Capture signatures, find out who took the last slice, create fresh icons: HCL Nomad for Web Browsers v1.0.7 is out today!

31. März 2023 Posted by Thomas Hampel

Nomad blog header image

Fresh out of the oven, Nomad for Web Browsers 1.0.7 has been released as of March 8, 2023. Nomad for Android (March 1) and iOS (March 8) are also out.

You aren’t a graphic designer? Give your Domino Application a new icon with Restyle!

Does your application icon reflect a throwback time when styles and color choices were more questionable? Nomad for Web 1.0.7 introduces a new choice in Restyle to create and change your application icon. Give it a try in Nomad for Web under File>Application>Restyle, jump to “Create Icon” to browse over a dozen categories of stock images, choose circle or square, and make your gradient shading choice. Cancel at any time to leave things alone or hit Restyle to restyle your application, including the new icon. Poof! You have now moved from parachute pants and acid washed jeans to a modern design style. Don’t worry – if you want that ‘80s Miami feel, you can still choose teal and pink under Themes.

New! Capture a signature, don’t run out of pizza
The following feature is out in the March releases of Nomad for Web, and mobile (iOS and Android).

You can now easily add the ability for a user to draw and add their signature to a document in Notes/Domino 12.0.2. With the March Nomad releases, you can now do this with the Nomad client as well. Think of a package delivery application built in Domino where the recipient is presented with a tablet to sign for receipt.

Use Domino Designer 12.0.2 and above to add the new @Command([EditInsetSignature]) to your application to capture a signature that will be added to a Rich Text / Rich Text Lite Field and display in the document. Now when the user runs the app, they will be presented with an input box to sign, and it’s stored and displayed in the document. We’ve been thinking of using it on pizza days in development whenever someone takes a slice.

Nomad Links
HCL Nomad for Web Browsers Release Notes covering 1.0.7

What’s new in HCL Nomad for web browsers

HCL Nomad for Android in the Google Play store

HCL Nomad for iOS in the Apple App store

Here are links to our last two blogs about Nomad in case you missed them:
HCL Domino Admins: Deploy HCL Nomad v1.0.6 Update Today!
Important News for Domino Administrators

Can we do something better or different?
Don’t forget that we listen to you and change things up when we can. You can tell us through our Aha! Ideas portal that you have a great idea which we could put into Nomad or Restyle. Come tell us what to focus on next. You can also search for ideas and upvote them to tell us that you, too, think it’s a good idea. We look forward to hearing what you want us to do next!

Start using Nomad today!
Simply download Nomad 1.0.7 from the HCLSoftware license and downloads portal and get going today. Or if you don’t have the admin rights or skills and you want to try your app in Nomad, then why not head over to the HCL Sandbox and play with it now? You can create a new app from your template and make sure it works in Nomad. Try using Restyle to see how it will look. Upgrade your Nomad experience now with our latest release and experience all the benefits Nomad has to offer. Want to learn more about Nomad capabilities? Click here for more info.


HCL Domino Admins: Deploy HCL Nomad v1.0.6 Update Today!

9. Januar 2023 Posted by Thomas Hampel

Browser Updates Necessitate a New Domino Nomad Release

Web browser updates happen often, typically to enable new features, but more importantly, to patch ongoing security vulnerabilities. For instance, Google Chrome’s latest release addresses 37 known security issues. While new browser releases are necessary, these releases can sometimes impact our product performance unexpectedly.

As an example, new browser versions recently released by Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge broke Nomad for their respective web browsers. In less than a week, our development team fixed, successfully tested, and released Nomad v1.0.6 to address these issues. You can read more about the problem resolution in this article.

What else is included in Nomad v1.0.6?

Read all about it in the What’s New, but some key things to highlight:

  • The Nomad Server is now available for Domino v12.0.2, pre-bundled with the Nomad for Web v1.0.6 client. The Nomad server is a simple add-on, installed on your Domino server, allowing Nomad to access your Domino applications.
  • The new Restyle feature, included in Domino v12.0.2, lets you easily modernize the look and feel of your Domino applications, and now Nomad supports Restyle for Navigators and Launch options too.

