Posts Tagged: ‘web’

Domino & REST: Accessing Domino’s Environment / Check Authentication

2. März 2017 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

If we want to access Domino’s Environment, it is the ContextInfo class which gives us all we need. Everything you need to do to use the class is described in an earlier blog post.

The class gives mainly access to the following methods:

Method Description
getDataDirectory() Path to notes data directory
getEnvironmentString(String envName) Returns the environment variable
getServerDatabase() The actual database as NAPI object, if any
getServerVariable(String varName) Variables from the Request, i.e. „QUERY_STRING“
getUserDatabase() The actual database as Domino Java object, if any
getUserSession() The session of the actual user performing the request (
isAnonymous() true if the current user is Anonymous

Keep in mind that the incoming request is independently of any underlying Notes database. In our example, the URI http://your.server/dominorestservlet/helloworld/ does not run inside of a NSF, that’s why the getServerDatabase() and the getUserDatabase() methods returns null.

As a consequence, our servlet does not have any access restriction and is reachable as anonymous. If you want to access a database programatically, the „normal“ Domino access control is intervening again, but we can do the access check by ourself.

To prevent the access to the servlet, I have added a „checkAuthentication“ method to the RestApiServlet class. This method checks if the current user is a) not anonymous and b) a member of the group RESTAPIAccessAllowed. The method throws a NotAuthenticatedException which let’s the servlet return a HTTP 403.

Domino & REST: Consuming JSON

1. März 2017 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

Consuming JSON is as easy as pie: Just create a new method to the RestApiServlet,  add a @POST annotation, and declare the object you want to the parameters of the method:

    public Response postHelloWorld(HelloWorld helloWorld) {
        return Response.ok(helloWorld, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).build();

In this example we are using the same URI „/helloworld/„; because we now are using another HTTP method, there is no conflict between the two methods.

Have a look at the parameter of the postHelloWorld method: It is the HelloWorld class which now instantiated and filled automatically from the POSTed JSON data! We can access the object in Java, and in this short example the result is directly returned back in the response.

If we now send a JSON request with a „message“ field…

curl -i -X POST -d "{\"message\": \"foo\"}" \ 
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

… the response contains the message we have posted:

Domino & REST: A basic Servlet

28. Februar 2017 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

To have a good starting point when creating RESTful applications on top of Domino, I have created a „Hello World“ example of a JEE Application, based on Apache Wink & Jackson 2.5.0.

The Jackson AnnotaionProcessor is registered into Apache Wink application and is enabled by default, the JAXB processor is also included as the secondary AnnotationProcessor. The benefit of this is that only one global ObjectMapper instance is created and is reused, wich allows a better performance as when you create an own instance of an ObjectMapper for every request.

The servlet is deployed as a Plugin, so you need a working XPages plugin development environment first before you can build it (I won’t get in the details at this time). The code of the servlet can be found in the domino-rest-servlet.plugin project.

First have a look into plugin.xml: This file contains the extension point used by the plugin, which means that this tells the Domino server what is inside and what to do next with the plugin. The extension point is of type „“ and allows to run our own JEE application, independently of the XPages runtime. The contextRoot is the URI part on which our application „listens“. The contentLocation is where files are searched when accessed from the browser, and points to the WebContent folder (as you already know, it is the same as in XPages projects when using the package explorer view). Here you can store static files and/or resources if required.

The web.xml file is the servlet configuration and the place where the servlet is registered. With servlet-mappings you can define URI pathes *inside* of the JEE application.

In this example, every request is mapped to the RestServlet servlet when it is send to „http://your.server/dominorestservlet/„. It will be now processed by the class ch.hasselba.dominorestservlet.RestApiApplication, which „knows“ the RestApiServlet because of the @Path annotations.

Our „Hello World“ example is registered for the URI „/helloworld/“ and only for HTTP GET requests. As soon you are opening „http://your.server/dominorestservlet/helloworld/„, an instance of HelloWorld is created and transformed to JSON. The result looks like this:

{"message":"Hello World!"}

During the next blog posts, I will expand this example and explain step by step how a seamless integration in the Domino environment works.

You can find the code here:

Domino & REST: Listeners for Initialization & Destroying of a Servlet

27. Februar 2017 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

If you need to know when your Servlet is initialized or destroyed, you can use a ServletContextListener in your application.

