Archive for: ‘Juli 2023’

HCL Connections: CR3 Now Available – A Recap of New Features in Recent Releases

31. Juli 2023 Posted by Rene Schimmer

Since the release of HCL Connections v8, our collaboration platform has undergone significant updates and improvements. Our most recent update, Connections 8.0.3 (CR3), is available now for download. Let’s take a moment to recap new features introduced in our recent releases, starting from the latest and working our way back.

Connections 8.0.3 (CR3) available now!

Connections 8.0.3 (CR3) brings a host of updates and improvements to the end user experience. Some of the key highlights include:

  • Enhanced user interface focused on simplicity and intuitiveness
    • With our HCL Sametime integration, we have made changes to deliver a better user experience. The status bar has been moved to the Connections header, providing easier access to chat and status options, such as setting a custom status message. The user’s custom status message is now visible on the user’s profile and business card. Additionally, the Sametime status indicator now shows for each person on the “Important to Me” bar.
  • Advanced security features to protect sensitive data
    • You can now configure HCL Connections to force all traffic that passes between a Connections server and a user’s web browser to be sent over TLS 1.3. This helps avoid security vulnerabilities in TLS 1.2 and earlier versions of SSL.
  • Upgraded guidance for customizing Connections
    • With the UI redesign, there have been updates to guidance on applying customizations starting in Connections 8.0. Legacy approaches used in Connections 7.0 and earlier versions are now unsupported, although some of the methods might still work.

Connections 8.0.2 (CR2)

Connections 8.0.2 (CR2) introduced several enhancements and bug fixes to further augment the user experience. This includes integrations with additional HCLSoftware applications for increased productivity and collaboration. Here are some notable updates in CR2:

  • Integration with HCL Leap – allows users to create applications such as polls and surveys to their communities
  • HCL Sametime integration – enables a user’s profile and business card to display along with setting their status and starting Sametime chat conversations within HCL Connections
  • HCL Connections mail plug-in support for HCL Verse – makes the collaboration experience with Connections more seamless, allowing for the optional configuration of “My Mail” and “My Calendar” plug-in to point to HCL Verse by default

Connections 8.0.1 (CR1)

Connections 8.0.1 (CR1) was the first update following the release of Connections 8.0, and it focused on addressing user feedback and bug fixes. Although this release did not introduce major feature updates, it played a crucial role in improving the overall stability and performance of the platform. Some key enhancements in CR1 include:

  • Introduction of TinyMCE Editor – an alternative, rich-text editor, providing extra features and extensive customization options to users
  • Bi-directional language support for Arabic and Hebrew – enables users to interact with Connections in their preferred language
  • Improved onboarding tour for the new HCL Connections – quickly acquaint users with the latest offerings, introducing the new UI, and highlighting features such as supercharged search, new navigations and universal share and upload

With the recent release, HCL Connections continues to evolve and provide users with a powerful collaboration platform. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting new features in the future!

Click here to learn more about HCL Connections.

Neues von Microsoft 365 im Juli 2023

31. Juli 2023 Posted by Gerda Marx

Am 18/!9 Juli hat Microsoft auf der Inspire viele Neuigkeiten verkündet. Diese beinhalteten in der Hauptsache Neuerungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz wie ChatGPT in Bing und Copilot, welche langsam aber sicher in allen Apps von Microsoft Einzug halten sollen.

Satya Nadella verkündete, wie Microsoft die User mit KI unterstützen wird. ChatGPT zum Beispiel wurde in Bing tiefer integriert. Viele Unternehmen lassen aber KI bzw. das Durchforsten bestehender Datenbestände durch KI nicht zu, da die internen Unternehmensdaten sehr sensibel sind und nicht nach außen dringen dürfen. Ein neues Produkt von Microsoft ist "Bing Chat Enterprise" und soll Abhilfe schaffen. Es bietet die gleichen Vorteile wie die "normale" Suche mit Bing und ChatGPT jedoch mit einem kommerziellen Datenschutz. Die Chats werden nicht gespeichert bzw. fürs Trainieren genutzt. Alle genutzten und abgerufenen Daten, können von anderen nicht eingesehen werden. So können die Mitarbeiter den KI Bot nutzen und recherchieren ohne Angst vor zugriffen zu haben. Selbst Microsoft hat keinen Zugriff auf diese Daten. So der Plan!

Introducing Bing Chat Enterprise

Bing Chat Enterprise ist nun in der Vorschau und zurzeit ohne zusätzliche Kosten für Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard und Business Premium Kunden verfügbar. Sobald es allgemein verfügbar ist, wird es für 5 US$ pro User/Monat erhältlich sein.