Use your Domino apps to work anywhere

By now, we hope you and your Notes and Domino application users are running HCL Nomad in a browser, tablet, or mobile device. All those sleek applications, developed by you over the years to increase business efficiency, can now be run unchanged in a web browser, tablet, or mobile device without the full Notes client. Take your Domino apps with you, be more efficient on the go, and work from anywhere.

Can Domino do something better or different for you?

Don’t forget — we value your input! Please do not hesitate to share your ideas in Aha! Ideas portal for improving Nomad or Restyle … or tell us what to focus on next. You can also search for ideas and upvote them to confirm it is a promising idea. We look forward to hearing from you.

Start using Nomad today!

Simply download Nomad for web 1.0.6 from the HCLSoftware license and downloads portal and get going today. Or, if you do not have the admin rights or skills yet, try our app in the HCL Sandbox and play around with it. You can create a new app from your template and make sure it works in Nomad. You can also try out our app Restyle capability to see how your app looks in those new clothes. Go on! We know you are dying to try it.

Upgrade your Nomad experience now with our latest release and experience all the benefits Nomad has to offer. Want to learn more about Nomad capabilities? Click here for more info.

Hey Domino Administrators — Easy for You, Even Easier for Your Customers!

17. Oktober 2022 Posted by Thomas Hampel

An Admin’s Dream
How often does something come along that is a turnkey solution, easy for you to implement, that your customers will love?  Introducing Nomad for web version 1.0.5. No longer do you have to configure a complicated SafeLinx Nomad Proxy server. This release introduces the Nomad Server, a preconfigured Domino Server container running the Nomad Server add-in. It’s Domino running the Nomad add-in just like Traveler.  With this solution, your consumers hit the URL and are automatically running “Notes in a browser,” which is what Nomad enables.

Never Upgrade Another Notes Client Again
Another bonus? No client workstations to manage that require installations and upgrades. Put the client on the Nomad server once, and all the clients are upgraded automatically since it’s just running in a browser window tab. That’s the beauty of Nomad.  Don’t want to run it in a browser? No problem, grab your favorite mobile tablet or phone and hit the app store to download HCL Nomad or push out via your Mobile Device Manager (MDM) application.

Restyle Automatically Makes Your Notes Applications Stylish
Many Notes applications were developed decades ago, and the original designers are sipping champagne in St. Tropez enjoying their retirement. Well move over, there’s a new model on the catwalk, no designer necessary. Find your dusty application, choose Restyle from the Nomad file menu in your browser, and in seconds your application will be sporting the latest in haute couture. A modern and flat look and feel.

Upgrade your Nomad experience now with our latest release and experience all the benefits Nomad has to offer. Want to learn more about Nomad capabilities? Click here for more info.

Enjoy the Outdoors with HCL Nomad

20. Juli 2022 Posted by Thomas Hampel


When the weather is good, you don’t need to sit in the office to get work done. You can now take your data offline — and work anywhere — with the newest features we have added to HCL Nomad Web.

Here’s a fun scenario to imagine. You wake up in the morning, it’s a sunny day and you decide to take your coffee and your laptop and wander down to the end of your garden where your WiFi doesn’t reach. No need to be disappointed or distracted by social media pinging you all the time. Just focusing on your work. Now this is possible with HCL Nomad Web just like it is with the Notes client.

Vacation disclaimer: HCL does not promote taking your work on holiday. 🙂

HCL Nomad for Web Browsers

For HCL Nomad Web, version 1.0.4 is now available to entitled customers for download on our license and download portal.

This release now fully supports replication and offline mode to work in local replicas.

For further information about this HCL Nomad for web browsers release, please refer to the what’s new page and the also release notes.

HCL Nomad for iOS and Android  

New versions have also just been released for iOS and Android. Customers should note that those versions will be minimum version to support the new Nomad Server on Domino that is planned to be shipping in September. 

HCL Nomad 1.0.22 for iOS was released Monday July 11th. It is available now on the app store.  