First, create the class AppServletContextListener and implement the javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface. This provides two methods for capturing the events: contextInitialized and contextDestroyed:

package ch.hasselba.servlet;

import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;

public class AppServletContextListener
               implements ServletContextListener{

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent event) {
        System.out.println("ServletContextListener destroyed");

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
        System.out.println("ServletContextListener started");

The ServletContextEvent allows you to access the ServletContext if required.

Now you have to register the listener in your web.xml:


As soon as you start or stop the HTTP task, the Listener is called, and you can execute some application specific code (i.e. shutdown threads, bring out the garbage, etc.)

Jackson: Skip Objects conditionally

8. Februar 2017 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

I had a simple problem when implementing this brilliant solution in one of my REST applications: As soon I was using @JsonAnyGetter / @JsonAnySetter and the HidableSerializer together, a NPE was thrown during serialization. The Problem occured in Jackson 1.9.13 and even 2.5.0, the latest version usable with the actual Domino JVM.

  • Stack Trace (was java.lang.NullPointerException) (through reference chain: ch.hasselba.Test["[anySetter]"])
at ch.hasselba.HidableSerializer.serialize(
    at ch.hasselba.Demo.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    ... 7 more

After hours of investigation, a simple solution came up on SO: The default serializer must be resolved, and then the code will work. I just had to override resolve method of my HidableSerializer:

public void resolve(SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws JsonMappingException {
    if(defaultSerializer instanceof ResolvableSerializer) {

Here is a complete working example:


  • The Demo Code
package ch.hasselba;

import org.codehaus.jackson.Version;

public class Demo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        // register the module
        Version version = new Version(1, 0, 0, "SNAPSHOT");
        mapper.registerModule(new SimpleModule("HidableModule", version) {
            public void setupModule(SetupContext context) {
                context.addBeanSerializerModifier(new BeanSerializerModifier() {
                    public JsonSerializer<?> modifySerializer(SerializationConfig config, BasicBeanDescription desc,
                        JsonSerializer<?> serializer) {
                        if (IHidable.class.isAssignableFrom(desc.getBeanClass())) {
                            return new HidableSerializer<Object>((JsonSerializer<Object>) serializer);
                        return serializer;

        // the data
        String content = "{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }";

        // build the Object
        Test test = null;
        try {
            test =  mapper.readValue(content, Test.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // and now convert it back to a String
        String data = null;
        try {
             data = mapper.writeValueAsString(test);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println( data );




  • Test Class
package ch.hasselba;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnyGetter;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonAnySetter;

public class Test implements IHidable {

    private Map<String, Object> others = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();

    public Map<String, Object> getOthers() {
        return this.others;

    public void addOther(final String name, final Object value) {   
        this.others.put(name, value);

    public boolean isHidden() {
        return false;



  • Hideable Serializer
package ch.hasselba;


import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException;

public class HidableSerializer<T> extends JsonSerializer<T> {

    private JsonSerializer<T> defaultSerializer;

    public HidableSerializer(JsonSerializer<T> serializer) {
        defaultSerializer = serializer;

    public void serialize(T value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
            throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

        if( value instanceof IHidable ){
            IHidable hidableValue = (IHidable) value;
            if( hidableValue.isHidden() )
        defaultSerializer.serialize(value, jgen, provider);

   public void resolve(SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws JsonMappingException {
       if(defaultSerializer instanceof ResolvableSerializer) {


  • IHidable Interface
package ch.hasselba;

public interface IHidable {
    boolean isHidden();

Debug Retrofit REST applications

27. November 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

Today I had some problems with designing a Retrofit REST application, so I needed a way to debug the request and the response from the server. After poking around, I found the HttpLoggingInterceptor from OkHttp.  It provides all the functionality I need and is really easy to implement.

First you have create a OkHttpClient instance, add the interceptor and set the debug level to HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
HttpLoggingInterceptor interceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();

Next step is to add the client during the building of the Retrofit instance:

Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder().client(client).build();

Now you can see the HTTP data sent over the wire:

2015-11-27 21_11_08

Don’t forget to add the two required dependencies to your pom.xml:


Testing XPages (2): BrowserMob Proxy

17. September 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

When testing XPages or other web applications, you may want to have more control about the requests and responses during the JUnit testing. For example, if you want to test if a specific HTTP header exists in the response, or if it is required to add some HTTP headers to the request. But you cannot doe this out of the box with Selenium. Instead, you have to add a proxy to the Firefox controller, which then gives you a handle to the HTTP data and allows you to control the flow.

