Instead of flash mobs, we’ll see a business’s mobilize their community to engage potential customers on a massive scale. They’ll monitor this swarm on mobile devices that provide bi-directional feedback to the organization to process, learn and adapt to the responses. …

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, we haven’t seen opportunities for business like we have today. We will see companies that understand how to best utilize the new strategies above sweep aside competitors and steal their market share. Big data – and how to make sense of it – is the missing link for true social business disruption.

via The Top 7 Things Obama Taught Us About the Future of Business – Forbes.

Filed under: English Tagged: Marketing. SocBiz