This release mainly contains bug fixes like API currency updates raising minimum iOS level to 13 or higher (latest is iOS 15). 

HCL Nomad 1.0.31 for Android released on the Google Play store on June 30th and our license and download portal on July 5th and is providing defect fixes.

1-2-3: Free Your Apps with the New Releases of HCL Nomad

11. April 2022 Posted by Thomas Hampel

Not one, not two, but three new releases of HCL Nomad in just one week! This is a new track record delivered by our development teams op lease our customers.

Take a look at what’s new:

  • HCL Nomad for Web Browsers 
  • For HCL Nomad Web, version 1.0.3 provides usability enhancements and is delivering functionality that customers have been waiting for.
  • A new application switcher enhances the user interface with an optional dropdown menu displayed in the navigation bar of HCL Nomad for Web. This allows administrators to define shortcuts to specific applications. A very handy feature for customizing the user experience!
  • Replication a key feature of the Domino platform to take applications offline is now also available to Nomad Web users. Released at this time as a “Tech Preview” feature, due to an issue in the Chromium browser engine. For more details please refer to our documentation.
    Please vote here if you like the feature!
  • If Printing documents is important to you? Now you can. This is the first stage of delivering the full functionality our customers have requested.
  • We have also added the ability to switch users and clearing user data on shutdown. The details of this feature can be configured by the administrator to tailor it to your environment.
  • More Languages are available! Folks in the Nordics will enjoy this release because it now provides support for Danish, Finnish and Norwegian. Additionally, support for Turkish was also added.

For further information about this HCL Nomad for web browsers release, please refer to the What’s New page and the also Release Notes.

HCL Nomad for iOS 

For mobile users with Apple iOS devices, HCL Nomad 1.0.20 is available in the app store now!

This release provides the ability to scan QR codes, a feature requested in this idea, which enables building new mobile applications, e.g. for inventory management and more. And, it offers improved text input support and numerous bug fixes.

HCL Nomad for Android

For users on Android devices, HCL Nomad 1.0.28 has just been published to the Google PlayStore and Flexnet.

In this release we are providing administrators refined Biometric authentication options to handle removal of fingerprint data gracefully.

The Secret is Out: MarvelClient for HCL Nomad Web Is on Its Way!

17. September 2021 Posted by Thomas Hampel

Many of you have been asking about our plans for Nomad Web in the past weeks and months. Believe us, it was hard to not be able to share with you what we were working on. But finally, the day is here:

We are excited to announce MarvelClient for Nomad Web!

HCL and panagenda worked hard to deliver MarvelClient with the NEW release of Nomad Web (1.0.1) which was just published at our license and download portal.

What Do You Get Out of It? 

As with Nomad and Notes on other platforms, you get some goodies straight out of the box, for free, forever. 

  • Get a rudimentary overview of your Nomad Web landscape 
  • Manage some core settings in the notes.ini, like User Preferences & application specific parameters and values
  • Give your users a good start into Nomad Web with a one-time migration of their settings and desktop from existing Notes clients. (Not available with initial release, will be delivered with Nomad Web 1.0.2) 

But Wait, There’s More! 

While the free functionalities are a great first step, paid MarvelClient modules are also available to make your experience even better.  

  • Create an adaptive configuration that restores itself at every start. Ensure stable and reliable operation and prevent issues from occurring in the first place.
  • Discover problems, plan a course of action, and monitor the effect of your changes with an in-depth analysis of your Nomad landscape
  • Standardize settings and UI to provide the ideal user experience from the first start —tailored to every end-user’s needs
  • Allow your end-users to seamlessly move between all instances of Nomad Web, Nomad Mobile, and Notes clients
  • Automatically restore Nomad Web state in case of device loss, swap, or browser cache reset 

All of these functionalities together significantly lower admin effort, can reduce the volume of help desk tickets by 80%, and maximize end-user productivity.

Let’s Talk about Migration Roaming.

One of the exciting free functionalities is the one-time migration to Nomad Web. It makes sure that a user who launches Nomad Web for the first time is greeted by the client they know. Their icons, their applications, their settings — all there.

