Business Users Can Supercharge Their Application Development with the Newest Version of HCL Leap

24. Juni 2022 Posted by HCL Digital Solutions

Our latest HCL Leap v9.3 delivers major improvements to help you automate processes faster than ever and unleash innovation with your business users and citizen developers. This release includes new features and tools enabling continuous process improvements in a secure and sustainable way. Here are some of the new benefits:

  • A modern look, with a flatter UI, to increase user productivity eliminating the need to click into dialogs to discover and set item properties. 
  • Updated visual designer and UX to simplify the building of workflow apps. Sketching out new workflow stages, setting user assignments or sending out email notifications are now more intuitive. 
  • Three new features — App Pages, Data Grid and Navigation — let you build apps, not just forms. It’s now easier than ever to build dashboard-style apps which include non-form pages and item lists for viewing and selection. 
  • A code editor to improve productivity by highlighting and properly formatting the JavaScript you write. The new editor will also allow you to pick from a predefined list of code snippets and provide typehead choices to speed up your work. 
  • Enhanced role and stage-based rules to provide more power for customizing the business logic in your app without having to write code. 
  • Added name-picker widget enables a user to easily choose names or groups, from the apps directory, to engage others in the app-building process.
  • A rich-text widget for app building allowing users to enter and format text — complete with links and images. 

 And that’s not all we are delivering….

Visit the HCL Leap Sandbox to try out our latest features and view ready-made app examples which demonstrate our capabilities.  You can also watch this video on how to build apps with HCL Leap. See how quickly you can turn all your great ideas into real innovative solutions!

Transformation Awaits: Upgrade to HCL Domino v12 Now

20. Juni 2022 Posted by HCL Digital Solutions

We are deeply invested in the future of Domino, since it continues to be the underlying platform powering core business processes around the globe — for airlines, banks, health-care organizations, and governments. In the past two years, we have delivered two exciting new Domino releases that include new features aimed at improving our software’s usability, as well as important security updates. Our latest release — v12 — has been well-received and many customers have already upgraded. Given our customer’s positive response, we are announcing the end of marketing and support for two of our older releases.

End of Marketing (EOM) and End of Support (EOS) for Domino and Notes v9.0.x and v10.0.x 

We announce today the EOM and EOS for Domino and Notes v9.0.x and v10.0.x effective December 1, 2022 (EOM), and June 1, 2024 (EOS). We wanted to provide ample time for our customers to prepare. 

What Does This Mean for You, as a Domino Customer? 

  • End of Marketing (EOM) – HCL ceases selling the specific product versions in this announcement and removes them from the HCL FlexNet software download site effective December 1, 2022.  This allows our existing customers to download versions 9.0.x and 10.0.x before December 1, 2022, if desired.    
  • End of Support (EOS) – HCL ceases support for the specific product versions in this announcement effective June 1, 2024. Customers should deploy a more recent software version.   
  • No extended support will be offered for the specific product versions listed in this announcement. 

To support your transition, our sales and technical support teams are here to address your questions and help you set up an upgrade plan. For help, contact your local HCL partner or contact us directly.

Get Started with Your Upgrade Planning 

Existing customers will have the option to upgrade to Domino v12.0.1 and all affected customers are encouraged to make this transition. To provide you with more information and additional resources about upgrading Domino, you can browse our Domino Upgrade Webpage.

Upgrading your software allows you to leverage the full value of our extensive new feature set and the latest in mobile and web app development to improve workflow management. Our latest Domino v12 software reduces your security risks, helps protect your data and ensures compatibility with other updated technologies. And, most importantly, it supports innovation to help you stay ahead of the competition.

We know that some customers could want to consider other HCL options to deliver low-code functionality. We recently announced the launch of Volt MX Go, which combines the power of our multiexperience low-code platform, Volt MX, and Domino. Volt MX Go enables you to extend your skills and investments in your Domino apps and transform them into exceptional mobile, web, and even wearable experiences. Volt MX can also be deployed as a stand-alone solution if desired. Contact us to learn more.

Upgrading Domino is direct, fast, and easy. You can also deploy your Domino environment wherever you want – on-prem, hybrid or cloud — with cloud-native capabilities. Let’s do this together! Start your upgrade planning today. 

