Interview: HCL Volt MX Hackathon winner, Vishal Vats (Part Two)

4. August 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Earlier this year, HCL Volt MX hosted our very first Hackathon! Eight-weeks, 4300 registrants, and countless great submissions later, we finally announced our winner: Vishal Vats.

After the hackathon, we got a chance to catch up with Vishal and ask him about his app Wishy and his experience learning Volt MX. Last week, we shared part one of our two-part interview. Let’s get into part two!

How did you approach the development process during the hackathon? Can you walk us through the key steps you took to bring your project to life?

Vishal: As this was a completely new domain for me, so I first went to the HCL software academy courses and completed 5 courses revolving around Volt MX. Then I actually started using the Volt MX & Iris platform. The first phase in the development phase was getting the UI done, because there are 6 pages in my application and I wanted to showcase the application in the best manner possible.

After making the same, I spent a couple of days controlling the form/page flow between each of the pages and started setting up the Foundry services to connect my front end to the backend database services. As I can recall, the initial deadline for the event was on May 14, and by that time I remember that I did complete my project but I was not happy with the landing page of the application. As soon as I got to know about the one-week extension, I revamped the UI and tweaked the programming logic a bit. And I can proudly say that the landing page of the application was looking great because of that extension.

What were the key factors that you believe contributed to your project’s success in the hackathon?

Vishal: I think that the constant support from the forum and the hikes were the most useful ones that helped me complete the project. Apart from this, I guess the easily laid out sections in Volt MX ensured that I can access almost everything with ease. So, accessibility of likely things at a place helped me a lot to quickly create the UI elements and manage their properties. Having the option to manage and save the same physical appearances of each element in the form of skins was also crucial in the development.

“The constant support from the forum and the hikes were the most useful ones that helped me complete the project.”

What were your favorite elements of Volt MX?

Vishal: While making a full-stack application, I (as a developer) have to do everything from scratch, i.e. making each UI element and even managing the backend functionalities. That might sound very easy or short, but believe me, it requires a lot of coding, and even little things like HTML/CSS and even JS functionalities have to be paid the greatest of attention to make something to start with. Being a low-code platform is the greatest feature of Volt MX (maybe second-best to the fact that it is a low-code platform that can be a single place to build any sort of application for any type of end device).

On top of that, I loved the fact that it uses JS as a coding language if someone needs to customize some things/processes. Volt MX is providing everything out-of-the-box, right off starting with the simplest of drag & drop features for adding any UI element, presenting repetitive information in the form of segments (tabular or in page forms) to control the data flow from one form to another. At every instance of development, the developer has control of what is being shown to the user and how data will be shared from one page to the other. Filtering the backend response at the Foundry end also ensures that the frontend is always receiving the minimal required things for processing. So, every unnecessary thing is rightly being shredded off and thus providing the developer a way to develop the applications in the quickest time & efficient manner possible.

“Volt MX is providing everything out-of-the-box, starting with the simplest of drag & drop features for adding any UI element, presenting repetitive information in the form of segments to control the data flow from one form to another.”

What advice would you give to aspiring participants in future hackathons, especially those working with HCL Volt MX?

Vishal: I would like to advise the future participants that if you are just starting off with Volt MX, then it will surely be difficult but in order to ease the same, try to first complete at least a single HIKE because that actually makes you familiar with the platform and then you can directly start making a demo page and add as many containers/UI elements possible. Play with each element’s various properties and try to use SKINS to not repeat the same process for the UI elements that need the same sort of UI appearance. Most importantly, do structure your project and rename each thing that you add to the workspace as it is very helpful when your applications expand.

Personally, I love to have a basic idea of how the platform works, and that’s why I first completed all of the 5 Volt MX introductory courses offered by the HCL Software Academy. Adding and managing the action section for an element must be learned afterward and then at last switch to Foundry and integrate an integration service into the backend. The path might be difficult and you will be stuck at almost everything, but don’t lose hope because Volt MX really simplifies things a lot and it’s a matter of time to be accustomed to this unique ecosystem.

Looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations regarding your proficiency with HCL Volt MX? Are there any specific projects or areas of development you are eager to explore further?

Vishal: For Wishy, I used a lot of utilities and assets offered by Volt MX but those were not all of the things provided by the same. So, I am looking to first explore every aspect of Volt and then I might start working on a watchOS project that will be helping the user take personal productivity to the next level by using AI recommendations and analyzing the user behavior through pattern-recognition machine learning algorithms. Will be using separate TensorFlow containers for the processing and then sending the same to the frontend via Foundry.

“Personally, I love to have a basic idea of how the platform works, and that’s why I first completed all of the 5 Volt MX introductory courses offered by the HCL Software Academy.”

We’d like to thank Vishal for chatting with us and giving us a deep dive into his experience learning Volt MX and participating in the Hackathon. And congratulations on your big win!

Want to see Vishal’s app for yourself, check it out in the Volt MX Marketplace.

If you’re interested in learning Volt MX and starting to build some incredible apps on your own, check out the Volt MX Bootcamp and get your Volt MX Certification.


Interview: HCL Volt MX Hackathon Winner, Vishal Vats (Part One)

4. August 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Earlier this year, HCL Volt MX hosted our very first Hackathon! Eight-weeks, 4300 registrants, and countless great submissions later, we finally announced our winner: Vishal Vats.

In fact, Vishal not only came in first place overall, but he also won our award for Most Innovative App. After the hackathon, we got a chance to catch up with Vishal and ask him about his app Wishy and his experience learning Volt MX.

Check out the first part of our interview below:

Congratulations on winning the HCL Volt MX Hackathon! Can you briefly explain the project you worked on and what problem it aimed to solve?

Vishal: Thanks, the project that I worked on and submitted at the event is Wishy. In these busy times, we often forget to wish our loved ones on their special occasions. So, Wishy is an application that lets you add your contacts and then schedule automated email/SMS notifications for special days like birthdays, anniversaries, or even festivals so that you never miss your loved ones and [can] even be the first person to wish them through personalized wishes.

What inspired you to participate in the hackathon and choose this particular project idea?

Vishal: I am actively participating in hackathons/events and I got to know about the Volt MX Hackathon through the HackerEarth platform about 3 weeks before the end. The thing which intrigued me to use Volt MX is the fact that the platform provides a single low-code platform through which one can make complete standalone applications for mobile, web, desktop & even tablets. Isn’t that awesome?

I have been developing web applications for quite some time, so I know that part, but to make an Android/iOS application just by knowing the basics of JS really pushed me to participate in the event. Regarding the project idea, actually, I already had thought before the event that I want to explicitly make an Android (mobile) application that can really elevate the automated wishing part. So, I did have a blueprint in my head that how the backend will look and I was just waiting for an opportunity through which I can effectively portray my idea. Then I started shaping my idea into reality through the services provided by the Volt Iris application.

“I have been developing web applications for quite some time, so I know that part, but to make an Android/iOS application just by knowing the basics of JS really pushed me to participate in the event.”

How did you leverage the features and capabilities of Volt MX to create your solution? Were there any specific aspects or functionalities that were particularly helpful for your project?

Vishal: At the start, the platform seemed to be a bit daunting because of the number of various functionalities & properties panels popping up at almost every pixel of the screen space. But once I started using the software, then everything made sense as all those panels provided me with a thorough control of what I have to use in my project and how. I almost used every functionality provided by the platform.

Speaking of my favorite elements, I assume Segments (their page variants in general) were of great help to me because, firstly, I could define a segment template and then populate it with the data that I was receiving from Foundry. As the page variants of segments allowed me to present the data in a carousel form which added a lot of visual appeal to the application and thus I used it a couple of times in my project. The rich text division was also another cool variant apart from their normal text counterpart because I can use HTML code right in those and thus achieve specific things to an element without touching anything. Action flow dialogs also helped me a lot in putting the event listeners for an element in a single place.