Stay on the lookout, this feature will be available with the release of Nomad Web 1.0.2 later this year!

In the meantime, you can already begin preparations by continuously collecting the configuration of all your traditional Notes clients with MarvelClient Essentials. These roaming sets are stored for each user in your MarvelClient Analyze database, ready and waiting. All their configuration contained within just a few dozen kilobytes.

Once migration roaming becomes available, it is a simple task to turn it on for the set of users you desire. From then on, during any first-time start of Nomad Web, panagenda’s roaming technology will be able to locate their latest uploaded roaming set and automatically carry it over into Nomad. Et voilà!

Make Sure You’re Ready 

Before switching all your users from Notes clients to Nomad Web, you should consider a few things: 

  • Check that your applications do not require functionality that is unsupported on Nomad Web, such as client-side support for Java, XPages, and OLE objects. E.g. pangenda iDNA Applications can analyze your applications for you.
  • Make sure that you have ID Vault set up, as it is required for Nomad Web to work.
  • You need the latest version of the Nomad Server up and running, Nomad Web cannot access Domino servers directly 

Got Questions or Ideas? 

HCL and panagenda are in touch with various customers and partners these days to shape the future of HCL Nomad Web. Together, we want to make sure that you get the most out of HCL Nomad Web. 

If you have questions, ideas, or specific requirements for the next releases of HCL Nomad Web: We are very much looking forward to hearing from you, as is panagenda!

New Tech Updates for HCL Domino, Notes, Traveler, Verse, and Connections

18. August 2021 Posted by Thomas Hampel

While you may have been on a summer vacation, we at HCL have been busy improving our products! Here is a small overview of what happened in the last couple of weeks and what you can expect soon from your most favorite collaboration platform. 

Group 3 Language Translations for Notes and Domino 11.0.1 

Good news for many of our customers: HCL Notes 11.0.1 is now available in more languages.  

You asked for it (DOMINO-I-831 and NTS-I-842) – In addition to the 16 languages the Notes client was already providing, we are delivering the following language translations: 

  • Danish 
  • Finnish 
  • Norwegian
  • Catalan
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Slovenian
  • Thai
  • Turkish 

Install kits for the HCL Notes Standard and Basic Client V11.0.1 in those languages can be found at our License and Download Portal under the Notes/Domino version 11.0.1.  

Of course, we are also providing the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) kit for those languages, as well as the Install Shield Tuner files to customize your installation. 

Group 3 language translations for the Notes Client v12 are being worked on.

Level up for our Domino Rest API 

In June, we started the beta program for our new Domino Rest API. Now in August, it’s time for the next iteration. Shifting gears to Beta 2 will introduce several improvements customers were asking for: 

  • ODATA support was added for reading/writing from/to Domino, which is especially of interest for e.g., Salesforce customers who want to store data in Domino
  • A new Domino server add-in task is provided to start/stop/reload the Domino Rest APIs and show its status from the Domino server console
  • An installer is now allowing to install the Domino Rest APIs on a Domino Linux server. Previously only a docker container was provided 

For more details, about the new features please refer to the changelog of this project. 

Please note: The Domino Rest APIs are still in beta — the first eGA release is scheduled to be shipping with Domino v12.0.1 later this year. Customers interested in joining the beta program can find the required files available for download at our License and Download Portal

HCL Traveler 12.0 updated with Fix Pack 1 

Fix Pack 1 for HCL Traveler 12.0 is also available for download at our License and Download Portal. This update is especially recommended for customers using Android devices due to a bug fix that is addressing an error connecting to Firebird Cloud Messaging servers via proxy. (Ref: KB0092130 ). It also fixes a bug that caused Traveler to crash (Ref. KB0091495 ) and addresses two other issues that customers have reported. 

For more details on HCL Traveler 12.0.0 Fix Pack 1 please refer to this technote.

Housekeeping for Notes/Domino v10.0.1 

For customers running on HCL Domino 10.0.1 we have shipped Fix Pack 7 in mid-July. This fix pack is a collection of 136 low-risk, high-impact fixes to help customers safely avoid known issues, e.g., resolving several UI issues for Notes Clients on MacOS Big Sur and on Windows 10.  