Here are the specific Domino and Notes versions 9.0.x and 10.0.x that are affected: 

EOM/EOS Product Version(s)   EOM Effective Date   EOS Effective Date   Current Product Version(s)  
IBM Notes v9.0.x, v10.0.x    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Notes v11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM Domino v9.0.x, v10.0.x    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Domino v11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM Domino Designer v9.0.x, v10.0.x     12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Domino Designer v11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM Traveler v9.0.1, v10.0.1   12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Traveler V11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM XWork Server v9.0.x, v10.0.   12/01/2022   06/01/2024   *None  
IBM Client Application Access v1.0.x, v2.0.x    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Client Application Access v3.0.3  
IBM Domino Connector for SAP Solutions v2.0.1    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Domino Connector for SAP Solutions v2.0.2  
IBM Enterprise Integrator for Domino v9.0.x, v10.0.x*    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Enterprise Integrator for Domino v11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM Connections Content Manager Plugin for Notes v9.0.x, v10.0.x    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Connections Content Manager Plugin for Notes v11.0.1, v12.0.1  
IBM Connections Files Plug-In v9.0.x, v10.0x (part of Connections packages)    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Connections Plug-ins for HCL Notes June 2022 release 


IBM Mail Add-in (IMSMO Client) v2.0.x IBM Mail Add-on (Server) v2.0.x    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Traveler for Microsoft Outlook v3.0.x  
IBM Verse On-Premises v1.0.x     12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Verse 2.0.x  
IBM Sametime Community Server v9.0.x (9.0.1 FP1)    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   HCL Sametime Limited Chat v11.x and v12.x Community Server  
IBM C-API ToolKit v9.0.x   12/01/2022   06/01/2024    HCL C-API Toolkit, v11.0.1 and v12.0 
IBM HCL ODBC Driver for Notes/Domino 9.0    12/01/2022   06/01/2024   **ODBC Driver Knowledge Article Links below 

*It is recommended that XWork Server Customers move to HCL Domino Complete Collaboration (CCB) which will be done on a case-by-case basis and that Partners move to HCL Domino Complete Collaboration Solution Edition (CCS).  

**ODBC Driver Knowledge Article Links: 

Domino Next-Gen Jams Starting Soon (#dominoforever)

10. Juni 2022 Posted by HCL Digital Solutions

At in Bruges, HCL announced new Domino Jams for 2022. What’s a Domino Jam (for those new to the concept)? It’s a face-to-face design get-together with product management and development for customers (and BPs) to share their thoughts, ideas, and feedback on what’s right — and what’s wrong — with the platform and the roadmap. Our past Domino jams reached 4,000+ participants including clients, business partners and ambassadors, face-to-face and online.

For our Domino Next-Gen Jams in 2022, we have a packed, full-day agenda for you to enjoy:

Morning session:  Explore the Future of Development on Domino  

After our big announcement of Domino Restyle for Domino “Danube,” we want to hear what you think about the future of Domino Designer. This is a prime opportunity to provide your feedback and make requests directly to the design and product management teams. Don’t let this pass you by … come and help shape the future of Domino!

Attendees will:  

  • Get a first-hand view of Domino Restyle 
  • Give feedback on Domino Restyle
  • Give feedback on Domino Designer
  • Get a one-hour v12 upgrade-best-practices session

Afternoon session: Five Easy Steps to Extend your Domino Apps with Volt MX Go  

There’s a lot of buzz about HCL’s recent Volt MX Go announcement at In this session, you will get insight into how HCL combines the power of our multiexperience low-code platform, Volt MX, and Domino “Danube,” to extend your skills and app investments into exceptional mobile, web, and wearable experiences.   

Attendees will:  

  • See what makes Volt MX Go special for Domino developers to extend their apps – VoltFormula, VoltScript, and more   
  • Understand the power of Volt MX as the market’s leading multiexperience low-code platform for application development and integration 
  • Experience a walkthrough step-by-step of a real customer use case, with the opportunity to discuss your particular use cases and options 

Coming to a City Near You: 

Starting in August/September, the Jams will be coming to the following cities. Exact dates and locations will be posted once they are confirmed.  

  • Berlin 
  • Delhi 
  • Düsseldorf 
  • Johannesburg 
  • London 
  • Madrid  
  • Milan  
  • Mumbai 
  • New York  
  • Paris  
  • Prague 
  • Rio de Janeiro 
  • Sao Paolo 
  • Singapore 
  • Stockholm  
  • Sydney 
  • Tokyo  
  • Toronto  
  • Vienna 
  • Warsaw 
  • Zürich 

Register Here:  

If you’re interested in having a say on the future of Domino, along with insight on HCL’s roadmap for our Domino “Danube” release and beyond, we strongly suggest you attend one of the jams. To get started, please use this form to reserve a seat (here). You will be notified when the date of the Jam you’ve selected becomes available. Since each venue will have participants, please register ASAP to avoid disappointment.