An good solution for this is BrowserMob Proxy, which can be used by adding the required dependency to your Maven pom.xml:


[This is version 2.0.0, the latest stable version]

The proxy runs locally on the specified port as soon the JUnit test starts and ends automatically after finishing the tests.  In order to accomplish this, the setUp method has to be modified:

// start the proxy (listens on port 4444)
server = new ProxyServer(4444);

// get the Selenium proxy object
Proxy proxy = server.seleniumProxy();

// configure it as a desired capability
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy);

Now, the proxy setting must be added to the Firefox driver:

driver = new FirefoxDriver(capabilities);

In the test class, three global variables must be defined; these are giving you access to the proxy server and latest the request and response during testing:

private ProxyServer server;
private BrowserMobHttpResponse httpResponse;
private BrowserMobHttpRequest httpRequest;

With the help of a ResponseInterceptor, the httpResponse property is always filled with the latest response. To initialize it, an anonymous class in the setUp method has to be created:

// add a response interceptor
ResponseInterceptor interceptor = new ResponseInterceptor() {
    public void process(BrowserMobHttpResponse response, Har har) {
          httpResponse = response;

// add the interceptor to the server

For the RequestInterceptor it is the same procedure:

// add a request interceptor
RequestInterceptor requestInterceptor = new RequestInterceptor() {
    public void process(BrowserMobHttpRequest request, Har har) {
       httpRequest = request;


Now, it is possible to use it in a JUnit test:

public void testDemo() throws Exception {
    // add a request header
    server.addHeader("X-FOO", "BAR");
    // load the page

    HttpResponse httpRawResponse = httpResponse.getRawResponse();
    assertTrue("HTTP/1.1 200 OK".equals(httpRawResponse.getStatusLine()
    assertTrue( "Lotus-Domino".equals( httpResponse.getHeader("Server")) );

The Browsermob-proxy has a lot of additional features: You can modify the allowed speed for up- and downstreams, use basic authentication, upload files, etc.

Testing XPages

16. September 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

When testing XPages with Selenium, you can easily pre-generate the JUnit test code with the browser plugin. But when you then change the structure of the XPage (f.e. by moving the components from an XPage to a custom control), all the IDs of the JUnit test will not work anymore.

That’s why it is better to use CSS selectors to access the generated fields:


With the selector „id*=’idOfTheComponent'“ you can access the elements by their component id, idependently of their full generated client id.

Here is an example with a small XPage with a radio group and a listbox:


A simple XPage to test (SimpleDemo.xsp)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">

        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="1" itemValue="1" />
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="2" itemValue="2" />

    <xp:listBox id="listBoxSimpleDemo" multiple="true">
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="1" itemValue="1" />
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="2" itemValue="2" />
        <xp:selectItem itemLabel="3" itemValue="3" />

 The JUnit Test

package ch.hasselba.xpages.test.seleniumdemo;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

public class SimpleDemo {

	private WebDriver driver;
	private String baseUrl = "";
	private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();

	public void setUp() throws Exception {
		driver = new FirefoxDriver();
		driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

	public void tearDown() throws Exception {
		String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors.toString();
		if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) {

	public void testDemo() throws Exception {
		List elemRadio = driver.findElements(By

		Select select = new Select(driver.findElement(By
		List listSelect = select.getOptions();
		for (WebElement listElem : listSelect) {


	public void reloadPage() {

The Maven pom.xml file

<project xmlns=""





17. Juni 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

Just a reminder for myself: To use a CDN for XPage resources, you can add a leading slash to the xsp.application.context.proxy property.


2015-06-17 10_52_08-view-source


Notes-Funktionen in JavaScript

6. März 2015 Posted by Lars Buntrock

Spätestens seit XPages Einzug in den Entwicklungsprozess von Notes Applikationen gehalten haben, müssen sich Entwickler zwangsläufig mit Web-Entwicklungstechnologien auseinandersetzen, u. a. auch mit JavaScript. Da gerade das Entwicklercamp 2015 zu Ende gegangen ist, hoffe ich, dass sich der Eine oder Andere hat begeistern lassen, neben der klassischen Notes-Entwicklung der Web-Seite (und hier insbesondere der XPages […]

REST & Security: Why HTTP GET is insecure (and the other methods too)

26. Februar 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

Yesterday René commented that submitting username and password with HTTP GET is insecure, because they are submitted in clear text over the wire as part of the URI.