It also provides 25 fixes for the Domino server, resolves 33 problems that customers have reported with iNotes, and is addressing about 20 issues around development and programmability.  

HCL strongly recommends that customers running Notes/Domino 10.0.1 apply this Fix Pack since it addresses a small percentage of defects that impact the broadest set of customers. 

For details on the individual SPR’s addressed in this fix pack please refer to this article or check the Fix List database.

New features for Domino AppDev pack 

Version 1.0.9 of the Domino AppDev pack was released end of June is providing Node.js and Java developers with new features such as: 

  • Ability to export individual design elements and other non-data documents into DXL 
  • Retrieve the list of files in a given directory on the Domino server 
  • Work with Access Control Lists and Roles in Domino databases, allowing to get / update / replace entries in the ACL. 

Furthermore, the user interface improvements for the Identity and Access Management (IAM) server have been updated and is providing tools to leverage the new Domino 12 Certificate Store for Proton and domino-db clients.  

More information can be found in the What’s New section of the Domino AppDev Pack.

What’s Next? 

In the next few weeks, we have lined up the following releases and updates for you: 

HCL Domino C-API Toolkit v12.0 is going to be released end of August, so developers, partners and third-party vendors can upgrade their products to leverage the latest compiler and take benefit from new capabilities of Domino 12 

HCL Verse 2.2.0 will be providing new features like an updated Sametime integration as requested here, and the ability to restore documents from an archive. Furthermore, this release is adding support for Connections 6.5 and 7, provides an enhanced preferences page to manage your availability and other calendar settings and provides updates to freetime search and is improving the PWA capabilities.

We are also looking forward starting the first beta release of HCL Domino 12.0.1 later this month and have a new release of HCL Nomad 1.0.1 waiting for you in early September. However, details for those two are subject of a future blog post, so please stay tuned for more!

HCL Domino v12 Beta 3 Has Arrived

2. April 2021 Posted by Thomas Hampel

What a blast! In our webinar hosted this week, we announced Beta 3 is now available for download on Flexnet for all Domino customers. Watch the replay here.  This will be the last beta drop before the v12 release so don’t miss your chance to participate and help us shape the future of Domino! In this third iteration, we are unleashing another set of great features. See the full list here or read highlights below.

We’ve also included a Q&A received during our webinar and a special shoutout to all our customers and partners who covered our beta in blogs and tweets below!

Notes Client Highlights

New 64bit Notes Basic Client
For the first time ever, we are releasing a 64-bit Notes Basic client for beta testing. Many of our customers have been voting for this and we’re pleased to deliver. (See this idea from Cormac.)

Our main intent for this release is to engage customers, business partners, and third-party vendors to try out 64-bit Windows Basic version and test existing extension integrations. Our plan is to provide several iterations of this 64-bit client in beta and once we feel that we have addressed most of the known and reported issues, we will release the Standard 64-bit client.

More Improvements for the Workspace
In Beta 2, we introduced a new Notes client user interface for the workspace. Thanks to all your feedback, we have addressed several improvement requests such as reducing excessive spacing between icons and adding the ability to change the font color of workspace database icon (which is also policy controlled). Now you can also partially or completely collapse the workspace navigator and easily identify multiple replicas with the added a visual indicator. Read more here: 

Apple M1 Support
Good news for customers planning to use Apple’s new M1 hardware with HCL Notes. Beta 3 now also supports those type of CPUs.

Domino Server

Password Synchronization
A new secure method to synchronize password changes from Active Directory to Domino allows customers to reduce the number of passwords that users have to remember. Password changes from Active Directory are instantly being applied to the Domino IDVault.

Domino Backup
An integrated backup solution that allows you to manage backup and restore processes from within a Domino application. It provides a simple backup client for Domino. (See this idea from Sean.)