How would you compare HCL Volt MX to other low-code development platforms or frameworks you have used in the past? What are its strengths and weaknesses in your opinion?

Vishal: I have not used any of such low-code platforms before Volt MX because I really love writing code and was always a fan of actually writing things by myself rather than just having everything tailor-made by a framework or template. But I must admit that after using Volt MX that is not the case because now I want to write only those things that are actually crucial to the applications’ working and can just leave out all other things on the software.

“I almost used every functionality provided by the platform.”

Looking back, what were the most valuable lessons or insights you gained from participating in the hackathon as it relates to Volt MX?

Vishal: As mentioned earlier, I had a completely different landing page UI after the first deadline and I was really unhappy with the UI that will be presented to the users. I almost gave up on the idea of refining that due to the time constraints out of nowhere, the extension was announced and I got the glimmer of hope that I can do that and to no surprise, I did that. So, I learned that we should never step back from the things that we want to do and unexpected things happen if the cause is good.

Being a web developer, I was completely unaware of the fact that how the Android/iOS development ecosystem worked, but with the use of Volt MX, I got to have a peek at how things work for the handy mobiles and it was really exciting to actually make my first mobile-native application using the software. That made me feel that as a developer, its good to have knowledge/clarity of what has to be achieved and how that should be done (clear programming logic), if you have so then Volt MX is definitely a place that can provide a place to turn your ideas into reality.

“Volt MX is definitely a place that can provide a place to turn your ideas into reality.”

Thanks for chatting with us and sharing your insight, Vishal! Want to hear more from the HCL Volt MX Hackathon Winner? Next week, we’ll share the rest of our two-part interview.

If you want to see Vishal’s app for yourself, check it out in the Volt MX Marketplace.

Interested in learning Volt MX so you can start building some incredible apps on your own? Check out the Volt MX Bootcamp and get your Volt MX Certification.


HCL Volt MX holds first-ever hackathon

13. Juli 2023 Posted by Suhas Bhat

Student and professional developers from around the world create innovative apps fast with Volt MX – here are the winners.

Hackathons are a great way to bring together a diverse group of talent from across organizations, departments, and countries.

For companies, it can be a tool to drive product and brand awareness, build new product features, and even expand your talent pool. And for students and professional developers alike, it’s an opportunity to network, develop your skills, and gain industry recognition. Overall, hackathon bring devs together to accelerate innovation and take on business challenges by creating competitive solutions.

Recently, HCLSoftware held our very first Volt MX Hackathon. Over eight weeks, over 4,300 students and professionals from around the world registered for the competition.

There were so many great submissions, proving just how easy it is for anyone–even those with no prior experience–to pick up Volt MX and use the platform to build compelling and beautiful apps in a matter of hours. This also made the judging process tough!

You can check out these winning apps for yourself, download them, and even reuse components in your own Volt MX app through the HCL Volt MX Marketplace. Each app below has a 5-digit code that, when entered into the Volt MX App Preview, allows you to preview the app! Download the app on the iOS or Google Play Store.

Now, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the winners of the competition and show off their awesome products.

First Place & Most Innovative: Team Visionary Youth – Wishy

The Wishy app lets you register your contacts’ birthday, anniversaries, and the like – sends them timely e-greetings to recognize the occasion. It was developed by one college student from India.


Second Place: Team ZaNa – Navigation Bar

A reusable component for adding an app navigation menu to the footer of any Volt MX app. Created by a developer in Zambia.


Third Place: Team Foodbae  – Foodbae: Deliver Deliciousness

The Foodbae app lets you order food and track the delivery. Some parts of the process were built out, and it was developed by a team of college students from India.


