Posts Tagged: ‘low code’

Domino Leap – NoCode/Lowcode & Beyond

18. April 2024 Posted by Marketing

Auch wenn das vom Volumen her jetzt nicht unsere größte Baustelle war, so sind doch der Mitgliedsantrag und die Cloud-Nutzungsvereinbarung zwei typische Beispiele von Prozessen, die man heute eigentlich nicht mehr auf Papier abwickeln will.

Aufgrund der gegebenen Infrastruktur bietet sich für die Abbildung der beiden Formulare/Prozesse Domino Leap an. Domino Leap ist eine NoCode/LowCode Plattform, die speziell, aber nicht nur für Domino-Kunden gedacht ist.

Mit einem klaren Ziel vor Augen, beide Formulare im Browser nutzbar zu machen und mit einer rechtsverbindlichen, digitalen Signatur zu versehen, haben wir uns an die Realisierung der entsprechenden Apps gemacht. Die Abbildung der beiden Formulare war – wie erwartet – schnell gemacht, die eigentliche Herausforderung sollte aber erst noch kommen.

Für die Abbildung der rechtsverbindlichen, digitalen Signatur sollte ein externer Dienstleister zum Einsatz kommen. Zur Signatur des ausgefüllten Formulars muss die daraus generierte PDF-Datei an diesen Dienstleister geschickt werden, was sinnvollerweise via REST abzubilden ist. Um sich gegenüber dem Dienstleister zu authentifizieren, muss ein entsprechender Token mitgegeben werden. Damit dieser Token nicht missbraucht werden kann, muss die zu signierende, in Leap generierte PDF-Datei vom Server und nicht vom Client an den Dienstleister gesendet werden. Dies auch deshalb, weil die API des Dienstleisters nicht dafür vorgesehen ist, direkt aus Browserapplikationen angesprochen zu werden (Stichwort: CORS). Dann erwartet der Dienstleister außerdem, dass die PDF-Datei als binärer Datei-Upload (multipart/form-data) und nicht als Text (Base64) hochgeladen wird. Im Hinblick auf die Größe der transportierten Dateien ist dies durchaus sinnvoll, entspricht aber nicht dem Format, was mit Leap Services möglich ist, da nur JSON Payloads vorgesehen sind. Es musste also ein Weg gefunden werden, die im Client generierte Datei an den Server zu übergeben und im Zuge dieser Maßnahme auch noch das Format zu wechseln.

Ohne allzu sehr ins Detail zu gehen: es hat sich gezeigt, dass der NoCode/LowCode Ansatz von Leap hier an seine Grenzen stößt. Was uns eindeutig gefehlt hat, ist die „Foundry“ Komponente aus dem Volt MX Angebot von HCL, was alleine schon aus Kostengründen aber keine Option darstellt. Nun wollten wir aber unser Projekt nicht erfolglos abbrechen, sondern haben sozusagen eine kleine „Foundry“ entwickelt. Konkret wurden dazu verschiedene Services in eine Notes-App ausgelagert. Diese Services sprechen wir aus Leap heraus an und bilden damit die Dinge ab, die in Leap entweder gar nicht oder zumindest nicht sinnvoll abzubilden sind.

Der Beitrag Domino Leap – NoCode/Lowcode & Beyond erschien zuerst auf DNUG e.V..

Interview: HCL Volt MX Hackathon winner, Vishal Vats (Part Two)

4. August 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Earlier this year, HCL Volt MX hosted our very first Hackathon! Eight-weeks, 4300 registrants, and countless great submissions later, we finally announced our winner: Vishal Vats.

After the hackathon, we got a chance to catch up with Vishal and ask him about his app Wishy and his experience learning Volt MX. Last week, we shared part one of our two-part interview. Let’s get into part two!

How did you approach the development process during the hackathon? Can you walk us through the key steps you took to bring your project to life?

Vishal: As this was a completely new domain for me, so I first went to the HCL software academy courses and completed 5 courses revolving around Volt MX. Then I actually started using the Volt MX & Iris platform. The first phase in the development phase was getting the UI done, because there are 6 pages in my application and I wanted to showcase the application in the best manner possible.

After making the same, I spent a couple of days controlling the form/page flow between each of the pages and started setting up the Foundry services to connect my front end to the backend database services. As I can recall, the initial deadline for the event was on May 14, and by that time I remember that I did complete my project but I was not happy with the landing page of the application. As soon as I got to know about the one-week extension, I revamped the UI and tweaked the programming logic a bit. And I can proudly say that the landing page of the application was looking great because of that extension.