Entitlement Tracker
This new entitlement tracker will help to take an inventory of your environment to identify the entitlements needed under the new CCB/CCX license model. 
For more details about the license model please refer to the following articles on CCB Licensing and CCX Licensing or review documentation here

Other Enhancements 

Questions and Answers 

We received more than 300 questions in our Q&A earlier this week. We’ve answered some of your key questions below. However, if you have an unanswered question about the beta, please submit them in the beta forum

Q: How do I join the beta program?
A: If you are a current customer, then you already have access to the beta. More details here.   

Q: Does the new Domino Backup allow for backing up NSF and NTF files? 
A: Yes.

Q: Does it need a new volume to be mounted in Docker? 
A: You need a volume because you want your backup to be preserved, you can use the same volume as for your data directory or a different one.

Q: Do unread marks get lost when restoring? 
A: No, for a full restore the unread marks will be recovered. When merging individual documents back into the original database, merged documents will have a new UNID and so unread marks will be different.

Q: Is the backup system compatible with IBM Spectrum Protect? 
A: It is possible to integrate with a variety of backup vendors, however for Spectrum Protect there is no need to change as there is an existing backup agent for Domino.

Q: Will Verse support updating photos in the Domino Directory instead of Connections? 
A: Yes, Verse will release a new version in April, so in just a few days, which will support this.

Q: Will Nomad Web be available with v12 beta or do we need to get access to another beta program? 
A: Nomad Web runs its own beta program. If you want to participate, register here.

Q: Is it possible to sync passwords back to AD? 
A: No, a Domino server does not have a copy of the Notes UserID password.

Q: Is there a chance we’ll see Sametime Community, or Traveler also on Docker? 
A: Yes, Traveler on Docker is part of this beta. Sametime to be provided later.

Q: Can I have page 25 of the handouts? I am a guitarist and server names are EPIC.  
A: You can find the slides here – Domino v12 Beta 3. Rock On!

Q: Can I use any TOTP application? 
A: Yes, any TOTP application of your choice will work.

Q: Who can I talk to for some sparring of upgrading a customer from R7.03 to 11.0.1FP2 or version 12? 
A: Please reach out to Luis Guirigay, 

Q: Where can I provide feedback on a feature or report a problem? 
A: Please use our Domino v12 beta forum.

Q: When is Domino v12 be released? 
A: v12 is scheduled to be released prior to launch but mark your calendars for the live announcement event on June 7th 2021.

Customer Feedback So Far 

We’re so excited to hear your experiences with the beta so far! Please keep them coming and don’t forget to tag us on Twitter, @HCLDigital, for a retweet.

Special thanks go to Haruyuki Nakano for deploying Beta 3 and testing the new Domino Backup solution just a few minutes after the webcast.

Ales Lichtenberg also tested the new Backup solution backup in his test environment to and he seems to like it!

Marc-Oliver Schaake saying (translated): Thomas Hampel is showing features we have been waiting for since 1989.

Please read and share Rainer Brandl’s blog about Beta3 containing “a great surprise”. 

Milan Matejic nicely summarizing what he likes the most in this iteration of the Beta.

Oliver Busse being has been actively blogging about v12 testing the Domino 12 backup feature and highlighting UI changes here and here.

Great note from our Nordic Collaboration User group about our Connections Plugin

Past Beta Blogs

Start Your Engines! HCL Domino v12 Beta is Here! Are You Ready?

20. Januar 2021 Posted by Thomas Hampel

If you joined us at Digital Week 2020, you’ve probably heard about the preview of Domino v12. (It was the most popular session of the event!) Now that the release of v12 is around the corner, we would like to provide all current customers an exclusive preview. Today, we’re officially launching the first public beta of Domino v12!  

We are inviting you to join this beta program and take part in shaping the future of our product, helping us deliver the best-ever product experience! All existing Domino customers are automatically entitled and will be able to download the required software packages from Flexnet today. (See below for Q&A.) 