Auch der Bing KI-Chat mit Unterstützung von ChatGPT wird erweitert. Den Usern wird hier neben dem schriftlichen Chat zukünftig auch eine Suche mit Bildern ermöglicht.  So können Sie bspw. mit dem Bild eines Gebäudes nach dessen Baustil oder dem geschichtlichen Hintergrund fragen oder nach ähnlichen Bildern suchen lassen. Die visuelle Suche wird über den Desktop und die Mobile Bing App ausgerollt. In der Bing-Chat Enterprise Version soll sie ebenfalls zukünftig verfügbar sein. Wann genau steht allerdings noch nicht fest.

Bildschirmfoto 2023 07 27 um 11.13.06

Microsofts 365 Copilot, welcher noch in der Vorschau ist und nur von ausgewählten Kunden getestet werden kann, wird lt. Microsoft in allen Apps Einzug halten. Auch Preise wurden bekannt gegeben. So soll Copilot für die Lizenzen Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard und Business Premium für 30US$/pro Monat und User angeboten werden. Der Copilot kann bspw. Besprechungen zusammenfassen und Aufgaben generieren und eintragen. Mit dem Copilot können auch Telefongespräche transkribiert, zusammengefasst und wichtige Punkte wie Daten, Namen und Gesprächsinhalte erfasst werden. Dies ist definitiv eine Funktion, die sehr hilfreich sein wird, da hierdurch bspw. Telefonate auch Wochen später noch einsehbar und Vereinbarungen nachzulesen sind. Allerdings müssen für diese Funktion die Gespräche aufgezeichnet werden, was aus Datenschutz-Gründen sicherlich zu Problemen führen kann.

Neue Features in Microsoft Teams

Für Besprechungen werden die Hintergründe immer mal wieder aktualisiert und es kommen neue hinzu. Nun wird es auch animierte Hintergründe geben. Diese finden Sie bei der Einstellung des Hintergrundes. Das "Playzeichen" zeigt Ihnen an, dass der Hintergrund animiert ist. Um diese nutzen zu können, gibt es allerdings Mindestanforderungen an den Rechner. 8 GB RAM und eine CPU mit 4 Prozessoren sollten es schon sein, ansonsten können die Hintergründe nicht sauber abgespielt werden.

"In Kürze können Besprechungsteilnehmer in Echtzeit an der Tagesordnung, den Notizen und den Folgeaufgaben mitarbeiten und zusammenarbeiten. Diese Funktionen sind jetzt in Teams, Loop, Planner, To Do, und OneDrive for Business integriert. Kollaborative Notizen sind eine Loop-Komponente und bleiben immer synchron, unabhängig davon, an wie vielen Orten sie sich befinden, und können einfach kopiert und in Chats, Gruppenchats, E-Mails und anderen Dokumenten geteilt werden." heißt es im Blogeintrag in der Techcommunity

Mit der Suchleiste in Teams werden mit den eingegebenen Stichworten alle Teams mit deren Inhalten durchsucht. Wenn Sie jedoch in einem einzelnen Teams-Kanal suchen möchten, probieren Sie doch mal die Tastenkombination STRG+F bzw. Command+F beim Mac aus. Mit diesem Befehl können Sie die Suche auf den Kanal einschränken, in dem Sie sich befinden. Diese Funktion wird bis Ende des Jahres ausgerollt, einige haben sie evtl. schon im Tenant. Probieren Sie es einmal aus. Die Such-Ergebnisse werden dann wie im nächsten Bild zu sehen rechts in Teams aufgelistet.

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In den Breakout-Rooms können Sie die Teilnehmer in Besprechungen auf die Räume verteilen für Gruppenarbeiten. Dies war bisher nur vor den Meetings möglich. Durch das letzte Update können Sie jetzt neue Gruppen auch während des Meetings zusammensetzen, wenn die Räume schon geöffnet sind. Hier können Sie auch mit dem Shuffle Button die Teilnehmer durch das Zufallsprinzip verteilen.

Kennen Sie das? Sie möchten gerne den Bildschirm während des Meetings größer zoomen, um die Daten leichter/besser lesen zu können? Den freigegebenen Bildschirm im Team kann jetzt jeder Teilnehmer für sich größer zoomen, um bspw. die Daten einer Excel Tabelle besser zu erkennen. Auf Ihrem Bildschirm gibt es unten links ein +/- Zeichen zum Zoomen und rechts daneben einen Bildschirm, um auf die ursprüngliche Größe zurückzukehren.

Zoom in and Zoom out when viewing screenshare

Es wird eine neue Kalenderansicht in Teams geben, bisher können Sie nur die Tages bzw. die Wochenansicht auswählen.  Die "Agenda-Ansicht" wird gerade ausgerollt. Damit haben Sie eine bessere Übersicht und können bspw. auch Termine direkt annehmen, den Link zum Meeting weiterleiten oder auch am Meeting teilnehmen. Des Weiteren können Sie als Organisator Termine einfach per Drag & Drop verschieben.