What were the key factors that you believe contributed to your project’s success in the hackathon?

Vishal: I think that the constant support from the forum and the hikes were the most useful ones that helped me complete the project. Apart from this, I guess the easily laid out sections in Volt MX ensured that I can access almost everything with ease. So, accessibility of likely things at a place helped me a lot to quickly create the UI elements and manage their properties. Having the option to manage and save the same physical appearances of each element in the form of skins was also crucial in the development.

“The constant support from the forum and the hikes were the most useful ones that helped me complete the project.”

What were your favorite elements of Volt MX?

Vishal: While making a full-stack application, I (as a developer) have to do everything from scratch, i.e. making each UI element and even managing the backend functionalities. That might sound very easy or short, but believe me, it requires a lot of coding, and even little things like HTML/CSS and even JS functionalities have to be paid the greatest of attention to make something to start with. Being a low-code platform is the greatest feature of Volt MX (maybe second-best to the fact that it is a low-code platform that can be a single place to build any sort of application for any type of end device).

On top of that, I loved the fact that it uses JS as a coding language if someone needs to customize some things/processes. Volt MX is providing everything out-of-the-box, right off starting with the simplest of drag & drop features for adding any UI element, presenting repetitive information in the form of segments (tabular or in page forms) to control the data flow from one form to another. At every instance of development, the developer has control of what is being shown to the user and how data will be shared from one page to the other. Filtering the backend response at the Foundry end also ensures that the frontend is always receiving the minimal required things for processing. So, every unnecessary thing is rightly being shredded off and thus providing the developer a way to develop the applications in the quickest time & efficient manner possible.

“Volt MX is providing everything out-of-the-box, starting with the simplest of drag & drop features for adding any UI element, presenting repetitive information in the form of segments to control the data flow from one form to another.”

What advice would you give to aspiring participants in future hackathons, especially those working with HCL Volt MX?

Vishal: I would like to advise the future participants that if you are just starting off with Volt MX, then it will surely be difficult but in order to ease the same, try to first complete at least a single HIKE because that actually makes you familiar with the platform and then you can directly start making a demo page and add as many containers/UI elements possible. Play with each element’s various properties and try to use SKINS to not repeat the same process for the UI elements that need the same sort of UI appearance. Most importantly, do structure your project and rename each thing that you add to the workspace as it is very helpful when your applications expand.

Personally, I love to have a basic idea of how the platform works, and that’s why I first completed all of the 5 Volt MX introductory courses offered by the HCL Software Academy. Adding and managing the action section for an element must be learned afterward and then at last switch to Foundry and integrate an integration service into the backend. The path might be difficult and you will be stuck at almost everything, but don’t lose hope because Volt MX really simplifies things a lot and it’s a matter of time to be accustomed to this unique ecosystem.

Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations regarding your proficiency with HCL Volt MX? Are there any specific projects or areas of development you are eager to explore further?

Vishal: For Wishy, I used a lot of utilities and assets offered by Volt MX but those were not all of the things provided by the same. So, I am looking to first explore every aspect of Volt and then I might start working on a watchOS project that will be helping the user take personal productivity to the next level by using AI recommendations and analyzing the user behavior through pattern-recognition machine learning algorithms. Will be using separate TensorFlow containers for the processing and then sending the same to the frontend via Foundry.

“Personally, I love to have a basic idea of how the platform works, and that’s why I first completed all of the 5 Volt MX introductory courses offered by the HCL Software Academy.”

We’d like to thank Vishal for chatting with us and giving us a deep dive into his experience learning Volt MX and participating in the Hackathon. And congratulations on your big win!

Want to see Vishal’s app for yourself, check it out in the Volt MX Marketplace.

If you’re interested in learning Volt MX and starting to build some incredible apps on your own, check out the Volt MX Bootcamp and get your Volt MX Certification.


Interview: HCL Volt MX Hackathon Winner, Vishal Vats (Part One)

4. August 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Earlier this year, HCL Volt MX hosted our very first Hackathon! Eight-weeks, 4300 registrants, and countless great submissions later, we finally announced our winner: Vishal Vats.

In fact, Vishal not only came in first place overall, but he also won our award for Most Innovative App. After the hackathon, we got a chance to catch up with Vishal and ask him about his app Wishy and his experience learning Volt MX.