The goal of the Domino v12 Beta Program is for our community of beta participants to conduct an honest, constructive, and thoughtful review and testing of the Domino v12 beta software, which includes HCL Domino V12 , HCL Notes V12 , HCL Domino Designer & Admin V12 and HCL Traveler V12  

 In the first phase of the beta program, we are delivering the following components:   

  • Domino on Docker (English)  
  • Domino for Windows, Linux, AIX (English)  
  • Traveler for Windows, Linux, AIX (Multilingual)  
  • Notes Standard for Windows (English)  
  • Notes Standard for Mac (English)
  • Designer and Admin Client (English)  

At a later stage of the beta program, we will be providing Domino and Traveler for IBMi, as well as additional language support. 

Beta participants, please let us know how you think about the product by submitting your feedback in our beta forum. For general input and new ideas or feature enhancement requests, please use the Domino ideas forum here.  

v12 Beta Highlights 


 Domino Designer 

  • XPages now Bootstrap 4.4.1 – Thanks to Howard for this idea.   
  • Improvements to build responsive and mobile Domino applications,  
  • Ability to use DQL in Formulas 

 Notes Client 

  • Significantly improved the performance on Windows and Mac, especially on slow networks. 
  •  Improved Search: When searching for a person, an email, or a Notes application, suggestions will now appear in the typeahead. Your recent searches will also be displayed in the typeahead. This is based on this idea.  
  • Multiple email signatures: If you were bothered by the lack of email signature management before, Notes v12 allows you to choose a signature when you compose, reply or forward an email. Based on this idea from Daniel.
  • Choose a different “From” address when composing an email, a feature initially requested by Vlaad in this idea

 These are just a few highlights of the new features of V12. For more details, please refer to the What’s New section of the product: 

Frequently Asked Questions:   

 (1) Do I need to register to get the beta version of v12?  

If you are an existing customer, you are entitled to v12 beta automatically. Please contact your IT admin to get v12 beta from Flexnet.   

(2) How can I submit feedback on the beta and how would HCL handle my feedback?  

Please submit your feedback via our beta forum here.  

We will review all the feedback and respond as soon as we can. Note that not all feedback will be implemented into the product; the final decision depends on various factors. However, we will ensure every comment is heard and being taken into consideration.  

(3) Do I need to register for the beta forum to provide feedback? 
If you have not created an account on HCL Partner Connect website, you will need to register for access. It will take around 1 business day to get the approval. Once the registration is approved, you can access the beta forum. The account will be used for accessing any beta forum in the future. For customers who already have an account, you can login and access the forum directly. 

(4) If I am not a current customer, can I be a part of the beta?   

Currently, the Domino v12 beta is only open to existing customers. If you would like to try Domino, please contact your HCL sales representative to get access to the trial version of Domino v11.  

 (4) What is the difference between beta and trial?  

A beta is considered as an early access program to our latest version which is not available to the public. The goal of setting up beta is to collect concrete feedback from users so that we make improvements and bring the best experience when the features go live.   

A trial is offered to potential customers who haven’t tried our software before and expressed interest in purchasing the software.   
(5) What is the difference between HCL Domino Early Access Program and the beta? If I have already registered for the Early Access Program, should I try the beta too? 
The Early Access Program (EAP) is intended to give users a preview of features that are considered for HCL Domino v12. It is feature-driven and iterative, meaning new iterations (code drops) will be made available as soon as they are declared ready for testing by our development team. In the EAP, you are usually be able to test only one or a few features.  
The beta is a full-scale preview of features and functionalities considered for HCL Domino v12. Various components including Domino, Notes and Traveler will be offered.  
With this beta release for v12, the EAP will be suspended until the official launch of HCL Domino v12.

New October Release: Domino Early Access Program

14. Oktober 2020 Posted by Thomas Hampel

Last month, we introduced the HCL Domino V12 Early Access Program, where we provided customers the chance to test new product features early in the development cycle. Today, our engaged development team has provided a new code drop named “October 2020”, now available for download on Flexnet to all current customers. 

We are looking for YOUR feedback on the features provided below, please: 

  1. Start testing the Early Access Code – details on how to get started can be found here 
  2. Vote for the ideas referenced or leave a comment
  3. Join the discussion and provide feedback in our forum here.

What’s Provided in this Release  
Time-based one-time password (TOTP) authentication  
When users log on to a Domino Web server, you can now require that they provide time-based one-time passwords in addition to their user names and passwords. These one-time passwords are generated by authenticator apps like Authy, Google Authenticator or similar.  