HCL Domino v12 Associate Admin Certification is NOW AVAILABLE!

28. Juli 2023 Posted by Tiffany Amos

Have you been eagerly awaiting this exam? Wait no longer! It is now officially available.

Who should take this exam?

This exam is for individuals who are new to HCL Domino 12 and want to take the beginner level Associate Administrator Certification.

What skills are measured in this certification?

The HCLSoftware Certified Associate Administrator for Notes and Domino 12 should be able to demonstrate skills associated with planning, installing, and expanding the Domino Infrastructure.

They should have knowledge of using Domino Administration Tools to complete day-to-day administrative tasks to manage core Domino Services and functionalities such as Administration Process, Replication, Mail, Policy Management and DAOS.

They will also demonstrate skills associated with core Domino Security Concepts like Authentication, ID Vault, Database Security and Workstation Security.

Why should I get certified?

  • Take your credibility to the next level; highlight your abilities and determination to succeed
  • Earn Your Digital Badge that you can easily manage and share
  • Showcase Your HCLSoftware Product Skills with your colleagues and peers

How do I schedule my exam?

Check out the Exam Guide to make sure this certification fits your career path and goals. Once that’s done, check available dates and times to schedule your exam online or at a PearsonVue Testing Center!

Get Ready. Get Set. Get Certified.

News + Notes Praxis: Notes/Domino Spezialist acceptIT liefert HCL Leap App für DNUG

25. Juli 2023 Posted by Martina Rottschäfer

Die von der DNUG organisierte DACHNUG ist die bedeutendste Non-Profit-Konferenz für HCL Collaborations Produkte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Erstmals in diesem Jahr konnten die Teilnehmenden für die abschließende Expertenrunde "Ask HCL" ihre Fragen vorab per App einreichen. Möglich wurde dies durch den IT-Dienstleister acceptIT GmbH.

Weiterlesen ...

Accelerate Domino App Modernization with Volt MX Go v2.0

25. Juli 2023 Posted by Richard Jefts

I’m thrilled to introduce Volt MX Go v2.0, an innovative solution that will transform your Domino apps in half the time, risk, and cost of a total rewrite.

We recognize the enduring power of the Domino platform. In fact, 40% of the Fortune 500 companies remain loyal Domino customers, and its v14 release in December 2023 demonstrates its continued relevance and HCL’s commitment to its customers and innovation.

In v12.0.2, we provided multiple ways to modernize apps, such as through Restyle, Domino REST APIs, and Nomad. Volt MX Go serves as a complementary approach containing the best of Domino and Volt MX, our industry-leading low-code platform. You can now do even more with your Domino apps, such as extending them with multiexperience capabilities, from mobile to wearables, and incorporating cutting-edge technology such as AI chatbots – all without the fear of disruption. Read our official statement here.

With Volt MX Go, we’re also offering customers on Domino v9.0.x and v10.0.x (going out of support in June 2024) another pathway for their modernization projects.

Transforming your apps with Volt MX Go v2.0
Check out my short video explaining the benefits of Volt MX Go.


What’s special about Volt MX Go

What sets Volt MX Go apart is our experience and expertise in both the Domino and Volt MX platforms. The proprietary technology available only with Volt MX Go incorporates a powerful translation engine that automates up to 60% of the labor required to extend Domino apps. With Volt MX Go, developers can reuse your existing app’s data and business logic — so no time-consuming rewrites.

Furthermore, our solution allows you to both reuse your app’s existing Domino application logic and to code in modern scripting languages like JavaScript, expanding your access to available developer resources and capabilities.

A person holding a phone and a computer Description automatically generated

Notable features in the latest release

This release of Volt MX Go brings you a host of exciting features designed to streamline your app transformation process. Key highlights include the Domino Adapter, First Touch Experience, Design Import, and VoltFormula. Get more details about the features in this knowledge article.

Get started with Volt MX Go. Today.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your Domino apps, you can purchase Volt MX Go today. Please contact our team to discuss your needs and how we can help you on your app modernization journey. We also offer comprehensive lab services, such as app assessments to identify Volt MX Go candidate apps, and installation.

Additionally, you can explore new app development possibilities by signing up for a free account to experience Volt MX firsthand.

With Volt MX Go, we are committed to your investment in the apps that run your business and providing new ways to build differentiating experiences to grow your business.

Hyperautomation and Rapid Application Development: Moving the Needle on Digital Transformation

20. Juli 2023 Posted by Dan Allen

Enterprise technology and application development are accelerating at record-setting speed, directly impacting your digital transformation strategies. Explore the capability and value of Domino’s rapid application development tools to support hyperautomation — and accelerate your business growth.