Best Looking App: Team Harishkotra_b159 – Health & Fitness UI

This app onboards a user to a health & fitness app and tracks related metrics. This developer submitted another app called ThoughTracker (Preview Code FG2A7), which was also a finalist, allowing users to track their emotions. Both of his apps were developed in 6-7 hours each by a developer from India.

  • Team Member: Harish K
  • Video:
  • Download the Volt MX app and look at the winning app yourself – Preview Code:  Q65NR

Congratulations to these teams on this great accomplishment! Throughout the Hackathon, these winners showcased exceptional talent, creativity, and a deep understanding of the capabilities of Volt MX. Their dedication and innovative approach truly set them apart from a highly talented pool of participants.

Questions (and all the Answers) about the Newest HCL Volt MX

17. September 2021 Posted by Suhas Bhat

We recently hosted a presentation about the latest version of our turbocharged low-code application development platform, HCL Volt MX 9.2. It was well attended, and there was a lot of excitement around the latest features and capabilities. There were some great questions asked, which we’ve recapped here — along with all the answers. You can always watch the replay here and all Volt MX resources are always available in our community here.

For customers who want detailed insight on planning your upgrade, please join our webinar on September 23, 10 AM ET. >> Register for the Upgrade webinar here.

Before we recap the Q&A, make sure you check out this lively and informative overview video about this game-changing product!


New to Volt MX

What are the skill sets needed/advised to leverage Volt MX within very small teams?
One of the main benefits of our platform is no longer needing separate teams and expertise when building for different platforms. The main skill needed from your team is JavaScript.

What are the primary architecture considerations before deploying Volt MX?
HCL offers Volt MX as a managed service on AWS, or within your own cloud, or on-premises with containers.

Will there a training available to onboarding new developers?
Yes, we have a Developer Community and three types of training resources available:

  1. HCL Software Academy for training courses
  2. Documentation and tutorials
  3. Embedded training within Volt Iris. Get fully guided tutorials on how to build your first mobile or web app by clicking on the “Hikes” icon on the left navigation toolbar in Volt Iris

How can we learn more about Volt MX or be able to meet the community?
Yes, you will see a ramp-up of events for the Volt MX. Please stay tuned. In the meantime, check out our developer resources and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest information on new content, webinars, and events.

How can I purchase Volt MX today?
Fill out our form here to be contacted by a representative and check out our newly launched pricing page for pricing information.

Volt MX Customers

When will be all Temenos cloud accounts be transferred to the Volt MX cloud?
Our Volt MX CSM team will work with their respective clients on their plan to upgrade to Volt MX and the Volt MX Cloud.

Can Temenos v9 customers be upgraded to HCL Volt MX v9.2?
Yes, please contact your CSM account manager for help. Please note that we are asking customers to refrain from upgrading to Quantum v9 SP3 and remain on SP2 to ensure that your projects will be compatible when migrating to Volt MX v9.2. Sign up for our upgrade webinar here.

Where can I find a list of identified bugs and status on when it’ll be fixed?
Please see Defect Articles (DA) here. A DA is a type of knowledge article that capture and track reported defects. HCL Support regularly updates the status of these articles. Customers can use the unique DA number to track defects or subscribe to individual DAs to get notifications whenever the DA is updated.

Volt MX Features

How do animations interact with existing elements in a form?
Volt MX supports animations for a lot of widgets in the form using animation API. Refer to doc here. Here the animated widget is a regular widget. Lottie animations are displayed using a component that you can import to project from marketplace which internally uses a NativeContainer widget and uses some NFI functions. The component exposes some events to which you can configure logic to perform when event occurs.

When will HCL Volt MX App Preview arrive in Google Playstore?
The Volt MX Preview App will be available in the app stores the week of September 27.

Google launched the Android App Bundle in May 2018. Will that affect Volt MX?
Volt MX currently supports Android App Bundles, please refer to our documentation here.

