Archive for: ‘Februar 2015’

Aus für Desktops und Notebooks?

24. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Experts

Dass herkömmliche Rechner im Format von PCs und Notebooks am Ende sind, wird im Zuge der Tablet-Euphorie ja schon länger diskutiert. Die abnehmenden Verkaufszahlen schienen den Anhängern dieser These...

PIMpen Sie Ihren Online-Handel

24. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Experts

Multichannel-Strategien haben im E-Commerce nur dann eine Chance, wenn dem Kunden stets aktuellen Produktinformationen zur Verfügung stehen - zur richtigen Zeit, am richtigen Ort, in der richtigen...

Schüler ganz versessen auf Unterricht!

24. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Experts

Das ist doch mal eine Meldung nach dem Motto "Mann beißt Hund"! Laut jüngster Erkenntnisse des Branchenverbandes Bitkom hätten viele Schüler gerne mehr Unterricht – zu Themen rund um das Internet....

CeBIT 2015: Start-ups starten Success mit IBM

24. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Einen Überblick über das IBM Angebot können sich junge Unternehmen und Entwickler im Rahmen der IBM Start-up Rally@CeBIT2015 verschaffen.

[EN] Using Social as the Entry Point for Digital Transformation

23. Februar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

I like the headline of this infographic from Dion Hinchcliffe: a perfect fit to my posting on the end of Social Business  – as we know it ;-). Talk business cases, use cases, business processes, not social blabla. And think about how digital is going to change and transform your industry, company, processes!

The German language version is here – and on some other platforms.

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Transformation, SocBiz

[EN] Even more in Digital: You need to know your Customers

23. Februar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Are your digital channels the most effective ones?

While digitization, overall, is a no-regrets play, some channels resonate more in certain industries. When we compared two retail brands, we found that social media converted consideration into purchases twice as effectively as other digital channels did. For two Italian banks we studied, online searches were found to be five times more effective than other digital channels in converting consumers. The key is to know your customer, figure out the correct digital channel, and use these insights while building your ecosystem.

The digital revolution cuts two ways for companies as customers with a wider range of options become more difficult to reel in. However, brands that have moved swiftly to master digital channels—gaining a deep understanding of customer preferences, crafting digital experiences, and improving offerings via social feedback—are establishing a competitive advantage that may be difficult to beat.

via Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism | McKinsey & Company.

I strongly believe, that companies have no choice to go digital, if they want to survive. Is it easy? No! You need to know your customers and you constantly need to evaluate and re-evaluate your channels.

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation

Qua Vadis – Hybride App?

23. Februar 2015 Posted by Lars Buntrock

Wie schon in „Der bewegte Mann“ so treffend übersetzt: „Qua Vadis, Wo gehste?“ kann man sich die Frage stellen, wohin geht die Reise für hybride Apps. Spätestens seit Mark Zuckerberg Ende 2012 in einem Interview auf der TechCrunch Disrupt sagte “The biggest mistake we made as a company was betting too much on HTML5 as […]

Fünf große Mythen zu Business Intelligence

23. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Experts

Was Sie über Business Intelligence (BI) wissen ist falsch. Oder doch nicht? BI-Experte arcplan hat fünf gängige Mythen über Analytics-Anwendungen gelistet und auf ihren Wahrheitsgehalt hin überprüft...

Mit dem Watson-Dino auf Kuschelkurs

23. Februar 2015 Posted by IBM Experts

Das US-Unternehmen Elemental Path hat "intelligente" Spielzeuge vorgestellt, die dank Anbindung an den IBM-Supercomputer Watson lernen können.  Vor einer Woche ging das Start-up an den Start, um...

Der Arzt im Smartphone

22. Februar 2015 Posted by Alexander Kluge


Während ich mich noch freue, dass mein Microsoft Band einigermaßen zuverlässig meinen Puls misst, und sich herausstellt, dass die Apple Watch zwar schöner ist, aber keineswegs mehr Daten über mein Selbst liefern wird, ist mittels Crowdfunding-Kampagne schon der der legendäre Tricorder aus Star Trek Realität geworden. Puls-Messung, Blutdruck, Sauerstoffgehalt im Blut, sogar ein vollständiges Elektrokardiogramm. Scanadu an die Stirn halten, Laser abfeuern, alle Werte im Smartphone.