At the first moment, I did not give some thought about it, because it is known fact that data added to an URI are less secure. They are added to the browser history, are logged in the requests on servers, and every proxy between the user’s browser and the requested server are seeing (and maybe logging) these URI’s too. That’s why HTTP GET is problematic: The credentials are accidentially spread over the whole world, like any other information which are appended to an URI.

In René’s example, he pointed out that a hotspot provider of a public WiFi can easily grab the URIs (and the credentials), and that’s the reason why HTTP GET is insecure. But this is not the whole truth: As soon HTTP data are going over the wire, the data can be fetched from anyone in the chain of the transport, and it doesn’t matter which HTTP method is used.

Some clever guys are running TOR exit nodes and grab the whole traffic through a transparent proxy, and because they have access to the whole traffic, they are able to fetch credentials from these requests. As long as the data are unprotected.

To protect your data, you have two choices: Use HTTPS connections or encrypt the data by yourself (f.e. with JWE). Manually encrypting won’t solve the problem of logging, but it can help to secure the data. But the preferred way is first one, because it solves all the problems of insecure data during their transport, and is really easy to implement. TLS / SSL is a layer between the TCP layer and the HTTP layer, and the whole traffic (the HTTP data) is encrypted. This includes the URI, only the target host is known to everyone involved of the transport

You shouldn’t use HTTP GET to transfer sensitive informations. The browser history is problematic, and the logs on the target server would contain the requested URIs. When developing a RESTful API you must bear this in mind.

Rest & Security: More about the DominoStatelessTokenServlet

25. Februar 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

During the last days I have refined the DominoStatelessTokenServlet a little bit. It is now a pre-beta release, and I think it is time to explain some details about it. While it is still a proof-of-concept, it demonstrates how a stateless authentication can easily be implemented. A lot of testing is still required until it is ready for production use, but I think it provides really cool things for the domino environment.

First, it fixes the problematic 200er HTTP response code when an authentication was not successfull. Then it introduces a higher security level for web based applications, because the authentication token is only transferred in the HTTP headers: A CSRF attack as shown here is not possible anymore. The authentication works accross multiple servers / clusters, which can become interesting for example when you want to share the authentication securely between a Bluemix hosted application and your companies hosted infrastructure; the token is created from a server running in your company, and is then used to identify a user in the cloud-based application (It’s a real authentication, not a “misused authorization” like OAuth).

The token can also be safely stored in an mobile app: When the device gets lost, the user credentials are not compromised. And it allows to create different tokens for different applications for the same user (currently not implemented).

As a short demonstration, I have added a Angular JS example (with a hardcoded token) to  show how it works in practise: An AJAX request is sent to the servlet, and the JSON response contains the name of the current Domino user.

The HTML page is not really complicated, it will just show the returned username:

<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
      <title>Hello AngularJS</title>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src="hello.js"></script>
      <div ng-controller="Hello">
         <p>Hello {{greeting.username}}!</p>

The “Hello” controller which performs the AJAX request adds the “X-AUTH-TOKEN” to the HTTP headers of the request:

function Hello($scope, $http) {

   // add a valid token to the headers
   $http.defaults.headers.common['X-AUTH-TOKEN'] = 

   // load the data
      success(function(data) {
         $scope.greeting = data;


And this is the result:

StatelessToken 01 - Validate Token

The Token consist of two parts: The data part, and the Hmac hash of the data. Both are Base64 encoded, and when the data part is decoded, you can currently see the username and the timestamp of the token generation:

  • Encoded
  • Decoded

Because the data are hashed it is not possible to modify them. The timestamp is validated from the servlet; as soon it is too old, it is not longer valid.

To create a token, the servlet must be currently opened with the username and the password as URL parameters:


In the response, the newly generated token is added to the HTTP headers:

StatelessToken 02 - Create Token

In the servlet configuration (web.xml), a backend user is defined on whose behalf a lookup to the NAB is made to verify the provided HTTP password.  The password for the hash is also stored there, and the maximum age of the token.

Rest & Security: A Stateless Token Servlet

10. Februar 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

I have uploaded some of my projects to GitHub, including an alpha version of a stateless token servlet.

The servlet has it’s own authentication mechanism (the password is currently not validated), and for developing purposes it uses HTTP GET. In a future release, the token will be transfered as a HTTP header. Additionally, the HTTP method will be changed to POST. Last but not least must the code be optimized. For example there is no recycling implemented at this moment, and there is a dubious bug in the token validation (which was solved by encoding it to Base64 and back again).