Will Foundry still be available as a public docker container for on-prem hosting of it?
Foundry docker container (single node) is available for customers to download and use from HCL License and Download portal for development purposes. We will be making new Volt MX containers available for GCP, AWS and Azure in JFM 2022 as a preview. Also, we will be adding support for Volt MX in HCL SoFy in early 2022.

Are headless event driven connected workflows possible just within Foundry without a need for an app?
Yes, that’s correct. A client app is not required for workflows to be executed. The corresponding services and events used by the workflows must be defined in Foundry apps and published to the Foundry server, post that invoking the API directly via REST APIs or Foundry server-side events will move the workflow through the stages as it would, if the same were triggered from a client app. You can even have an external application raise the event invoke the workflow service in Foundry by producing or listening to events in external event distribution platforms like Kafka.

Is the windows app store covered as a native app experience within VoltMX?
Volt MX 9.2 does not support building Windows native, however building windows 10 native app will be supported in a future release in early 2022.

I would like to see renewed services predefined in Volt MX. For example, the ability to easily connect to M365 offerings, Zoom, Dropbox, etc.
In addition to the pre-built integration adapters in Volt MX which already support M365 using LDAP and Oauth connectors, we have lot of pluggable adapters in marketplace.  In fact, we are refreshing the components and adapters available on the Marketplace.

Will Domino be the future backend repository service of Volt MX?
The strength of Volt MX is connecting to any enterprise application, process and data source. Domino is one of our many data sources we support. See the Volt MX toolkit here and learn more from this blog. We plan to strengthen that integration using Project Keep when its available in Domino as Domino REST APIs. 


Disclaimer: HCL’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and at HCL’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard HCL benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. 

A New HCL Volt MX Is Here

31. August 2021 Posted by Suhas Bhat

I’m excited to announce HCL Volt MX v9.2, our professional low-code platform for mobile and multiexperience app development.  Since we premiered Volt MX at our Digital Week event last November, we’ve been hard at work to improve it, built new resources for our developer community, and have been actively working with analyst firms, Gartner and Forrester.

Whether you’re new to Volt MX or an existing customer, you’re invited to join our webinar on September 8 to learn more. You’ll get to see Volt MX in action with demos of several new features and we will be there to answer your questions.

>> Register for 9.2 Webinar now. September 9, 10 AM ET >>

HCL Volt MX is available to customers starting today!

HCL Volt MX 9.2 is ready to enable your organization to create game-changing apps, unlock the power of any device, and increase your team’s velocity across the software delivery lifecycle. In this release, we are providing exciting new features such as: 

Beautiful apps that drive your digital business 

  • Native and web frameworks enhancements, including 5G network API support  
  • Support for any third-party web widgets/component in Iris 
  • Embed vector animations built using LottieAnimator  
  • New AppleSignIn widget  

Multiexperiences that you build once, deploy everywhere  

  • Alerts on Apple Watches using Haptic feedback 
  • Enhanced augmented reality capabilities (e.g., real-time image recognition)  

A complete solution to get more done 

  • Event-triggered Workflow services
  • RedHat PAM integration for externalized business rules  

Existing customers can download the latest version on the HCL License and Download portal. To get the full details of the release, please visit the new Volt MX documentation and 9.2 release notes. 

If you’re new to Volt MX and you want to learn how your organization deliver mobile and Multi-Experience apps fast and at scale, you can schedule a demo today! Stay tuned for our brand new free trial experience and a marketplace with sample apps, user widgets, and custom integrations next month. 

Recognition by analysts and the media

HCL has brought significant investment, innovation, and leadership to Volt MX and we have established ourselves in the low-code and MXDP markets. I’m proud to share that with our strong product vision and strategy, we’ve recently earned stellar spots in the Forrester Wave (Low-Code Development Platforms for Professional Developers, Q2 2021) and Gartner Magic Quadrant (Multiexperience Development Platforms) — both for the first time.

