Posts Tagged: ‘Paid Content’

Lehre aus Linnemann-Shitstorm: Erhöhte Obacht angesagt

11. August 2019 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Ich bin auch drauf reingefallen, auf die Überschrift, auf die kolportierte Schlagzeile, dass Kinder ohne Deutschkenntnisse nicht auf eine Grundschule gehörten. Doch hätte ich mich aufgeregt, wenn dort gestanden hätte, dass Kinder, die kein Deutsch können, erst einmal einen Deutschkurs machen sollten, um entsprechende grundlegende Sprachkenntnisse zu haben. Sicher nicht.

Die von Journalisten der Rheinischen Post zugespitzte Überschrift war zugespitzt, irreführend, ist so nicht gefallen und hat zu einem Shitstorm geführt. Thomas Knüwer nimmt das in seinem lesenswerten Blogbeitrag auseinander: „Ein Interview wird hinter einer Bezahlwand versteckt, eine zugespitzte Meldung soll das Interesse fördern. Doch es ist die Zuspitzung, die sich verbreitet, nicht das Urstück.“ Und Sascha Lobo seziert auf Spiegel Online, wie ein Shitstorm am Beispiel Linnemann entsteht: „Weder die Kritiker noch die Verteidiger des Politikers haben das Ursprungsinterview gelesen, beide schwören trotzdem, dass allein ihre Deutung der Situation richtig ist.“

Was lerne ich (wieder einmal) selbst daraus? Immer nochmals nachrecherchieren und nachlesen, die Quellen prüfen, bevor man sich aufregt … Wenn man es kann und die Information nicht wie in diesem Fall hinter einer Bezahlschranke steht und man nicht jedes Medium abonnieren will.

Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

[EN] Lessons on Paid Media and let us respect our Customers [INFOGRAPHIC] | via Social Media Today

15. Oktober 2015 Posted by StefanP.

As a strong believer in good, relevant, if possible regional relevant content I do find this infographic and the findings of the survey behind it extremely useful. I do see a tendency right now to invest in Paid Media – which is the right way -, but to forget, what the potential customer wants:

  • They don’t want to get annoyed by Paid Media.
  • They don’t want to fill out endless registration forms in an early stage of information discovery. Nor do they want to be called by Sales people to early.
  • Personalization is great, but potential customers are more and more sensitive, that their private data is being protected.
  • And they appreciate high quality content.

Let us keep that in mind, when talking about Content Marketing, Marketing Automation and Inbound Marketing. Yes, we all want to sell something, but let us respect our customers!


Brands provide serious value through their content, and their profile organically rises among consumers; they become a brand people trust and eventually a brand people turn to for purchasing needs. …

The lessons: Your paid media content must not appear to be creepily informed by personal data, but it must be relevant. … Brand content—whether paid or organic—must make building trust and not selling product the core effort. In a world where there is so much sales noise online, brands will only break through by providing value and engendering trust. Don’t stop the creative efforts at the ad. Make sure landing pages and directed traffic go to content that is equally persuasive and fresh.

Source: Is Paid Media Dead? [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Advertising, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Paid Content

[EN] Content Marketing: It’s about engaging with the 94 percent of Traffic that comes from Free and Earned

14. Oktober 2014 Posted by StefanP.

Focus on quality content, engage with influencers, start conversations, earn mentions …

About a year ago, we analyzed 310 million website visits. Our research showed that a mere six percent of those visits came from paid media.

Organic search, in contrast, accounted for 47 percent of all visits. But our biggest takeaway was that 94 percent of all visits came from sources that a brand didn’t have to pay for. In other words, there really is only one large channel, and it’s the combination of what can be either earned or owned. …

And the more in tune you are with what consumers really want, the greater the likelihood that consumers will find your content, especially if you map that content to each phase of the buyer’s journey. …

But the big takeaway should be that a content strategy isn’t a solution for optimizing the six percent of traffic you get through paid media, it’s about engaging with the 94 percent of traffic that comes from free and earned. That’s where the consumers are, and that’s where your brand needs to be.

Seth Dotterer about The Real Secrets About Content Marketing.


Filed under: English Tagged: Content Marketing, Marketing, Paid Content