Check out the first part of our interview below:

Congratulations on winning the HCL Volt MX Hackathon! Can you briefly explain the project you worked on and what problem it aimed to solve?

Vishal: Thanks, the project that I worked on and submitted at the event is Wishy. In these busy times, we often forget to wish our loved ones on their special occasions. So, Wishy is an application that lets you add your contacts and then schedule automated email/SMS notifications for special days like birthdays, anniversaries, or even festivals so that you never miss your loved ones and [can] even be the first person to wish them through personalized wishes.

What inspired you to participate in the hackathon and choose this particular project idea?

Vishal: I am actively participating in hackathons/events and I got to know about the Volt MX Hackathon through the HackerEarth platform about 3 weeks before the end. The thing which intrigued me to use Volt MX is the fact that the platform provides a single low-code platform through which one can make complete standalone applications for mobile, web, desktop & even tablets. Isn’t that awesome?

I have been developing web applications for quite some time, so I know that part, but to make an Android/iOS application just by knowing the basics of JS really pushed me to participate in the event. Regarding the project idea, actually, I already had thought before the event that I want to explicitly make an Android (mobile) application that can really elevate the automated wishing part. So, I did have a blueprint in my head that how the backend will look and I was just waiting for an opportunity through which I can effectively portray my idea. Then I started shaping my idea into reality through the services provided by the Volt Iris application.

“I have been developing web applications for quite some time, so I know that part, but to make an Android/iOS application just by knowing the basics of JS really pushed me to participate in the event.”

How did you leverage the features and capabilities of Volt MX to create your solution? Were there any specific aspects or functionalities that were particularly helpful for your project?

Vishal: At the start, the platform seemed to be a bit daunting because of the number of various functionalities & properties panels popping up at almost every pixel of the screen space. But once I started using the software, then everything made sense as all those panels provided me with a thorough control of what I have to use in my project and how. I almost used every functionality provided by the platform.

Speaking of my favorite elements, I assume Segments (their page variants in general) were of great help to me because, firstly, I could define a segment template and then populate it with the data that I was receiving from Foundry. As the page variants of segments allowed me to present the data in a carousel form which added a lot of visual appeal to the application and thus I used it a couple of times in my project. The rich text division was also another cool variant apart from their normal text counterpart because I can use HTML code right in those and thus achieve specific things to an element without touching anything. Action flow dialogs also helped me a lot in putting the event listeners for an element in a single place.

How would you compare HCL Volt MX to other low-code development platforms or frameworks you have used in the past? What are its strengths and weaknesses in your opinion?

Vishal: I have not used any of such low-code platforms before Volt MX because I really love writing code and was always a fan of actually writing things by myself rather than just having everything tailor-made by a framework or template. But I must admit that after using Volt MX that is not the case because now I want to write only those things that are actually crucial to the applications’ working and can just leave out all other things on the software.

“I almost used every functionality provided by the platform.”

Looking back, what were the most valuable lessons or insights you gained from participating in the hackathon as it relates to Volt MX?

Vishal: As mentioned earlier, I had a completely different landing page UI after the first deadline and I was really unhappy with the UI that will be presented to the users. I almost gave up on the idea of refining that due to the time constraints out of nowhere, the extension was announced and I got the glimmer of hope that I can do that and to no surprise, I did that. So, I learned that we should never step back from the things that we want to do and unexpected things happen if the cause is good.

Being a web developer, I was completely unaware of the fact that how the Android/iOS development ecosystem worked, but with the use of Volt MX, I got to have a peek at how things work for the handy mobiles and it was really exciting to actually make my first mobile-native application using the software. That made me feel that as a developer, its good to have knowledge/clarity of what has to be achieved and how that should be done (clear programming logic), if you have so then Volt MX is definitely a place that can provide a place to turn your ideas into reality.

“Volt MX is definitely a place that can provide a place to turn your ideas into reality.”

Thanks for chatting with us and sharing your insight, Vishal! Want to hear more from the HCL Volt MX Hackathon Winner? Next week, we’ll share the rest of our two-part interview.

If you want to see Vishal’s app for yourself, check it out in the Volt MX Marketplace.

Interested in learning Volt MX so you can start building some incredible apps on your own? Check out the Volt MX Bootcamp and get your Volt MX Certification.