HCL with Volt MX are featured vendors in the SD Times’ Low Code Buyers Guide and DZone Low Code Trend Report.

New resources for the Volt MX community

We have created all-new resources such as education courses and easy-to-use documentation  so our customers have everything they need to innovate and build apps on the Volt MX platform quickly.

  • Documentation and tutorials: Documentation is now made available in a public Github. Enhance our documentation by opening issues, providing sample codes, or creating pull requests 
  • Training courses: All technical education and training content are now available on the HCL Software Academy for Digital Solutions 
  • Forum: Help build our new Volt MX community! Use this forum to ask questions and share information
  • Ideas portal: Have an idea on how to improve the product or want to see new features? Submit them to our Ideas Portal

We are all very excited about Volt MX and we hope you are too! 


Disclaimer: HCL’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and at HCL’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard HCL benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.  

A New HCL Volt MX Is Here

31. August 2021 Posted by Suhas Bhat

I’m excited to announce HCL Volt MX v9.2, our professional low-code platform for mobile and multiexperience app development.  Since we premiered Volt MX at our Digital Week event last November, we’ve been hard at work to improve it, built new resources for our developer community, and have been actively working with analyst firms, Gartner and Forrester. 

Whether you’re new to Volt MX or an existing customer, you’re invited to join our webinar on September 8 to learn more. You’ll get to see Volt MX in action with demos of several new features and we will be there to answer your questions.

>> Register for 9.2 Webinar now. September 8, 10 AM ET >>

HCL Volt MX is available to customers starting today!

HCL Volt MX 9.2 is ready to enable your organization to create game-changing apps, unlock the power of any device, and increase your team’s velocity across the software delivery lifecycle. In this release, we are providing exciting new features such as:

Beautiful apps that drive your digital business

  • Native and web frameworks enhancements, including 5G network API support  
  • Support for any third-party web widgets/component in Iris 
  • Embed vector animations built using LottieAnimator  
  • New AppleSignIn widget  

Multiexperiences that you build once, deploy everywhere  

  • Alerts on Apple Watches using Haptic feedback 
  • Enhanced augmented reality capabilities (e.g., real-time image recognition)   

A complete solution to get more done 

  • Event-triggered Workflow services
  • RedHat PAM integration for externalized business rules  

Existing customers can download the latest version on the HCL License and Download portal. To get the full details of the release, please visit the new Volt MX documentation and 9.2 release notes.  

If you’re new to Volt MX and you want to learn how your organization deliver mobile and Multi-Experience apps fast and at scale, you can schedule a demo today! Stay tuned for our brand new free trial experience and a marketplace with sample apps, user widgets, and custom integrations next month.

Recognition by analysts and the media

HCL has brought significant investment, innovation, and leadership to Volt MX and we have established ourselves in the low-code and MXDP markets. I’m proud to share that with our strong product vision and strategy, we’ve recently earned stellar spots in the Forrester Wave (Low-Code Development Platforms for Professional Developers, Q2 2021) and Gartner Magic Quadrant (Multiexperience Development Platforms) — both for the first time.

HCL with Volt MX are featured vendors in the SD Times’ Low Code Buyers Guide and DZone Low Code Trend Report.

New resources for the Volt MX community

We have created all-new resources such as education courses and easy-to-use documentation  so our customers have everything they need to innovate and build apps on the Volt MX platform quickly.

  • Documentation and tutorials: Documentation is now made available in a public Github. Enhance our documentation by opening issues, providing sample codes, or creating pull requests 
  • Training courses: All technical education and training content are now available on the HCL Software Academy for Digital Solutions 
  • Forum: Help build our new Volt MX community! Use this forum to ask questions and share information
  • Ideas portal: Have an idea on how to improve the product or want to see new features? Submit them to our Ideas Portal

We are all very excited about Volt MX and we hope you are too!


Disclaimer: HCL’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice and at HCL’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard HCL benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here.