As the past few years have demonstrated, the entire business landscape can undergo sudden, transformative shifts that force the rapid-fire development of comprehensive solutions that address real business needs– like workflow improvements and business automation.

Organizations are coming to the realization that hyperautomation is essential to a digital transformation journey. But what’s the secret to enabling hyperautomation and becoming an industry leader? Rapid Application Development (RAD).

Hyperautomation as a means of survival

Hyperautomation is an approach to automating business and IT processes organization-wide to streamline and accelerate workflow.

Despite the established prevalence of business automation, too many companies are still hampered by siloed applications and inefficient workflows even though workflow efficiency is considered an organizational priority. The move toward hyperautomation is a natural progression for companies looking to speed up digital transformation and have more impact on reducing costs, increasing customer engagement, and optimizing business processes. In some cases, it is a means remaining competitive.

“Hyperautomation has shifted from an option to a condition of survival,” said Fabrizio Biscotti, research vice president at Gartner. “Organizations will require more IT and business process automation as they are forced to accelerate digital transformation plans in a […] digital-first world.”

In fact, a recent Gartner survey found that 85% of respondents are planning to increase or sustain their hyperautomation investment strategies, and over half of these said their companies had several hyperautomation projects underway.

Harnessing the power of hyperautomation – through Rapid Application Development

Overall, hyperautomation is about integrating people, processes, and technology and that’s why RAD is central to digital transformation. Using a rapid application development platform, like Domino, makes it easy to empower your workforce, accelerate innovation and streamline work. For the past thirty years Domino has been a has been a favorite of developers and IT organizations who value usable software that works. The primary success of RAD is based on providing developers with a repository of reusable code, easy database access, quick app design, and a focus on a simplified approach.

Key benefits of rapid application development

  1. Faster delivery of process improvements and applications – RAD ensures faster delivery with preset components and ready-made adapters.
  2. Lower development costs – while skilled developers are necessary, a shortened development cycle can more than offset those costs.
  3. Fewer coding errors – preset components can help eliminate repetitive errors thus improving software quality.
  4. Shorter cycle time for updates – easier modifications through compartmentation of components.
  5. Comprehensive integration toolset – ready-made adapters, APIs and components enable quick integration and access to data.

Domino helps makes hyperautomation your reality

Whether you’re a 50,000-employee banking company providing onsite and online financial services or a manufacturer that relies on tight cost control and schedule adherence, Domino lets you target and solve your own unique challenges.

Rapid application development can transform businesses and help companies bring value to the market faster, whether businesses have an overreliance on outdated processes, difficulty in reporting, a need to increase customer engagement, or deliver workflow improvements.

Domino, with Nomad capability, can also swiftly extend your business apps to a mobile device or web browser. This enables access to your business apps from virtually anywhere. Additionally, you can continue to work on your apps even if there is no data connection and sync your work later when reconnected.

A rapid application development platform such as HCL Domino includes all the tools you need without worrying about integrations, back end, or security. A RAD platform, like Domino, is an important tool to enable hyperautomation for a business of any size to support your digital transformation journey.

To take advantage of all Domino has to offer, upgrade to Domino v12 and experience the hundreds of new features that can help your company drive innovation and rapid application development.

Chatbots und KI: #42 – Erfolgsgeschichte: Bad Oeynhausens Chatbot lernt Formulare für die digitale Bürgerkommunikation

20. Juli 2023 Posted by Johannes

In der heutigen Folge von „Chatbots und KI“ geht es um den erfolgreich implementierten Chatbot der 50.000-Einwohner-Stadt Bad Oeynhausen.

HCL Volt MX holds first-ever hackathon

13. Juli 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Student and professional developers from around the world create innovative apps fast with Volt MX – here are the winners.

Hackathons are a great way to bring together a diverse group of talent from across organizations, departments, and countries.

For companies, it can be a tool to drive product and brand awareness, build new product features, and even expand your talent pool. And for students and professional developers alike, it’s an opportunity to network, develop your skills, and gain industry recognition. Overall, hackathon bring devs together to accelerate innovation and take on business challenges by creating competitive solutions.

Recently, HCLSoftware held our very first Volt MX Hackathon. Over eight weeks, over 4,300 students and professionals from around the world registered for the competition.

There were so many great submissions, proving just how easy it is for anyone–even those with no prior experience–to pick up Volt MX and use the platform to build compelling and beautiful apps in a matter of hours. This also made the judging process tough!

You can check out these winning apps for yourself, download them, and even reuse components in your own Volt MX app through the HCL Volt MX Marketplace. Each app below has a 5-digit code that, when entered into the Volt MX App Preview, allows you to preview the app! Download the app on the iOS or Google Play Store.

Now, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the winners of the competition and show off their awesome products.

First Place & Most Innovative: Team Visionary Youth – Wishy

The Wishy app lets you register your contacts’ birthday, anniversaries, and the like – sends them timely e-greetings to recognize the occasion. It was developed by one college student from India.