Accelerate Domino App Modernization with Volt MX Go v2.0

25. Juli 2023 Posted by Richard Jefts

I’m thrilled to introduce Volt MX Go v2.0, an innovative solution that will transform your Domino apps in half the time, risk, and cost of a total rewrite.

We recognize the enduring power of the Domino platform. In fact, 40% of the Fortune 500 companies remain loyal Domino customers, and its v14 release in December 2023 demonstrates its continued relevance and HCL’s commitment to its customers and innovation.

In v12.0.2, we provided multiple ways to modernize apps, such as through Restyle, Domino REST APIs, and Nomad. Volt MX Go serves as a complementary approach containing the best of Domino and Volt MX, our industry-leading low-code platform. You can now do even more with your Domino apps, such as extending them with multiexperience capabilities, from mobile to wearables, and incorporating cutting-edge technology such as AI chatbots – all without the fear of disruption. Read our official statement here.

With Volt MX Go, we’re also offering customers on Domino v9.0.x and v10.0.x (going out of support in June 2024) another pathway for their modernization projects.

Transforming your apps with Volt MX Go v2.0
Check out my short video explaining the benefits of Volt MX Go.


What’s special about Volt MX Go

What sets Volt MX Go apart is our experience and expertise in both the Domino and Volt MX platforms. The proprietary technology available only with Volt MX Go incorporates a powerful translation engine that automates up to 60% of the labor required to extend Domino apps. With Volt MX Go, developers can reuse your existing app’s data and business logic — so no time-consuming rewrites.

Furthermore, our solution allows you to both reuse your app’s existing Domino application logic and to code in modern scripting languages like JavaScript, expanding your access to available developer resources and capabilities.

A person holding a phone and a computer Description automatically generated

Notable features in the latest release

This release of Volt MX Go brings you a host of exciting features designed to streamline your app transformation process. Key highlights include the Domino Adapter, First Touch Experience, Design Import, and VoltFormula. Get more details about the features in this knowledge article.

Get started with Volt MX Go. Today.

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your Domino apps, you can purchase Volt MX Go today. Please contact our team to discuss your needs and how we can help you on your app modernization journey. We also offer comprehensive lab services, such as app assessments to identify Volt MX Go candidate apps, and installation.

Additionally, you can explore new app development possibilities by signing up for a free account to experience Volt MX firsthand.

With Volt MX Go, we are committed to your investment in the apps that run your business and providing new ways to build differentiating experiences to grow your business.

Announcement: Volt MX Unleashes Citizen Development

2. Mai 2023 Posted by Andrew Manby

I’m excited to announce that we’re expanding Volt MX, our multiexperience low-code platform, with proven citizen development capabilities. Already recognized by leading analysts for its outstanding low-code support for professional developers, Volt MX is now enabling citizen developers to build apps in minutes alongside IT on a single governed platform.

Unified Development Platform

Volt MX is the industry’s first platform to provide persona-specific, high-fidelity developer experiences – for both no-code and low-code – on a unified development platform with transparent pricing and no hidden costs.

Since business users are experts in their domain, we believe they should be equipped with their own, persona-specific tools to build their own solutions that solve business challenges.

Most solutions in the market today cater exclusively to either the citizen or the professional developer, resulting in poor adoption by citizen developers, and disjointed collaboration leading to additional cost and complexity for IT organizations to maintain.

Without introducing shadow IT, Volt MX makes it possible to:

  • Enable any organization to tackle their application development backlog and solve business problems at the speed their business demands.
  • Empower citizen developers with confidence, without compromising IT standards and best practices.
  • Upscale and enhance citizen-developed apps in minutes without rewrites.

What existing Volt MX customers can expect:

Starting today, Volt MX B2E customers and Volt MX Go customers with active subscriptions will see the HCL Leap download package available in the HCL Software License and Download Portal. Without delay, you’ll be able to deploy HCL Leap and allow citizen developers to start building apps. The Volt MX platform components now include:

  • Leap: IDE for citizen developers of all skillsets to create situational apps in a safe, governed environment using predefined IT resources in Volt Foundry.
  • Volt Iris: IDE for professional developers to create new applications and upscaling existing Leap apps.
  • Volt Foundry: Environment for professional developers to manage backend integration and workflow services for both professional and citizen development.

To learn more about the new Leap entitlement, please click here. Other Volt MX customers, including B2C customers interested in using Leap for external audiences, should contact their HCL sales representative here or business partner.

