Posts Tagged: ‘Streebo’

How Streebo plans to help businesses increase productivity and efficiency with Volt MX-powered Generative AI solution

18. Mai 2023 Posted by Pavaanjeet Singh

Streebo plans to help businesses increase productivity and efficiency

With the advancements in AI and machine learning, we’ve entered a new phase of digital transformation. Right now, every industry is looking to modernize operations – and AI is a game-changer. AI-infused solutions have become indispensable tools that can revolutionize the ways industries operate, making tasks simpler, faster, and more efficient.

One such groundbreaking technology that has recently surfaced and already begun rapidly transforming multiple industries is generative AI. The emergence of the GPT platform from Open.AI, for example, has accelerated the field of Conversational AI. Through improved in-context dialogue within conversational flows, this technology has immense potential to enhance the development of all conversational AI applications.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how our business partner Streebo, a leading provider of AI solutions, plans to assist businesses in enhancing their productivity and efficiency with their innovative generative AI solution powered by HCL Volt MX. We’ll also delve deeper into how Streebo’s Smart Apps Solution, infuses Volt MX technology and explore its architectural framework, positioning, and the numerous benefits it offers businesses.

Smart Apps powered by HCL Volt MX and GPT
Streebo has utilized leading technologies such as Volt MX, Leap and Digital Experience (DX) and top-notch Natural Language Processing (NLP) to develop a comprehensive library of pre-trained apps that cater to different industries and domains.

These smart apps can be used for customer self-service, agent service, and employee service roles. Equipped with omnichannel capabilities, they can be integrated with popular social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and SMS. For internal applications, these apps are compatible with messaging platforms like MS Teams, Slack, and HCL Sametime.

Streebo’s library of pre-trained apps are multi-lingual; they come bundled in with a live agent and are trained until they are 99% accurate. That way, companies can increase the volume and range of their interactions, while engaging meaningfully and improving the quality of their services.

What’s New in 2023? Our Apps are now Smart Apps

In the latest release, Streebo has integrated its smart apps with the GPT platform from Open.AI. By combining Volt MX, DX, and Leap’s software capabilities and the Regenerative AI capabilities of the Open.AI GPT platforms, Streebo has created a powerful solution that can make existing web applications or mobile applications voice and chat-activated, allowing end users to converse with existing apps. Thus, providing a digital experience with the convenience and advanced capabilities of ChatGPT to enterprise users for any web, mobile or desktop application. With HCLSoftware, our smart apps can:

  • Be voice and chat-activated
  • Provide pinpoint answers to specific questions and factual responses for untrained inquiries
  • Process complex emails and generate human-like responses
  • Get information easily from unstructured repositories
  • Present large chunks of information in a concise manner

Business Benefits – Powerful ROI

Our combination of solutions offers businesses several benefits. For one, it enables businesses to quickly develop and deploy custom web and mobile applications. Additionally, GPT’s Generative AI solutions can make the solutions voice and chat-activated, increasing its outreach to newer channels all from a single code base.

Streebo has cited the following results with their customers:

  • Increase in Revenue by ~1-5% (for external facing apps)
  • Improvement in Customer SAT Rating (~15-20%)
  • Cut the customer service cost by 50% or more.
Key differentiators of Smart App Solutions powered by HCL Volt MX + HCL DX and GPT

AI-powered automation
Streebo’s Volt MX + HCL DX and GPT-powered smart apps automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, freeing up developers to focus on tasks that require higher degree of expertise.

End-to-end security
While leveraging world-class NLP engines including ChatGPT from Open.AI (hosted on Microsoft Azure), the solution still ensures that data transmitted between GPT and the app is encrypted and masked, guaranteeing that all enterprise data stays protected.

Email automation
With email automation, it’s now possible to provide customer and employee service using the combined capabilities of HCLSoftware and GPT as the generative engine. Our Cognitive Email solution can comprehend intricate emails, access enterprise backends securely with the help of Volt MX, and deliver responses that sound like natural human communication. These capabilities make the solution more flexible and versatile, giving it the ability to reach a wider audience and meet the specific needs of multiple industries. Given the implications this has on an organization’s ROI, it’s no wonder this disruptive solution is recommended by industry-experts for its unique and innovative approach.

Ready to go omni-channel digital solutions
Streebo’s solution catalog contains over 50 AI-powered omni-channel digital experiences for various industries and domains including banking, retail, telecom, manufacturing, and healthcare. These apps can now be surfaced on a variety of external channels, like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, SMS and even email. Internal facing apps can now be deployed on MS Teams, Slack and HCL SameTime. These apps can even work on voice channels like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Phone IVR.
Pre-integrated with enterprise backends
Cognitive apps powered by HCL DX, Volt MX and HCL Leap for the enterprise can be easily plugged into a variety of common backends like HCL Connections, HCL Commerce, SAP, ServiceNow, Workday, Cognos, and FileNet.

99% accuracy
Smart apps are built built using HCL Volt MX + HCL DX and ChatGPT, cutting-edge technology and advanced algorithms that make them able to interpret user input with up to 99% accuracy and provide personalized responses. They’re also continually trained to keep their performance and predictions highly accurate over time, building long-term trust with users and maintaining Streebo as a leading provider of digital solutions.

Multi-lingual capabilities
ChatGPT-powered cognitive apps support over 38 languages, so more customers can get assistance in their preferred language.

Convenient hosting options
Smart apps and bot solutions can be hosted on-prem or on the cloud, including IBM Cloud, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Access to unstructured data
GPT integration allows access to information from unstructured repositories and presents it in a concise manner, delivering a brief and precise response to customer queries instead of lengthy paragraphs

Solution Details of Volt MX and GPT Powered Smart Apps

As shown in the logical architecture diagram below, the solution is designed using a combination of HCL Volt MX & DX that enables web and mobile interfaces for the application. Leveraging Foundry, the ESB layer of HCL Volt MX, the solution then enables backend integration with a variety of legacy systems. In our latest release, integrating GPT platform from Open.AI (or as a Microsoft Azure Service) these apps are now smart apps meaning they are now voice and chat activated.

This allows the end user to converse with the app by giving it chat and voice commands. This expands the outreach of the app to a variety of social media platforms, like Meta Messenger, WhatsApp, and internal messaging platforms like MS Teams and HCL SameTime. These apps will also become available via voice, SMS, and email channels.

Overall, these next generation smart app solutions powered by HCL Volt MX and GPT provide modern digital enterprises with a winning combination of flexibility, scalability, security, and speed. To learn more about HCL and GPT powered smart solutions, please visit Streebo’s official website at