Archive for: ‘April 2013’

IBM stellt neue DB2 Version mit BLU-Technologie und IBM PureData System for Hadoop vor

15. April 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Mit der Open Source-Plattform IBM PureData System for Hadoop lassen sich Massen an strukturierten und unstrukturierten Daten wie Posts, Videos, Handy-Ortungen oder Transaktionsdaten schnell und einfach analysieren und organisieren.

Improve your Domino Server Performance on the System i

14. April 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

On Windows it is pretty clear that Domino Servers only perform well, when the admin regulary defragment the file system where the Domino data is stored. Unfortunatly many System i admins do not know that fragmentation of Domino databases is a problem on their system too. So they do not get the best performance possible and with every year of using the server the problem of framgentation gets bigger and bigger.

The defragmentation of the disks in a System i Server can be done with the command STRDSKRGZ.

So login into your System i with a 5250 Terminal client and execute the STRDSKRGZ command:


The ASP Parameter means that you want to reorganize all Auxilliary Storage Pools (Normally you have only one of this, but if you have more of them, then *all handles them all)

The Timlmt(*NOMAX) means that the System i should defragment the ASP till all data is complete defragmented. As an alternative you can specify a exact time how long you want do defrag the disk. Disk reorganization stop automatically when the timelimit is reached.

As the disk reorganization runs in the background and on a very small runtime priority, you do not have to stop your domino server or other system i tasks running.

When you want to stop the reorganization before it is finished or the time limit has elapsed you can use the ENDDSKRGZ command.


When a disk reorganization is started a CPI1470 Message is logged in the System i log and when the reorganization finishes a CPI1472 message is logged. You can find the reason why the execution hast stopped in the message details of CPI1472.

You can scan the System i log for this messages with the DSPLOG command.


So give your Domino server on the the system i a performance boost and execute the disk reorganization regulary. My suggestion is to add the command to the job scheduler of the System i.

Howto get auto generated values from rows created by SQL inserts in DB2

14. April 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

Normally you know exactly which values are in the columns of a newly inserted row in a database table. But when your table has an automatic generated identity column which is the primary key of the table you will want the automatic generated key value from your insert statement. But the normal insert command does not give back values. Fortunatly newer DB2 Version have the "Select from final Table" clause to solve the problem.

For example we have an address table created by the following commands:

    CACHE 20 ),
    NAME2 CHAR(20) CCSID 273 NOT NULL ) ;
( "KEY" TEXT IS 'Primary Key' ,
    NAME1 TEXT IS 'Name1' ,
    NAME2 TEXT IS 'Name2' ) ;

And here is the code to add a row and get the automatic created identity number back in one step.

PreparedStatement ps = con
.prepareStatement("Select * from final table (Insert into petter/adressen( name1,name2) values('Ralf','Petter'))");
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();;

With the "Select from final table" clause you can retrieve values which are set by trigger prgograms or other advanced Db2 features too. 

The hidden secret of the BCC field

13. April 2013 Posted by Alexander Kluge


If you send out mass mail you should know about using the bcc field – unless you want everybody to see the list of startups at NEXT13.

Get prepared – Apple will change with iOS 6.1 VPN On Demand functionality

12. April 2013 Posted by .:. .:.

Falls jemand unter Apple iOS VPN-Zugriff mit der Option On Demand - Always verwendet, ist in den kommenden Wochen Vorsicht geboten. Bedingt durch eine durch Apple verlorene Patentklage, muss Apple di ...

Re: xWork 8.5.3 End of Live – Ankündigung xWork Server 9 – Vereinfachung der Lizenzen

12. April 2013 Posted by Daniel Reichelt

Als Antwort auf: xWork 8.5.3 End of Live - Ankündigung xWork Server 9 - Vereinfachung der Lizenzen

Das klingt gut! Wo findet man die sonstigen xWork Server Lizenzbedingungen, worin steht, was ich mit dem xWork Server anfangen kann?
Ist der User-Zugriff nur per Browser auf HTTP-Anwendungen gestattet oder darf auch per Notes-Client daruaf zugegriffen werden? Ist Clustering erlaubt?

Domino 8.5.3 on Linux – a real workhorse !

12. April 2013 Posted by Heiko Voigt

Hi, just came across this statistic from one of our hosted servers for one of our customers. It's an SMB Customer, running an XWorks Server for their internal applications on 8.5.3. All apps are XPa ...

IBM Symposium zu Power Systems und Systems Management: 6. – 8. Mai 2013 in Leipzig

12. April 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

IBM veranstaltet vom 6. Mai bis 8. Mai 2013 das jährliche IBM Power Systems und Systems Management Symposium in Leipzig.

Berufsbegleitendes Masterprogramm bei IBM

12. April 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Mit dem Programm Graduate Master@IBM bietet IBM Deutschland Bachelor- und Diplomabsolventen die Möglichkeit, ihr Masterstudium berufsbegleitend zu absolvieren.

The Art of Java performance tuning.

12. April 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

There was a very interesting session at Eclipse Con 2013 in Boston about low level java performance tuning from Ed Merks. You can find the session slides at:

P. S. The interesting slides start at slide 17. 

IBM unterstützt den verstärkten Einsatz von Flash-Technologie im Unternehmen zur Beschleunigung von Big-Data-Analytics

12. April 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

IBM (NYSE: IBM) hat neue Lösungen zur Verbreitung von Flash-Speichertechnologie vorgestellt, um Unternehmen eine bessere Bewältigung der wachsenden Herausforderungen von Big Data zu ermöglichen.

Happy Birthday to the best application server on earth

11. April 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

This year the best application server system celebrate its 25th birthday. Watch this video to see why the "IBM i" is  is such a great system.

Von einer lokal installierten Notes-Mail zu IBM SmartCloud Notes

11. April 2013 Posted by Stefan Gebhardt

Dieses Video zeigt, wie einfach es ist, von einer lokal installierten Notes-Mail ("on premise") zu "IBM Smart Cloud Notes", also dem Notes-Mail in der IBM Cloud zu wechseln (auch bisher unter "Lotus Live Notes" bekannt).

Für Unternehmen, die den eigenen Notes-Server nur für Mail und Kalender nutzen und sich nicht mit der Administration eines Domino-Servers beschäftigen wollen, ist dies mit derzeit knapp 5€/Monat/Nutzer durchaus eine Alternative.

Gartner-Report: IBM ist Marktführer bei Anwendungs-Infrastruktur- und Middleware-Software im zwölften aufeinanderfolgenden Jahr

11. April 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Nach einem neuen Gartner-Report war IBM im Jahr 2012 erneut umsatzstärkstes Softwareunternehmen im Bereich Anwendungs-Infrastruktur und Middleware (AIM).

Howto split a String with a delimiter in SQL

11. April 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

Today i want to show how to split a String with a delimiter in SQL for example in a table with modelnumbers which consists of two parts sperated by a slash.


To get the first and second part of the modelnumber you can use

select  LEFT( trim(model),LENGTH(trim(model))-LOCATE('/',trim(model))) model1, RIGHT( trim(model), LENGTH(trim(model))-LOCATE('/',trim(model))) model2 from modeltable

to get the result:

model1   model2
A1       44
CX3      2
C        140