Get started with Volt MX today

Want to know more? Check out the following links:

  • Read more about the press announcement here
  • Learn more about Volt MX here
  • Contact sales here

Why Low Code is Key to Digital Transformation

21. April 2023 Posted by Richard Jefts

Why Low Code is Key to Digital Transformation

Low code is revolutionizing the way organizations do business. We all hear, every day, how important speed is or how we need to be moving faster. Low code empowers companies to develop and deploy innovative solutions quickly and efficiently. This translates to faster time-to-market, improved agility, and increased customer satisfaction. Moreover, low-code platforms help bridge the gap between IT and business teams, fostering collaboration and streamlining workflows. This translates to more efficient and effective solutions that align much more closely with business objectives. We see this today with citizen applications being built by anyone at the organization first, after which IT can use what’s been started to build enterprise-grade, low-code applications.

Low-code platforms can be used to develop a wide range of solutions, from simple mobile apps to complex enterprise applications. They offer a range of benefits, including faster development times, reduced costs, improved collaboration, and more efficient workflows. It’s no wonder that they’ve become an increasingly popular choice for businesses looking to accelerate their digital transformation efforts.

According to Gartner, by 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity. In a survey conducted by Forrester, 23% of respondents said they have already implemented low-code platforms, while another 22% said they plan to do so in the next 12 months. The same Forrester survey found that organizations that use low-code platforms report a sixfold increase in speed of application development. This demonstrates the growing importance of low-code platforms in driving digital transformation across industries. I want to emphasize that 2024 is literally right around the corner.

Low-code platforms enable developers to build applications using a visual drag-and-drop interface, reducing the need for coding expertise and speeding up development times. By eliminating these complexities, low-code platforms empower developers and business users alike to create digital solutions without being hindered by technical limitations.

One of the key advantages of low-code platforms is their ability to improve agility and flexibility in software development. With traditional software development methods, updating a project requires significant effort and time: developers must modify the code, test the changes, and then deploy the updated software. In contrast, low-code platforms make it easier to adapt to changing requirements by enabling users to make changes to applications quickly and efficiently.

In addition to their speed and flexibility, low-code platforms can also help reduce costs by reducing the need for specialized developers and IT personnel. Because low-code platforms don’t require the specialized expertise that traditional software development demands, enterprises can draw on a wider pool of talent to create digital solutions. This can lead to significant cost savings, particularly for smaller businesses or organizations with limited IT resources. It also frees up the best of your IT talent to focus on higher-value initiatives.

Low-code platforms are not without challenges. As with any new technology, there may be concerns around security and data protection, particularly for enterprises that routinely handle sensitive data. It’s important for organizations to carefully evaluate the security and compliance capabilities of low-code platforms before adopting them. You need to work with proven vendors that have rock-solid solutions.

At HCLSoftware, we’re committed to empowering businesses by providing the tools they need to thrive in today’s competitive market. Our low-code platform offers a powerful yet user-friendly — and secure — environment enabling businesses to develop and deploy solutions quickly and efficiently, without the need for specialized coding skills. By leveraging our low-code platform, businesses can focus on delivering value to their customers, driving innovation, and achieving their digital transformation goals. All with speed!!

Our application development platforms provide more than 10 million applications to enterprises globally to keep their businesses running.




Registration for Volt MX Go Early Access Program Is Now Open

17. März 2023 Posted by Adam Gartenberg

We are pleased to share that we are now accepting registrations for the upcoming Volt MX Go early access program. If you are a current or prospective Volt MX Go customer or Business Partner and are interested in testing and providing feedback on the upcoming release, please fill in the registration form here. 

The program will provide a preview of the features that will be included in the July 2023 Volt MX Go release, and our goal is to be able to incorporate feedback on features, design, and usability prior to the release. We are looking for participants who have a Domino 12.0.2 development environment available and can commit to deploying and testing the Volt MX Go early access code as soon as it is available in mid-April so that we have time to make any necessary updates prior to July. 

The Volt MX Go early access release will enable you to: 

  • Connect Volt Foundry to your Domino applications with a dedicated Domino Adapter, guided by a fast, simple first-touch experience 
  • Modernize or create new multiexperience applications in Volt Iris against your Domino back-end data and applications 
  • Get a head start on your Volt MX Go applications by importing existing Domino Views, Forms and Fields into Volt Foundry 
  • Greatly expand who can code Domino applications through VoltFormula, allowing you to run @Formula and OpenFormula code without requiring a full rewrite 

 The early access program is feature-driven and iterative, with new iterations and code drops being made available as soon as they are declared ready for testing by our development team. New code drops can be provided in just a few weeks after the previous one, on short notice. 

