Posts Tagged: ‘Ytria’

Ytria Workshop f�r Administratoren und administrierende Entwickler

21. Oktober 2014 Posted by Jens Polster

Zusammen mit unserem Partner Ytria veranstalten wir am 13.11.2014 in Frankfurt am Main einen Workshop f�r Administratoren und administrierende Entwickler. Neben einem allgemeinen �berblick �ber die Tools werden wir konkrete Beispiele und tiefer gehende Anwendungsf�lle zeigen.

Weitere Informationen zum Workshop und zur Anmeldung sind auf der Website von Ytria zu finden

Ytria databaseEZ – Another really useful tool for Domino Admins and Developers

18. April 2011 Posted by Jens Polster

I have been working with Ytria's excellent tools for many years now and there's not a single day in my life as a Domino developer or admin I don't use scanEZ or one of the other tools. That's one of the reasons we became a business partner with Ytria.

For one of our customers who is running several dozens of Domino-based enterprise web sites I had to change the "inherit design from master template" name in 46 databases. Doing this manually would have been very tedious, but using the soon-to-be-released tool "databaseEZ" made this a matter of only a few seconds.

When databaseEZ has started, the UI is very similar to aclEZ or agentEZ. The navigation pane on the left allows me to select the databases I want to see in the grid. Even when I select all databases on the server, the grid updates in a breeze. Since the property "Inherit from" is not displayed in the grid by default, I have to select it in the "Grid Data Composition" panel on the right, press "Apply" and the information is populated instantly. Then I just need to group the databases by this property, select the ones I want to change and select "Edit Database Design Properties" from the context menu. There I can change the name of the template the databases inherit from and after OK'ing the dialog the grid is updated with the new data. In order to actually save my changes I press CTRL-S or select "Server - Apply Changes" from the menu and I'm done.

That's just one of the many features in databaseEZ which make my Domino life so much easier. I will post a more detailed review of the tool soon, just wanted to share this today. Thank you guys!