If you can’t attend a jam, don’t worry, there will be online ones coming, too. Plus, you can always submit your ideas online and here’s a handy blog that explains our explanation of our methodology and the relevant links to our ideation portals.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

HCL Digital Solutions Product Management Team 


If You Couldn’t Make It to Engage, We’ve Got the Inside Scoop

24. Mai 2022 Posted by HCL Digital Solutions

The latest news about Domino, Sametime, and introducing Volt MX Go

The largest user group event — Engage — was in-person again (finally) in beautiful Bruges, Belgium. Held every year since 2009, this event is where the world’s smartest people (!) gather to showcase the latest technology, network, and enjoy delicious food and beverages. Don’t worry if you missed out on the event (and the beer and wine), we’ve got all the juicy bits right here.

Image courtesy of our partner, panagenda 

“NEXT” was the theme of the event, and that is exactly what Richard Jefts, HCL Software’s Senior Vice President of Development and General Manager, and all the presenters, were focused on. This year’s Engage was all about … what’s NEXT!

The NEXT Big Release: Domino “Danube” 

This release will be coming in the last quarter of 2022, and it’s BIG. Even though v12 was just last summer, and we did another point release in December, we are still rolling out another big one this year! This is more proof of how deeply we are invested in Domino, and the future of your digital success with apps and mail. The key themes of this release are: 

  • Better-looking apps
  • Enhanced mail security
  • Easy meeting scheduling  

What Do We Mean by “Better-Looking Apps”?  

We are launching “Project Restyle” to give you a fast way to easily update the visual styling — the look and feel — of your existing Domino apps. We aren’t touching the code that powers the logic behind your apps with this, so don’t worry about any risk. This is just about making them look better. With “Project Restyle,” you’ll get a new set of design options (colors and themes) that will style the views, frames, pages, action bars, embedded outlines, and framesets of your application.


HCL Domino REST API (a.k.a., Project Keep), provides secure REST API access into HCL Domino servers and databases for pro-code development. This makes Domino development and access available to a broad audience — without sacrificing ease of deployability that’s legendary with Domino and their preferred programming language and framework. If you’re interested in getting early access, read our announcement blogs about Domino Danube and Domino REST API. Or, sign up to receive our newsletter, here.

During the Engage sessions, we drilled into the details of v12, and shared what’s NEXT in future releases. We also launched a new deployment workshop on the HCL Digital Solutions Academy. More about the “Danube” release will be revealed in the upcoming months!

What’s NEXT for Sametime Premium? 

As you know, we recently launched a major new version V12 recently focused on enhancing your data security, delivering lower TCO, and delivering a customized meeting experience for every meeting owner and participant. Highlights of the release include:

  • Make good security decisions every time: We ensure your privacy is protected with pre-defined meeting modes: Collaboration, Confidential, Lecture Mode, plus new member management capabilities. 
  • Customize your Meeting experience: We provide personalized and branded experiences, plus powerful meeting reports for those managing meetings. 
  • Administrators get up and running faster with lower TCO with a fully containerized deployment on-prem or private cloud.

Read more about the v12 announcement here.

What’s NEXT in multiexperience app dev for Domino: Introducing Volt MX Go

We’re excited to announce the launch of Volt MX Go, which combines the power of our multiexperience low-code platform and Domino to extend your skills and investments in your Domino apps into exceptional mobile, web and wearable experiences.

To bring the Volt MX Go offering alive, Bernd Gewehr at Voessing, a German engineering company, showcased how he extended his field service app built on Domino with Volt MX Go.

This new mobile application extends their existing Domino app capabilities with capturing and annotating photographs of the equipment they are inspecting, while automatically pull location and compass heading from the metadata, elements that are essential for them to include.

Interested in learning more about Volt MX Go? Fill out the contact us form here.

What’s NEXT after Engage?  

This is an exciting year for Digital Solutions products — and there is lots to come from HCL Software so stay tuned for upcoming news and events by subscribing here.

New Ideas: Streamlining Our Ideation Process

5. April 2022 Posted by HCL Digital Solutions

The HCL Digital Solutions Product Management team has streamlined the product ideation process for HCL Domino, HCL Domino Volt, HCL Sametime, HCL DX, HCL Connections, and HCL Volt MX.

We often get asked what our process is for how an idea becomes a feature and how best to submit an idea that will have a better chance of successfully becoming a reality.

This blog will help make the process more transparent, responding faster to our customers.

What Is an Ideas Portal, and Why Have One?