Second Place: Team ZaNa – Navigation Bar

A reusable component for adding an app navigation menu to the footer of any Volt MX app. Created by a developer in Zambia.


Third Place: Team Foodbae  – Foodbae: Deliver Deliciousness

The Foodbae app lets you order food and track the delivery. Some parts of the process were built out, and it was developed by a team of college students from India.


Best Looking App: Team Harishkotra_b159 – Health & Fitness UI

This app onboards a user to a health & fitness app and tracks related metrics. This developer submitted another app called ThoughTracker (Preview Code FG2A7), which was also a finalist, allowing users to track their emotions. Both of his apps were developed in 6-7 hours each by a developer from India.

  • Team Member: Harish K
  • Video:
  • Download the Volt MX app and look at the winning app yourself – Preview Code:  Q65NR

Congratulations to these teams on this great accomplishment! Throughout the Hackathon, these winners showcased exceptional talent, creativity, and a deep understanding of the capabilities of Volt MX. Their dedication and innovative approach truly set them apart from a highly talented pool of participants.

assono KI-Forum | Seien Sie am 21. September 2023 live in Hamburg dabei

13. Juli 2023 Posted by Celina

Nach unserem ausgebuchtem assono KI-Forum in Düsseldorf geht es nun im September in Hamburg in die mittlerweile siebte Runde.

The Basics of Citizen Development: Why It’s Essential to Your Business

10. Juli 2023 Posted by Martin Lechleider

A person sitting at a computer Description automatically generated with low confidence

To truly achieve digital transformation, forward-looking companies need to adopt a platform that streamlines operations, cuts costs, and taps into the full potential of their workforce. As more organizations join in on the trend of introducing no-code and citizen development, many of them are still unfamiliar with the true value of adopting this strategy.

Let’s explore the basics of citizen development, and why no-code application development platforms offer a significant advantage in today’s dynamic business environment.

What is no-code application development?
A no-code development platform is an integrated software development environment used to create new apps, process workflows, and reporting through a graphical user interface. In the past, app development involved lengthy cycles of writing complex code, followed by extensive testing and debugging. With a no-code app development platform, coding is replaced by intuitive, visual, drag-and-drop interfaces, allowing for the rapid and efficient creation of sophisticated apps without the need for advanced training. These platforms are particularly valuable to business users looking for innovative workplace solutions that won’t overload IT with smaller app projects.

Why are no-code platforms becoming so popular? 
No-code development is the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to build business apps and empower citizen developers in the workplace to gain quick insights, eliminate wasteful procedures, collaborate, and innovate. This speedy new app development process has transformed the business world. What used to take weeks or months of traditional development can now be accomplished and put into practice in a matter of hours–or even minutes.

Employees without any software engineering skills can create apps that were once the sole province of IT departments. This empowerment of employees is crucial for organizations to stay competitive in a world where digitization and data are key to success. As more companies rely on low code/no-code to automate outdated systems and processes, Gartner predicts that low code and no-code will power the creation of 70% of new applications by 2025.

What are the benefits of citizen development?
Citizen development offers significant advantages that allow organizations to leverage the collective skills and creativity of their workforce to drive innovation, streamline processes and achieve better business outcomes.

  • Filling talent gaps: Empower employees to contribute their expertise and creativity, reducing reliance on a small pool of technical experts.
  • Reducing IT dependency: Offload development tasks, allowing IT teams to focus on more complex projects and increase productivity.
  • Promote a culture of innovation: Foster a collaborative environment where employees actively participate in problem-solving and process improvement.

By empowering employees across different roles and departments to actively participate in application development, organizations can tap into a diverse range of expertise and foster a culture of innovation and efficiency. Citizen developers bring a deep understanding of business processes, user needs, and industry-specific challenges, enabling the creation of more effective applications that directly address organizational requirements.

Citizen development also mitigates the risks of “shadow IT,” where employees create digital solutions without IT department oversight. By providing a controlled environment with necessary governance measures, citizen development platforms transform shadow IT into a source of innovation and speed.

“It’s worth acknowledging two truths: shadow IT is essential for business operations, and talent capable of creating applications often resides outside the IT department,” write McKinsey experts. “Despite its utility, shadow IT poses a serious security risk to all organizations, but enterprises have an incredible opportunity to transform it into an area of innovation and speed.”

 How secure is a no-code platform?
Data is a company’s data most valuable asset. That’s why top-tier businesses rely on no-code platforms that prioritize rock-solid security, governance, control, and seamless integration built into their DNA.

These platforms come equipped with strong built-in security measures, which, when combined with a set of zero-trust rules, are your best bet against most data breaches and cyberattacks. Built-in permissions and proper training, testing, and gate-keeping are essential for maintaining good governance and ensuring data security.