  • Generate a Token

To generate a new token, you have to open the servlet with the following URL format:

"/create?username=<CANONICAL USER>&password=<WHATEVER>"

Example for “CN=Sven Hasselbach/OU=Hasselba/O=CH

This will return a JSON string containg the newly generated token:


The Token is a Base64-encoded String containing a Timestamp, the Username and a Hmac Hash and only valid for one hour.

  • Validate a Token

To validate the token, you can use the URL



If the token is valid, a new “NotesSession” is created for the given user. The server response contains a JSON String with the current “EffectiveUserName”:

{user: 'CN=Sven Hasselbach/OU=Hasselba/O=CH'}

Because the servlet creates its own session, you can be logged in as a different user: The Domino authentication is not affected by the servlet.

REST & Security: Same-Origin Policy / CORS

2. Februar 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

The “Same-orginin policy is an important concept for protecting web applications. In short, only resources from the same domain are allowed, everything else is permitted. To allow access other domains in your application, you have to enable CORS, a tutorial how to enable this on a Domino server was written by Mark Barton a while ago.

It works fine for protecting an applications against DOM manipulations and/or injection of malicous script code, but this client side security restriction only blocks the response from the server. The client still sends a request, and this can be problematic for the security of a RESTful application.

To clearify this, here is a short example:

I have created a small HTML page containing an Ajax request to load some code of a XPages-based REST service on another server. This file is hosted on my server, and wants to access some data on my local Domino server:

   <h1>SOP Demo</h1>
      var xhr =(window.XMLHttpRequest)?new XMLHttpRequest():
          new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET","http://localhost/REST.nsf/SOPDemo.xsp/foo/",true);
      xhr.withCredentials = true;


The “withCredential” options ensures that an eventually existing Domino session is used when performing the request.

The REST service on my Domino server prints the actual username to the console:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                      print("Hello '" + session.getEffectiveUserName() + "'");

When opening this page, the response of the request is blocked, and that’s what the Same-origin policy was made for: If the response contains malicious Javascript code, this script won’t be executed.


The client is protected, but what about the request send to the server?


The request was made with my credentials, and that is why the “Same origin-policy” does not protect RESTful applications: If a victim visits my page, I am able perform malicious requests against a RESTful webservice in his context.

Raspberry Pi vs. IBM Bluemix – 1:0

28. Januar 2015 Posted by Sven Hasselbach

I had some time last night (the whole family had gone to bed early), so I spent some to look at the XPages integration into Bluemix. I found the Greenwell Travel Expenses Demo:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 10.24.41

But after clicking a link, the page returned an error:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 10.00.21

Hmm…But I wanted to see the application!

That’s why I checked, if the datasources are protected. I recommend this for years. Fredrik Norling wrote a little snippet for this. Or better use the “ignoreRequestParam“. Then all your problems are gone.

Bingo! Unprotected!

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 10.15.29

I now was able see a little bit more of the application and to check the underlying environment. But then came the moment where my brain forced me to try out some things:

First, I had to look again on the IP address in the error page: ““. This is not an  internal address. Let’s check it:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 10.34.08

Not reachable. Whois for “” ? “Fasthosts Internet Limited“. A provider in UK.

A ping to “” returned “″, which belongs to Softlayer. The server is allowed access other servers? Maybe the application can call me?

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 10.58.56

Yes, the application can:

Bildschirmfoto 2015-01-28 um 11.09.41


Now I can try to DoS the application.  Because the outgoing connection from the application waits for a response (think about “telnet 80“), I can create a bunch of requests, and the server will quickly reach it’s limit.

That’s why I created a simple bash script which makes HTTP request to the Bluemix instance. The script runs on a Raspberry Pi, to demonstrate the low demand of hardware requirements and to show how easy it is do make a DoS attack against a XPage application (if it is was not developed under security aspects).

Here is a short video (the source of the bash script is NOT shown, but it has fewer then 10 lines of code):

This was a “friendly” attack. I have not done anything harmfull. And this is a demo app; if it is not secure, this is not a real problem.

But last night I searched for some XPages servers in the WWW, and I found a lot of misconfigured systems: Error Page enabled, the “Ignore request parameter” is not set to “true” or at least the hack from Fredrik running. And the servers are allowed to access the whole internet… Dev’s and Admins should do their jobs better!

If you plan to migrate your apps to the cloud, please learn more about security. Or hire some specialists with the knowledge and experience in this sector. It is worth the time and the money.