DAOS Version 2  
DAOS Version 2 (DAOSV2) is a new version of DAOS that provides a more reliable way of tracking DAOS objects on a server. 
Certificate management improvements  
A number of enhancements and improvements related to certificate management are provided:  

  • Disable TLS 1.0 by default now  
  • Support for PEM-file format, in additon to *.kyr file format 
    (Note: This feature is intended as a test bed for future work supporting PEM-formatted keys and certificates)  
  • Support for using CertMgr to import third-party CA keys and certificates – based on this idea (Thanks Martin!) 
  • Support for replacing keys generated by the Let’s Encrypt CA 

Domino directory enhancements  
There are a number of improvements around the Domino directory design (pubnames.ntf) to improve usability for administrators. Some of which were long standing requests. If you like what you see, please vote for the idea(s)s referenced below: 

  • Mail-In Databases and Resources view – based on your input from this idea (Thanks Michael!)The Mail-In Databases and Resources view now displays the internet addresses of mail-in databases that have them and also includes a Go to Database button to open mail-in databases from the view. 
  • Custom criteria to populate groups – based on your input in this idea (Thanks Vladislav!) 
    When you create a group in the Domino directory, you can now populate the members of the group based on an LDAP search query.  
  • HEX codes displayed for TLS ciphers – based on this idea (Thanks Torsten!) 
    As a convenience to administrators, HEX codes are shown next to the symbolic names for the TLS ciphers that can be selected in various fields in the Domino directory. 
  • Applets no longer used – based on your input from this idea (Thanks Bill!) 
    Applets are no longer used to display the navigational outline of the Domino Directory or action buttons such as Add Person.  
  • Button to see all Configuration Settings documents associated with a server
    From an open Server document you can click the Find Server Config button to see all of the Configuration Settings documents associated with the server.  


New LotusScript & Java Methods for developers – based on your input from this idea (Thanks Michael!)  
Support transaction-based operations in LS and Java. 

Furthermore, I’d like to mention features that were provided in the previous release (September 2020)  


The post New October Release: Domino Early Access Program appeared first on HCL SW Blogs.

Announcing HCL Domino Connector for SAP Solutions

23. Juni 2020 Posted by Thomas Hampel

We’re pleased to announce the release of HCL Domino Connector for SAP Solutions. This connector now simplifies integration between HCL Domino applications and various SAP enterprise solutions, specifically, CRM, HR, ERP, and finance applications 

The Domino Connector helps organizations save time by enabling the use of LotusScript to easily access SAP data without specialized or costly SAP trainingThe SAP connector easily installs over HCL Enterprise Integrator giving your Notes application team easy access to your SAP data. Additionally, with the 32-bit connector installed on Notes clients, you’re able to perform SAP tasks, retrieve SAP data, and initiate SAP actions 

Learn more about HCL Domino Connector for SAP Solutions by viewing documentation here.  

Using this connector, you can:  

  • Facilitate data transfer and real-time access to SAP enterprise applications from an HCL Domino v11.0.1 server or HCL Notes v11.0.1 client. 
  • Use one or more HCL Domino servers to centralize connectivity to SAP applications.
  • Use server-based Domino application development tools, such as HCL Enterprise Integrator software, to enable SAP solution access without programming.
  • Integrate SAP solution information and business processes into web enabled HCL Domino applications.
  • Access remote enabled RFC’s, BAPI’s, and transactions.
  • Run agents from your Notes client, as well as use the LotusScript debugger to troubleshoot applications. 

HCL Connector for SAP Solutions supports:  

  • 64-bit Linux and Windows systems 
  • SAP 4.6c to ECC6, which allows you to take advantage of SAP’s capabilities 
  • HCL Domino v11.0.1 
  • SAP RFC SDK Client 7.2

Have an SAP solution to integrate with your Domino app? Contact sales to find out more about this release and how to purchase your connector.  

The post Announcing HCL Domino Connector for SAP Solutions appeared first on HCL SW Blogs.