How to Participate
To apply to participate in the program, fill in the registration form here 

We will be doing a limited, phased rollout of the program to make sure we can properly accommodate feedback and assist participants. We will begin notifying those who have been accepted into the program in mid-April and will provide access to the code, documentation and the feedback forum at that time.  

We will be bringing additional participants on board on a regular basis from that point onward, so please be on the lookout for an acceptance email as we ramp up the program. Our goal is to be able to include as many participants as possible. 

We are excited about the upcoming Volt MX Go release and encouraged by all the interest we are seeing and are looking forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions! 

11 Reasons to Switch to a Multiexperience Development Platform

20. Januar 2022 Posted by HCL Volt MX Team

Covid-19 has disrupted our world and deprived us of human interactions, but successful businesses have transformed their products and services into digital experiences interconnecting employees and customers. These are the digital powerhouses that have mastered the multiexperience strategy.

One of the world’s largest direct sales companies attributes a two-percent increase in revenue in part to its investment in digital transformation and a multiexperience strategy. The company switched from in-person meetings, printed catalogs, and paper-based orders to doing everything with smartphones.

Now, the company’s individual business owners are ready to make their sales from anywhere at any time. They have progressive web and native mobile apps that can be reused globally, including augmented reality and voice recognition features for immersive digital experiences.

The company’s vision was to engage and support their individual business owners and their customers, and their digital experiences are propelling the company forward.

Multiexperience development aims to support such digital user journeys across various devices, apps, and interfaces (wearables, web or mobile, conversational UI) using different modalities (voice, touch, gestures).  Multiexperience Development Platforms, or MXDPs, provide developers with a set of front-end and backend tools and services to build unique, consistent, and scalable experiences for their users. These tools cover the whole app lifecycle from its design, development, testing, distribution, to maintenance, management, and user data analysis.

The aforementioned direct sales company chose the industry-leading MXDP HCL Volt MX to implement its multiexperience strategy. The platform helped to centralize the organization’s development, enabling teams in different parts of the world to easily build and share cutting-edge apps, reducing project times and costs by half.

Learn more about Volt MX, and schedule a (free) demo  Read other success stories of how global organizations have transformed their businesses

Whether your business is only beginning its digital transformation journey, or you have adopted another low-code platform, here are the top reasons to switch to (or add to your technology stack) an MXDP:

  1. MXDPs offer a simplified and accelerated design process.

For instance, HCL Volt MX includes a visual design canvas with pre-wired components, templates, and sample apps. Reusable code and real-time preview help to brainstorm and design apps faster.

2. MXDPs let you build one app for any device with one source base.

There’s no need to hire hundreds of developers — experts in various platforms, operating systems and multiple programming languages. An MXDP helps your existing team to develop one unique cloud-native app across multiple channels using a single code base and deploy it to any device.

3. MXDPs cut down time to market.

Such platforms enable rapid prototyping of immersive experiences that are visible to the C-suite and other decision-makers. This shorter feedback loop and out-of-the-box functionality significantly decrease time to market. HCL Volt MX, for example, promises a built time of weeks instead of months, and an over 60 percent reduction in time to market.

4. MXDPs digitize processes and automate deployment.

In a true plug-and-play manner, multiexperience platforms automate testing, SAP back-end integrations, and DevOps — they digitize your operations. They also include a fully distributed deployment system and provide a solution to deliver apps without publishing in an app store, an essential want for internal enterprise apps.

5. MXDPs increase your operational efficiency.

Low code removes complexity from everyday tasks. It offers a simpler way to build backend processes, and it serves as a central system to incorporate and manage different complex workflows. Plus, it empowers people closest to the business create the solutions.

6. They free up your IT team to focus on the bigger picture.

Free from manual tasks of writing and rewriting code, maintenance, or solving data discrepancies and backend mistakes, your developers will be able to concentrate on enterprise-level systems and strategic initiatives. Working on those initiatives is easier when an included custom and prebuilt data analytics platform measures your success.

7. MXDPs improve security.

One of the strongest selling points of these platforms is the security and peace of mind they offer. They include out-of-the-box API management and data and identity protection capabilities. Your IT department has one platform to manage all of your apps, devices, and services, used by the entire enterprise. This minimizes risks of third-party installs and shadow IT.