“We’ve medicalised your smartphone. You can now check your health as easily as your email. People will no longer ask if there’s a doctor on the plane, but if there’s a Tricorder.”

Keine Frage, dass die Funktionen bald auch an unserem Handgelenk verfügbar werden, mit noch viel mehr Sensoren. Keine Frage auch, dass irgendeine künstliche Intelligenz wie Watson die Werte analysiert, mit Millionen Profilen vergleicht und neutraler, sachlicher als jeder Arzt Diagnosen vornehmen wird, die auf mehr Fällen basieren als sie je ein menschlicher Arzt zu Gesicht bekommen könnte.

Was fehlt, ist die menschliche Zuwendung. Den Rest erledigt die Technologie.

[EN] Some of my Favorite Digital Marketing and Social Media Trends

22. Februar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Usually I don’t like the typcial 15 tips, 10 best blog posts. But here are some of my favorite marketing credentials included:

2. Blogging Will Continue To Dominate Lead Generation

Creating great content and driving traffic back to your site will remain the best way to generate organic leads. This means if you aren’t blogging, you can’t afford to hold off any longer. Let us handle that for you. We’re the pros. :)

3. Influencers Are More Important Than Ever

With declining social reach and increased competition, Influencers will be the best way to help spread the word in a trusted fashion. Empower the influencers and ambassadors you have and turn new fans into loyalists through engagement.

4. Mobile App Marketing Isn’t Just For Teens

Content will continue to be consumed through mobile apps at a staggering pace. But Snapchat and Instagram will no longer be just for teens and millennials. If you want to reach people on the go, mobile is the place to be.

5. Shorter Attention Spans Require More Visuals

With more content to compete with, we need to capture the attention of our audience at faster rates. Visuals can do that better than text, which means you will need a very strong visual content strategy to stay relevant and get the attention you deserve.

6. Branded Communities For The Win

Businesses will look to other ways create engaging communities. This means outside of the traditional networks like Facebook & Twitter, but on to your own site. Think memberships and exclusive content.

7. Niche Sites Will Have Long Lasting Effects

Less reach means that businesses will have to look to new places to reach a targeted audience. Niche sites are going to prove to be more valuable than ever to get in front of the right people. It may be less people, but they are hyper focused.

8. Video Will Help Build Relationships

Educational, value-driven, customer service or just plain fun, consumers will be looking at video as a way to build trust with a business. Think about incorporating short and longer form video to cover all the gaps.

9. Behavioral Marketing Will Increase Sales

Customers will buy more from you if you know their behaviors. By creating content for them based on what they look at and do on your site, you’ll be able to tap into their wallet easier. Infusionsoft is the way to go here.

10. Marketing Will Require More Touch Points

You will no longer be able to rely on just one network or one strategy to survive online. You’ll have to repurpose your content for different networks and reach your customers everywhere all the time.

11. Consumers Will Want More Privacy Online

Sites like Ello will make their mark as people look for more privacy online. You will need to be very careful and ethical about how you reach out to people as consumers are more aware.

via 15 Digital Marketing and Social Media Trends That Will Shape 2015 | Social Media Today.

Filed under: English Tagged: Blogging, Communities, Marketing

Dolby Digital 5.1 Ausgabe bei Netflix und Amazon Instant Video

22. Februar 2015 Posted by Ralf Petter

Ich bin ein großer Fan, der Streaming Dienste von Amazon und Netflix. Das einzige störende war bisher, dass es immer wieder Probleme beim Abspielen von 5.1 Inhalten über meine Heimkinoanlage gab. Meistens erhielt ich nur ein Stereo Signal, obwohl die Inhalte als 5.1 in der Benutzerschnittstelle von Netflix bzw. Amazon markiert waren. Als Abspielgerät verwende ich eine Playstation 3 die über HDMI mit einem Onkyo NR 636 verbunden ist. Heute habe ich mich einmal im Detail mit den Einstellungen der Playstation 3 befasst und die Einstellungen gefunden, die ein problemloses Abspielen von 5.1 Inhalten sowohl von Netflix als auch von Amazon Instant Video erlaubt.