“No matter how good the low-code tool is, there’s still a chance that employees will be tempted to create applications beyond the security radar,” Jonathan Reed writes in Security Intelligence. “For this reason, built-in permissions go a long way in maintaining good governance.” Proper training, testing and gate-keeping are key here.

Will citizen developers replace professional developers?
No code platforms may put app-building capabilities in the hands of business users and designers, but they don’t eliminate the need for coding or professional developers altogether. Enabling citizen development means that programmers won’t have to take on all the general workforce’s IT-related requests, allowing them to focus on high-level innovation, custom development of consumer applications, and other vital initiatives or higher value tasks such as planning, architecture, DevOps, and security.

Professional and citizen developers also complement each other’s skills and shortcomings. Professional developers have the expertise required to build complex, scalable, and robust applications. While citizen developers can contribute to application development using low-code tools, they often lack the technical skills and experiences necessary to take on complex or specialized projects that involve intricate coding, custom integrations, performance optimization, or legacy systems. The collaboration between citizen and professional developers creates a powerful combination that leverages the strength of both groups to deliver high-quality, innovative applications. It’s crucial to choose a platform that enables this collaboration seamlessly.

The drive toward digitization and the rise of citizen developers across the business landscape have elevated no-code development to a position of strategic importance. No code’s many advantages — ease of use, security and productivity improvement — align with the goals and objectives of organizations challenged to keep up with the ever-increasing speed of application delivery. No-code development offers a solution that harnesses the full potential of a company’s resources — both human and digital — improving outcomes across the board.

Volt MX is the industry-leading multiexperience low code platform for both professional and citizen developers. Volt MX provides a persona-specific environment for citizen developers to build applications with IT governance, and work collaboratively with IT to expand engaging experiences across all digital touchpoints. Learn more here.

dachnug50 – Ein Rückblick

10. Juli 2023 Posted by Marketing

Wie schon im letzten Jahr gab es am Tag 1 ein gut besuchtes Angebot an technischen Workshops. Für die mitunter wirklich umfangreichen Vorarbeiten zu diesen Workshops sei allen Workshop-Leitern ausdrücklich gedankt. Einen gewissen experimentellen Charakter kann man dem erstmalig durchgeführten Business Partner Workshop nicht absprechen.

Anbieter und Business Partner sitzen im gleichen Boot. Um die Gesamtperformance des Boots zu verbessern, muss bezüglich Schlagzahl und Fahrtrichtung Einigkeit bestehen. Mit diesem ersten Workshop wurde sicherlich noch kein Maximum erreicht, dafür war allein schon die zur Verfügung stehende Zeit nicht ausreichend, aber die große Mehrheit der gut 30 Teilnehmer hat den Nachmittag als sinnvoll und nützlich empfunden. Fortsetzung folgt.

Dass HCL den Schwerpunkt auf Volt MX legen würde, war wenig überraschend. Wenig überraschend war aber auch, dass ein größerer Teil unserer Community damit noch ein wenig „fremdelt“. Die Überlegungen von HCL sind dabei nachvollziehbar, wird aber vor allen Dingen für kleinere Kunden und Partner nicht so einfach zu stemmen sein. Ob es der Hardware Footprint ist oder das minimale Lizenzvolumen, im Vergleich zu Notes/Domino ist das alles eine ganz andere Nummer. Vielleicht bietet aber gerade das die Chance für neue Partnerschaften. Auch wir als DNUG werden uns dazu sicherlich Gedanken machen.

Ein absolutes Highlight der Konferenz war ohne jeden Zweifel der wunderbar authentische Vortrag von Ralf Ludwig. Nur selten darf jemand so offen über die Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse berichten, die man auf der Reise ins „gelobte M365 Land“ gemacht hat. Natürlich ist auch dort nicht alles schlecht, aber die gemachten Verheißungen haben halt in Tat und Wahrheit häufig nur wenig mit der tatsächlichen Realität zu tun, und genau das hat Ralf in ganz hervorragender Weise berichtet.

Als kleiner Wermutstropfen wird die Ankündigung von Daniel Reichelts Rückzug aus dem Vorstand in Erinnerung bleiben. Daniel hat die letzten 8 Jahre der DNUG geprägt und hat zusammen mit dem damaligen Vorstand wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass es die DNUG überhaupt noch gibt. Danke Daniel für 8 Jahre Einsatz und Danke auch dafür, dass Du uns in der Fachgruppe Domino weiterhin erhalten bleibst!

War die abschließende „Ask HCL“ Session in den letzten Jahren immer ein wenig schwierig, gab es diesmal – Dank der von acceptIT beigesteuerten Domino Leap App – ausreichend Fragen. Manche der anonym gestellten Fragen waren dabei durchaus kritischer Natur, aber hey, wir sind Community, da darf man auch mal kritisch sein.