8. They empower employees.

As a boost to employees’ wellbeing and productivity, MXDPs celebrate and empower citizen developers. Using simple visual assembly, even non-coders are capable of developing apps to fit their (and organizational) needs. These platforms also promote cross-team cooperation and collaboration to find and build best solutions.

9. MXDPs help you stay ahead of the curve.

Multiexperience platforms facilitate innovation and provide unique first-hand access to cutting-edge technology to drive user adoption, engagement, and retention. HCL Volt MX, for instance, provides a single platform that supports AI and machine learning in conversational apps, wearables, virtual and augmented realities experiences, and more.

Why You Need a Smart MXDP Strategy. Now. 

10. MXDPs save you money.

They lower the total cost of ownership in the long run by automating so many development steps, increasing efficiency, reducing time to market, and significantly cutting maintenance, infrastructure, and development costs. Adopting this single software suite helps an organization of any size to digitally transform and offer the latest engaging experience to their customers and employees.

11. MXDPs help to create the ultimate user experience.

An average American has access to more than ten connected devices in their home, according to Statista research. People aren’t just interacting with their phones but with the evolved apps and interfaces, such as immersive experiences and chatbots, wearables and kiosks, native mobile and progressive web apps. So, organizations have to invest into solutions that meet their users in all of those.

Leading multiexperience development platforms, like HCL Volt MX, help businesses solve this challenge of addressing the needs of their customers through numerous channels and different modalities. After all, in this rapidly evolving digital world, addressing these needs by building and maintaining apps on your own is beyond the scope of most organizations. Instead, switching to an MXDP is an obvious answer to the challenge of achieving digital transformation and creating the scalable and competitive digital experience.

Domino Volt ist jetzt verfügbar

15. April 2020 Posted by Gerda Marx

Im Dezember 2019 in Tokio präsentiert und nach einer kurzen Beta-Phase ist Domino Volt ab sofort verfügbar, wie HCL offiziell mitteilt. Laut HCL können Unternehmen mit dem Low-Code-Programm 60-70% schneller Anwendungen für HCL Domino erstellen. Domino Volt kann jedoch erst ab Domino V11 genutzt werden. Weitere Informationen können der [...]

Der Beitrag Domino Volt ist jetzt verfügbar erschien zuerst auf hedersoft Blog.

Back to the Roots ODER schneller und kostengünstiger Workflow-Anwendungen mit Notes und Domino entwickeln

7. März 2019 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Die Ankündigung des Verkaufs von IBM (Lotus) Notes und Domino sowie von Sametime und Connections an das indische Unternehmen HCL ist nun seit geraumer Zeit angekündigt. Im Hintergrund laufen die entsprechenden juristischen Prozesse, um den Übergang entsprechend rechtskonform abzuwickeln.

Während aus besagten juristischen Gründen über die lang- und mittelfristige Entwicklung von IBM Connections nur bedingt gesprochen werden kann, kann über das, was mit Notes und Domino passiert wesentlich detaillierter gesprochen werden, da dort die Pläne schon vor der Ankündigung der angedachten Übernahme in größerem Umfang veröffentlicht wurden. Nicht zuletzt hat hier auch der weltweite Launch der Version 10 von Domino (vor dem Announcement) eine gewichtige Rolle gespielt.

Jenseits der Auseinandersetzung um den richtigen E-Mail-Klienten spielt Domino, besser spielen entwickelte Apps in vielen Unternehmen noch immer eine wichtige Rolle. Sie sind auch jenseits von E-Mail weiter im Einsatz, weil sie ihren Dienst tun oder aber eine Ablösung mehr Geld kosten würde, als die jeweiligen breit sind auszugeben. Und hier kommen wir auf eine Stärke von Notes und Domino: Mit der Plattform konnten schnell und vergleichsweise günstig Lösungen umgesetzt werden, die mit anderen Umgebungen deutlich höheren Aufwand erfordern würden, ohne dass das Ergebnis besser sein muss. Oft sind es – man verzeihe den fast altmodisch erscheinenden Begriff – Workflow-Anwendungen.