There are many factors that shape modern software development.  One of the most important is crowdsourcing feedback from our customers, specifically the users and administrators of our products. We have portals where customers can submit ideas for features and capabilities that they’d like to see happen for our products. By studying submissions and responses in our Ideas Portals, we understand more about how the product is being used and discover ways to make the experiences even better.

Submitting a New Idea

When you navigate to an Ideas Portal, you can select the “add a new idea” button. Some portals request you specify the product (because the portal contains more than one product). After that, add your idea, some details, and a category.  Categories help us to organize ideas and we may even recategorize your idea once we review it. Here’s a list of all our Digital Experience portals:

Domino idea portal including:

  • Notes  
  • Safelinx 
  • Sametime
  • Traveler 
  • Traveler for Microsoft Office (HTMO) 
  • Domino Volt 
  • Nomad 
  • Domino Verse
  • Leap
  • Enterprise Integrator
  • Domino Designer
  • Connector for SAP Solutions
  • Client Application Access
  • Admin Client 

When you’re ready to add your idea, please follow three steps (outlined below). While we want to gather and prioritize your ideas, we’d like you to vote and comment on other people’s ideas too. Here is our best practice to add an idea:

Step #1: Search first to see if your idea already exists. Please vote for any ideas and add any additional comments that you may relate to your idea.

Step #2: If your idea doesn’t yet exist, create a new idea and format it like this: 
“As a <insert role>, I would like to be able to <insert action> in order to <insert need>.”

Step #3: Create as many ideas as you’d like but remember to keep each idea as a separate entry repeating steps 1 and 2 above, i.e., do not create an idea that consists of more than one request for enhancement.

Ideation Workflow and Process

Once your idea has been submitted it moves its way through our custom process and we evaluate strategy alignment, technical feasibility and scheduling.  Below is a simplified diagram of our process with an explanation of each step in the process.

All Ideas enter the system as “Needs Review.”  On a weekly basis Product Mangers (PMs) will examine that bucket of ideas and process them.

“Needs Clarification” is a possible outcome of a review because the PM does not understand the idea.  Here’s where you can make a huge contribution.

All ideas should be written as a “user story.”

As a person in my role, I want <this functionality>, so I get <this benefit>.

Example 1: As a Sametime meetings user, I want to have an interactive white board, so I can collaborate with peers and accelerate productivity through staying in one tool.

Example 2: As a Connections Wiki editor, I want the rich text editor buttons to stay on the visible screen as a scroll, to speed up the editing.

Notice, you are not telling us how to implement the idea but stating a need and a benefit.

Try to consider your fellow users and request features or fixes that could benefit many people, not just you, personally. This approach will increase the chances that your idea is accepted.

Once we understand the idea, the idea goes through a series of filters.  Is this already delivered? If yes, then we classify the ideas an “Already Exists.”  A more important question is: does this idea align with our goals for the product? Even if this is a great idea it could fail this test.  Be aware that we do not have unlimited resources and need to focus on the greatest benefit to the community of users.  So, do not take “No Plans to Implement” as a personal rejection.  It’s a business consideration, not a bad idea.

After the idea passes through this initial gauntlet of obstacles it is elevated to “Under Consideration.” If there are ideas that are similar in nature to this new idea, it will be merged with other ideas.  All votes under all the individual ideas are merged too, giving the merged idea more validity within the user community.

At this stage, we have a healthy backlog of ideas that can be promoted to a production feature. PMs triage this backlog and work in collaboration with our agile development staff to groom and size the idea into a deliverable story.

Sometimes an idea cannot be delivered for architectural reasons, or the feature is just too expensive to develop, and the benefit is too small.  For these reasons and ideas can be categorized as “No Plans to Implement.”

“Future Consideration” indicates that this is an idea we want to pursue, and we have the technical ability to deliver it, but cannot fit it in to the schedule at this time.  So, this idea is not assigned to a release.

“Assessment” begins the real work of user story decomposition and sizing. Items are being worked on by the development staff to quantify, understand and deliver the functionality.  For many reasons, the item cannot be committed to shipment date.

“Planning to Implement” is the most favorable outcome and indicate that resources are available, and we have the technical ability and we have space available to schedule this feature into a release on our board.

The final category is “Shipped”.  I don’t think this needs any explanation. 🙂

Closing Thoughts:

We trust this blog has given you transparency into an important process at HCL Digital Solutions. In Fy2023 you’ll see us encourage more customers to use all our Ideal Portals. Please look out for news on the topic in the coming months. In general, if you have questions about this blog, we are here to help.

Frank Fuchs
Digital Solutions Program Manager

Andrew Manby
Head of Digital Solutions Product Management