Alles in allem haben wir eine rundum gelungene Konferenz erlebt. Aber keine Bange, das durch die Bank positive Feedback wird uns nicht davon abhalten, die Latte für die dachnung51 in Regensburg noch ein Ticken höher zu legen.

Für den Vorstand, Euer Helmut

Der Beitrag dachnug50 – Ein Rückblick erschien zuerst auf DNUG e.V..

DACHNUG50 – Meine persönliche Rückschau

7. Juli 2023 Posted by Thomas Zeizel, HCL

Ich muss zugeben, dass ich nun schon eine ganze Weile nichts mehr auf meinem Blog geschrieben habe. Aber – diesmal gibt es keine Ausreden, denn die #DACHNUG50 stand an, in Siegburg bei Bonn. 50x ein DNUG-Event, wenn das mal kein Grund zu feiern ist.
Und das haben wir dann auch getan, haben uns zahlreich in Siegburg bei Bonn getroffen und zwei tolle, unterhaltsame, lehrreiche, einsichtsreiche Tage dort gemeinsam verbringen können.
Also ganz klar Zeit, wieder mal einen Blog zu schreiben. 

Richard Jefts hat mit seiner Eröffnungs-Keynote einen guten Start hingelegt. Er hat uns eine wegweisende und umfassende Produkt-Roadmap für HCLSoftware präsentiert, die uns alle auf das kommende Geschäftsjahr einstimmte. Mit einem Rückblick auf das vergangene Jahr hat er uns motiviert und den Fokus auf Domino Apps gelegt. Richard hat uns die Pläne für die nächsten Monate und unsere Vision verdeutlicht, was uns richtig Lust auf die Zukunft gemacht hat.  

Ein richtiges Schwergewicht war die Weiterentwicklung von HCL Domino. Im Rahmen von unserem Early-Access-Programm konnten wir den Leuten HCL Domino 14 vorstellen. Wir geben immer Vollgas, um unsere Plattform zu verbessern und die Effizienz und Produktivität unserer Kunden zu steigern. Das ist unsere Motivation. 

Und als ob das nicht genug wäre, haben wir auch Workshops und Sessions zu unseren Produkten HCL Volt MX und BigFix Endpoint Management gehalten, die wir bereits in den letzten Jahren vorgestellt haben. Durch die Vorstellung von HCL Volt MX können unsere Kunden moderne, native Apps für bestehende und neue Notes/Domino-Anwendungen erstellen. BigFix Endpoint Management hingegen ist ein wichtiger Baustein zur Bereitstellung einer robusten Infrastruktur für Notes/Domino, die unsere Kunden dabei unterstützt, die Produktivität ihrer Endnutzer zu maximieren und gleichzeitig die Einhaltung von Compliance-Vorschriften zu gewährleisten. 

Alles in allem war die #DACHNUG50 ein voller Erfolg und hat das Beste aus unserer großartigen HCLSoftware-Community herausgeholt. Es ist immer wieder eine Freude, Teil dieser dynamischen und hoch engagierten Community zu sein. Ich freue mich bereits auf die nächste DNUG-Konferenz 2024 in Regensburg und die Fortschritte, die wir in der Zwischenzeit machen werden. 

Ich wünsche eine gute Woche und bleibt gesund! 

Euer Tom Zeizel
Vice President & Head of HCL Software DACH 

Der Beitrag DACHNUG50 – Meine persönliche Rückschau erschien zuerst auf DNUG e.V..

Upgrading Domino Is Painless with HCLSoftware White Glove Service

6. Juli 2023 Posted by Dan Allen

HCLSoftware White Glove Services provides the ultimate Domino upgrade solution. Our team of experts are here to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible while reducing disruption for you and your end users.

Keeping your HCL Domino software up to date enables you to reap all the benefits of dozens of new features and capabilities, plus helps you minimize security risks and vulnerabilities. We want to help you upgrade your Domino and Notes platform so you can experience all that Domino has to offer and take the pain out of the upgrading process.

Over the past 12 months alone, our HCLSoftware Services Team has helped successfully plan and upgrade over 1000 servers and thousands of applications. Our White Glove Service offers a disciplined approach which includes upfront environmental analysis and insight that unlocks the details of your environment including applications, backwards compatibility and even modernization potential.

Moving the needle on performance by upgrading your Domino/Notes platform
Are you still using older versions of Domino and Notes? Now is the time to upgrade to the latest version, Domino v12.0.2. The latest release of the Domino platform offers many new features that will make your work life easier and your platform administration more efficient.