HCL (und IBM) haben im vergangenen Jahr an diese Historie angeknüpft, modernisieren und bauen die Möglichkeiten von Notes und Domino in der schnellen Anwendungsentwicklung aus. Domino soll noch stärker zu einer Low Code- oder gar No Code-Umgebung werden. Die durchgängige Unterstützung von JavaScript für zukunftssichere Domino-Anwendungen sind nur eines der Signale, die gesendet werden. In Domino V11 plant HCL sein JavaScript-Programmiermodell weiter zu entwickeln.

Es ist ein Stück „back to the roots“: schnelle Anwendungsentwicklungen von und für die Fachabteilungen und „das Geschäft“ mit dem Anspruch, nicht nur bestehende „Legacy-Anwendungen“ effizient modernisieren zu können. Nein, man will mit dem Argument, dass mit Domino schneller und kostengünstiger entwickelt werden kann, durchaus auch neue Kunden gewinnen. Das muss auch der Anspruch sein, um im Markt bestehen zu können.  Man argumentiert hier unter anderem mit einer aktuellen Wirtschaftlichkeitsstudie des Analystenhauses Forrester zu „The Total Economic Impact™ of IBM Domino“ (Beim Download Registrierung nötig), in der  beeindruckende Zahlen bezüglich der Lizenzkosten, der eingesetzten Ressourcen und der notwendigen Infrastruktur herausgearbeitet wurden.


Insgesamt hat man sich einer auch notwendigen Schlankheitskur verschrieben, in dem man sich von dem schwergewichtigen Eclipse-Framework löst. Beispielsweise wurden erste Prototypen von Notes App gezeigt, die auf iPad, an iPhone oder Android laufen. Ein „leichgewichtiger“ Klient ist in der Mache. Und Notes-Anwendungen können unterdessen durch eine Verschlankung auch im Browser laufen. All das hat das Ziel, Domino und Notes vom Nimbus der altbackenen, überalteten Software zu befreien und in den Weg in eine moderne Zukunft zu zeigen: „Domino war die erste no-SQL Datenbank und sie ist heute besser denn je!“, so wird der HCL Vice President Richard Jefts zitiert.

Jefts will die weitere Entwicklung von Lösungen wie Domino, Sametime, Portal, Connections oder Commerce in einem Bereich zusammenfassen, um so tiefere Integrationen zu schaffen. weiterentwickelt werden. Es gibt eine Vielzahl weiterer Ankündigungen und technischer Details, die den Rahmen dieses Beitrags sprengen würden. Weitere Informationen gibt es in aller Kürze auf Veranstaltungen der Business Partner und der IBM im Nachgang der Think 2019 in San Francisco und der HCL Lab Tour in Mailand.

Hier die entsprechenden Termine der IBM. HCL Vertreter planen bei den Events vor Ort zu sein.

San Francisco Comes To You – IBM Collaboration Update von der Think 2019

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Tom Zeizels Blog – Domino rocks it all!

27. Juli 2018 Posted by Thomas Zeizel, IBM

Tom Zeizels Blog – Domino rocks it all! Unglaublich, was mit Notes Domino im Moment so abgeht. Fast täglich gibt es Neuigkeiten von IBM, HCL und Partnern zum Release 10, das im Oktober 2018 kommen wird und auch schon zu Release 11, das für den Sommer 2019 angedacht ist. Dabei wird das Release 10 seinen […]

Der Beitrag Tom Zeizels Blog – Domino rocks it all! erschien zuerst auf DNUG.

Preview: IBM Domino Community Server für Testzwecke kostenfrei

12. September 2017 Posted by Peter Schütt, IBM

IBM hat heute angekündigt den IBM Domino Community Server für Nicht-Produktion mit einer „nonwarranted License Option“ über die IBM developerWorks Website kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen zu wollen. Das Angebot zielt darauf Studenten, Entwicklern und Anwendungsanbietern die Möglichkeit zu geben ihre IBM Domino Anwendungen im lizenzkostenfreien nicht-Produktionsumfeld testen zu können.

Domino ist seit vielen Jahre eine der erfolgreichsten, zuverlässigsten, sicheren und kostengünstigsten Anwendungsentwicklungsumgebungen für Rapid Application Development und wird von IBM mit fortlaufenden Investitionen als Plattform immer aktuell gehalten. Ein sehr aktuelles Beispiel dafür ist der mit dem FeaturePack 10 zum Jahresumbruch geplante Einstieg in eine „Docker“-isierung, also der Unterstützung von Domino in Docker Containern.

Der Beitrag Preview: IBM Domino Community Server für Testzwecke kostenfrei erschien zuerst auf DNUG.