Posts Tagged: ‘Rapid Application Development’

Hyperautomation and Rapid Application Development: Moving the Needle on Digital Transformation

20. Juli 2023 Posted by Dan Allen

Enterprise technology and application development are accelerating at record-setting speed, directly impacting your digital transformation strategies. Explore the capability and value of Domino’s rapid application development tools to support hyperautomation — and accelerate your business growth.

As the past few years have demonstrated, the entire business landscape can undergo sudden, transformative shifts that force the rapid-fire development of comprehensive solutions that address real business needs– like workflow improvements and business automation.

Organizations are coming to the realization that hyperautomation is essential to a digital transformation journey. But what’s the secret to enabling hyperautomation and becoming an industry leader? Rapid Application Development (RAD).

Hyperautomation as a means of survival

Hyperautomation is an approach to automating business and IT processes organization-wide to streamline and accelerate workflow.

Despite the established prevalence of business automation, too many companies are still hampered by siloed applications and inefficient workflows even though workflow efficiency is considered an organizational priority. The move toward hyperautomation is a natural progression for companies looking to speed up digital transformation and have more impact on reducing costs, increasing customer engagement, and optimizing business processes. In some cases, it is a means remaining competitive.

“Hyperautomation has shifted from an option to a condition of survival,” said Fabrizio Biscotti, research vice president at Gartner. “Organizations will require more IT and business process automation as they are forced to accelerate digital transformation plans in a […] digital-first world.”

In fact, a recent Gartner survey found that 85% of respondents are planning to increase or sustain their hyperautomation investment strategies, and over half of these said their companies had several hyperautomation projects underway.

Harnessing the power of hyperautomation – through Rapid Application Development

Overall, hyperautomation is about integrating people, processes, and technology and that’s why RAD is central to digital transformation. Using a rapid application development platform, like Domino, makes it easy to empower your workforce, accelerate innovation and streamline work. For the past thirty years Domino has been a has been a favorite of developers and IT organizations who value usable software that works. The primary success of RAD is based on providing developers with a repository of reusable code, easy database access, quick app design, and a focus on a simplified approach.

Key benefits of rapid application development

  1. Faster delivery of process improvements and applications – RAD ensures faster delivery with preset components and ready-made adapters.
  2. Lower development costs – while skilled developers are necessary, a shortened development cycle can more than offset those costs.
  3. Fewer coding errors – preset components can help eliminate repetitive errors thus improving software quality.
  4. Shorter cycle time for updates – easier modifications through compartmentation of components.
  5. Comprehensive integration toolset – ready-made adapters, APIs and components enable quick integration and access to data.

Domino helps makes hyperautomation your reality

Whether you’re a 50,000-employee banking company providing onsite and online financial services or a manufacturer that relies on tight cost control and schedule adherence, Domino lets you target and solve your own unique challenges.

Rapid application development can transform businesses and help companies bring value to the market faster, whether businesses have an overreliance on outdated processes, difficulty in reporting, a need to increase customer engagement, or deliver workflow improvements.

Domino, with Nomad capability, can also swiftly extend your business apps to a mobile device or web browser. This enables access to your business apps from virtually anywhere. Additionally, you can continue to work on your apps even if there is no data connection and sync your work later when reconnected.

A rapid application development platform such as HCL Domino includes all the tools you need without worrying about integrations, back end, or security. A RAD platform, like Domino, is an important tool to enable hyperautomation for a business of any size to support your digital transformation journey.

To take advantage of all Domino has to offer, upgrade to Domino v12 and experience the hundreds of new features that can help your company drive innovation and rapid application development.

Preview: IBM Domino Community Server für Testzwecke kostenfrei

12. September 2017 Posted by Peter Schütt, IBM

IBM hat heute angekündigt den IBM Domino Community Server für Nicht-Produktion mit einer „nonwarranted License Option“ über die IBM developerWorks Website kostenfrei zur Verfügung stellen zu wollen. Das Angebot zielt darauf Studenten, Entwicklern und Anwendungsanbietern die Möglichkeit zu geben ihre IBM Domino Anwendungen im lizenzkostenfreien nicht-Produktionsumfeld testen zu können.

Domino ist seit vielen Jahre eine der erfolgreichsten, zuverlässigsten, sicheren und kostengünstigsten Anwendungsentwicklungsumgebungen für Rapid Application Development und wird von IBM mit fortlaufenden Investitionen als Plattform immer aktuell gehalten. Ein sehr aktuelles Beispiel dafür ist der mit dem FeaturePack 10 zum Jahresumbruch geplante Einstieg in eine „Docker“-isierung, also der Unterstützung von Domino in Docker Containern.

Der Beitrag Preview: IBM Domino Community Server für Testzwecke kostenfrei erschien zuerst auf DNUG.