Wählen Sie in den Einstellungen die Sound Einstellungen aus.

 Innerhalb der Soundeinstellungen wählen Sie die Audio-Ausgangs-Einstellungen

 Wählen Sie HDMI als Ausgang damit die Signale über den HDMI Ausgang ausgegeben werden.

 Schalten Sie auf die Manuelle Einstellmethode des Ausgangsformats um.

Selektieren Sie alle Checkboxen die nicht den Begriff PCM enthalten. Alle anderen Checkboxen sollten soweit wie möglich abgewählt sein.

Speichern Sie Ihre Einstellungen und ab sofort kann man Filme und Serien in  Doblby Digital 5.1 sowohl in der Netflix als auch in der Amazon Instant Video APP problemlos genießen.

FreeCAD – und deutsches Tutorial bei youtube

22. Februar 2015 Posted by

Für unseren 3-D-Drucker brauchen wir ja auch eigene Modelle um drucken zu, was es noch nicht online gibt (z.B. bei ) Die ersten Monate haben wir zum 3D-Konstruieren das kostenlose ...

FreeCAD – und deutsches Tutorial bei youtube

22. Februar 2015 Posted by

Für unseren 3-D-Drucker brauchen wir ja auch eigene Modelle um drucken zu, was es noch nicht online gibt (z.B. bei ) Die ersten Monate haben wir zum 3D-Konstruieren das kostenlose ...

Download customized IBM i CUM and Group PTFs without Java applet trouble.

21. Februar 2015 Posted by Ralf Petter

Everybody who knows me, is aware that i am a big Java fan, but there is one thing in Java which does not work, Java applets. So it will be no surprise that i really hate the whole process to download Cumulative or group PTF's with fix central. The whole process depends on a java applet, which fails most of the time for security reasons.

Java fails for security reasons

In older releases the use of the green screen "SNDPTFORD" command was not a workaround because it was limited to download only small PTF's and not big PTF groups. But recently i noticed that this command was enhanced so that it is able to download PTF's to optical images. I will show you how easy this is and i am pretty sure that you will never ever use Fix Central again.

First step is to create a directory where you want to store the images for the downloaded PTF images with "CRTDIR DIR('/imgclg/ptf')" . I have chosen "imgclg/ptf" for this.
Create a directory on ths Ifs of an IBM i

Start the PTF order process with "SNDPTFORD" with the following parameters.

Send PTF Order on IBM i
PTF indentifier should be the Number of the group PTF you want to download. In my example SF99711 will download all PTF groups except the Cumulative PTF. If you want to download the Cumulative PTF package instead, simply replace SF99711 by *CUMPKG. You can not download a cum PTF package and a group package to the same image catalog. So you have to split the order to get both.

The Delivery format should be *IMAGE.
Set Check PTF to *YES, so that only PTF's which are needed on this particular machine will be downloaded.
The Image directory should be the directory you have created in step one.
Choose a name for the the image catalog which should be created after the images are downloaded by the SNDPTFORD process. I used "ALLPTFGRP"

Verify whether your contact information are correct.

Send your request with option 1 and your Power system will contact IBM to compare which PTF's are needed on your system.

You will get some status messages while your system checks what PTF's are necessary.

After that you will get a message, that your images will be downloaded in the background and that you will get a message to the QSERVICE message queue after the download has finished.

If you want to know how this works in the background have a look at your Job scheduler with "WRKJOBSCDE". You will find a QESECIMG entry which have been created by the SNDPTFORD process. It will check whether the images are ready and download them, or reschedule itself if the images are not ready.

When everything has finished you can find your image catalog with "WRKIMGCLG" and load it into a virtual optical device to install your PTF's on your Power system.

If you like this tutorial, please share it on your favorite social network.