Here are some of the incredible benefits of upgrading to Domino v12.0.2:

  1. Create better looking applications: With the new and enhanced no-code capabilities offered in Domino v12, you can create better-looking applications in minutes. This saves time and allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your projects.
  2. Access applications from anywhere: With the cloud-native design of Domino v12, you have the flexibility to access applications from virtually anywhere in the world. This is especially useful when working remotely or on the go.
  3. Enable mobile device support: The latest version of Domino offers greater mobile device support. This means that you can access Domino applications from your mobile devices and leverage key capabilities like GPS, camera, biometrics and storage. This makes it easier to work on the go and stay productive.
  4. Strengthen mail security: Enhance email security with standardized anti-virus, anti-spoofing and in-transit mail security protocols. You can rest assured that your emails are secure and protected from threats.
  5. One-click deployment: Easily deploy mail and applications with just one click from any browser. This eliminates the need to upgrade desktop client applications, saving time and resources.

With the end of support for Domino/Notes v9, v10 fast approaching, it’s important for customers to plan their upgrade to Domino v12, not only to provide the latest features and improvements but also to ensure that your business is secure and compliant.

HCLSoftware’s White Glove Upgrade Services can help make the upgrade process smooth and efficient. Our team of experts can handle the entire upgrade process, from planning to execution and monitoring.

Here are some additional benefits of using HCL’s White Glove Upgrade Services:

A thorough review of your platform
HCL Advisor is a useful tool for customers who are interested in reducing the total cost of ownership, consolidating servers, and upgrading to the latest HCL Domino version while modernizing their environment. By providing insight into applications, compatibility, usage, modernization effort and remediation needed, HCL Advisor can help customers make informed decisions about their environment.

With HCL Advisor, customers can effectively identify outdated applications or processes that are no longer being used, allowing them to focus on modernization efforts where it matters most. Additionally, it can help customers optimize their infrastructure by consolidating servers based on usage, enabling them to save costs while maintaining high performance.

Moreover, HCL Advisor can help customers with their upgrade planning process. It can provide information on the compatibility of their existing applications and processes with HCL Domino v12, allowing them to plan for an upgrade with greater confidence.

No more rip and replace strategies
At HCL, we are always looking for ways to drive customer value. Consolidation can be an effective way to improve service delivery to end users while decreasing the total cost of ownership of a Domino environment. With product enhancements in Domino and improved cloud computing power, customers can better size their environments with their end users in mind, enabling them to get application servers closer to their end users while needing fewer of them.

Domino continues to provide industry-leading backwards compatibility, allowing customers to upgrade and consolidate applications at a faster rate than ever before, without the need for rip-and-replace strategies. This helps customers leverage the investments they have already made into their Domino applications while modernizing their environment.

Keeping end user operational capability and uptime a priority
As with any upgrade that happens within an organization, it is important to prioritize end-user experience during the process. To minimize user impact, it’s important to take a comprehensive approach that spans from the analysis phase to the cutover phase. From our experience, we have found that several best practices help to eliminate upgrade disruption, minimizing user impact such as:

  • Comprehensive end-user communication about the upgrade process and expected changes
  • Providing end-user training and support to ensure that they are familiar with the new features and functionality
  • Testing the new software with a pilot group of end-users to gather feedback and identify any issues
  • Providing help desk and support services during and after the upgrade to address user queries and issues that may arise.

In addition to our best practices, we can also deploy HCL Nomad Web to allow users unrestricted access to traditional Notes applications via a web browser. This can be a great solution as it eliminates the costly need to customize the application.

Getting to the finish line together
Once you’ve upgraded to Domino v12, we highly recommend ensuring that you have all the new features required to properly run your environment. Our team of experts is available to assist you with documented steps and post-deployment assistance, known as the HCL Domino Upgrade Factory.

The HCL Domino Upgrade Factory provides a simple, low-cost pricing model for customers who need help upgrading their Domino environments, starting from as little as $4000 per server. Here are a few of the steps that are included in the HCL Domino Upgrade Factory offering:

  • Complete analysis of your Domino environment including applications and servers.
  • Health check report with a prioritized list of actions to be undertaken, if required.
  • Development of cutover strategy for users.
  • Installation and transfer of applications to new Domino V12 servers.
  • 30 days of post-upgrade hyper care for all servers.

We understand that upgrading your Domino environment can be an intimidating process and that cost is an important factor to consider. That’s why HCLSoftware’s White Glove Upgrade Services combined with HCL Domino Upgrade Factory provides a simple, low-cost pricing model that is predictive and helps to consolidate and reduce your overall operating costs.

We are more than happy to provide you with further information on the HCL Domino v12 upgrade and our professional services, HCLSoftware White Glove Upgrade Services and HCL Domino Upgrade Factory.

To learn more, fill out our contact form and one of our experts will be in touch shortly to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Upgrade now

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6. Juli 2023 Posted by Celina

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6. Juli 2023 Posted by Johannes

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