Posts Tagged: ‘Web Experience’

Testen, testen, testen – auch wenn es um Inhalte geht

23. April 2020 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Gerry McGovern hat auf CMSwire einen Beitrag darüber geschrieben, wie man mit Daten das Virus bekämpft. Eigentlich hätte ich ihn gar nicht gelesen, aber es ist Gerry, ein guter Autor, und dann bin ich über einige Stichworte und Absätze gestolpert. Daten seien der neue Impfstoff. Dadurch, dass man wisse, wer infiziert und geheilt sei, könne man handeln.

Und er überträgt das Mantra des Testens, Testens, Testens oder Überprüfens auf das Web, auf Content Management und Marketing. Statt zu testen, sei man latent am sprinten und künstlichen Abgabeterminen, Deadlines hinterher hetzend. Volumen schlage Qualität:

In web management, it’s much more prized to do the wrong thing quickly than to do testing and research and do the right thing a little more slowly. Speed is everything. You need to be sprinting, even if you’re sprinting in the wrong direction. You need to reach those artificial, made-up deadlines to show that you are a deadline maker.

When are we going to mature? We’ve become addicted to Cult of Volume metrics, to the Cult of Busyness. How are we going to wean ourselves off our obsession with quantity, volume and fake deadlines?

Content professionals are still primarily judged on the content they produce rather than the knowledge they communicate. We choose the metrics of volume and production because these are easier to collect and easier to communicate to senior management.

Quelle: Fighting Coronavirus With Data

Doch was ist die korrekte Metrix für den Erfolg von Inhalten? Wie viele Views man bekommt? Wie viele Click-Throughs zum berühmten Call-To-Action man erzielt? Was ist mit besagter Qualität, dem vom Gerry angesprochenen Wissen, das man kommuniziert?

It’s not enough to produce content or to launch an app. You must measure whether what you’ve done is working and the best way to do that is to measure if it’s working for the intended audience.

Quelle: Fighting Coronavirus With Data

Beim Fall Corona mag es vergleichsweise einfach sein, den Mehrwert oder das Ergebnis zu messen und zu testen. Verstehen die Leser die empfohlenen Maßnahmen und führen sie durch? Doch wie übertragen wir das in unser Web- und Content Management jenseits der Corona-Krise? Was können wir lernen?

[EN] Web Content Management: Finally Time to keep to Our Promise

11. Januar 2016 Posted by StefanP.


Here’s my problem: people keep complaining to me about our current CMS. The marketing department says it won’t let them be ‘agile,’ sales say they don’t have enough leads and the IT department say they’re sick of spending all their time writing code to fix spelling mistakes.

Source: All I Want for Christmas Is a New CMS

Reading this blog post I get a bit frustrated. I am in the Content Management Industry for quite a while. Even in my early years we always sold the promise of easy Web Content Management to our customers. One key message was to allow content owners to easily publish their content without going through IT, just through a simple approval process a maximum.

Reality is different. In a lot of companies the web site is owned by departments, which keep the content owners away from their web pages. The infrastructure is often to complex, the technology used not state of the art.

BUT: I don’t believe it is primarily a technology problem. In my opinion it is very often a management problem. Give the content owners after all easy access and control over their content. In the age, where everybody can easily start their own blog and people are sharing and publishing content on social media, it is after all time to fulfill the promises of easy web content management through empowering the right content owners.

And be tough enough to simple cut off old, outdated pages. Yes, you might lose traffic and so on and so forth. But my feeling is to restart from scratch very often makes more sense then to fix hundreds and more pages. Time to restart.

And keep this in mind:

A B2B web usability report by KoMarketing and BuyerZone found a big disconnect between what B2B buyers wanted to see on a website and the content that was actually there. For the buyers they surveyed, the top must-haves they wanted to see were clear contact details, lots of product information and specifications and pricing. More than half also said product reviews were a must. Check that your website offers all of these things and when it was last reviewed and updated.

Source: The role of social media in B2B buyers’ decision making | CustomerThink


Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Content Marketing, featured, Marketing, WCM, Web Experience

[EN] How to Create a High-Converting Landing Page (@JeffBullas)

11. September 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Very true statements on the importance of good landing pages with a clear, interesting and impactful call to action:

What is the first thing visitors notice when they come to your website?

If you’re being deliberate about how you direct people to your site, it’s going to be a landing page. The first glimpse of your landing page decides whether the viewer will stay on your website or if they will bounce.

Every cent you spend on running ads, or every minute you commit to writing guest posts – all of it is a waste if you don’t convert visitors into leads or customers. …

It usually serves a purpose of enticing a website visitor to do something specific – sign up for your email list, buy a product or set up a meeting.… every website landing page should accomplish one goal- whether it is about selling something, creating brand awareness or growing leads. Your landing page should be different from your website’s homepage. Just make sure that the visitor gets the information they are looking for, otherwise, they won’t hang around.

Source: How to Create a High-Converting Landing Page (Jeff Bullas)

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Web Experience

[EN] The Millennial Generation is (not only) Re-Defining the Web Experience

18. Mai 2015 Posted by StefanP.


Some great points by Gerry McGovern. People – in particular the Generation Y – doesn’t believe any more in authority like the previous generations. Not information overload is their challenge. They use the web for information emancipation – as long as they have free access to information not being manipulated, monetized or “advertised” by economic interests.

The Millennials, also known as Generation Y or the Digital Natives, … are skeptical, particularly about authority and the system. They look to their peers rather than the experts, because they know the experts have been so wrong so many times before. … Basically, they don’t trust the message. They’ll figure things out for themselves because they’ve got search and social. …

We must design our websites for speed, for simplicity, because the millennials are just the spear point of a world that has got a taste for doing things for themselves, for doing things quickly and easily. We are seeing a historical rebalancing of the relationship between the individual or community and the systems and organizations that are used to govern and control them.. …

With the web, there has been a bursting of the dam. I used to worry about information overload, but that worry was misplaced. Really, it’s information emancipation that has happened. My parents would never question authority figures, whether they were doctors, teachers, priests or politicians. …

Brands and politicians have had an unfair advantage over citizens and consumers. We now have a more level playing field. Organizations need to radically change. We can’t market at or talk down to people anymore. We have to listen and respond. Organizations need to embrace a service culture if they want to be part of the future.

Millennials are not a generation. Millennials are an attitude.

via The Millennial Generation is Defining the Web Experience.

Filed under: English Tagged: Customer Experience, Web Experience

[DE] Netzwerk statt Silo: Inhalte dort anbieten, wo Nutzer aktiv sind | Ich sag mal

2. April 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Photographed by Ryan McGuire and free of copyright restrictions

Photographed by Ryan McGuire and free of copyright restrictions

Meine Website, meine Kontrolle über Content, meine Online-Marketing-Strategie, mein Link, meine Wagenburg – mit dieser egozentrischen Sichtweise kann man im Social Web schon lange nicht mehr punkten. Dennoch sprechen Berater, Verleger und Marketingmanager inflationär von Zielgruppen, Segmentierungen und KANÄLEN. Man läuft einer dümmlichen Schimäre der Übersichtlichkeit hinterher, die man angeblich über das Management von “Kanälen” steuern kann.

via Netzwerk statt Silo: Inhalte dort anbieten, wo Nutzer aktiv sind | Ich sag mal.

Die Unternehmen betrachten die Welt noch nicht durch die Augen ihrer Kunden. Man wird stattdessen in die “Kanäle” der Anbieter gepresst. Der offene Charakter und die chaotischen Kommunikationsströme, die sich im Social Web abspielen, werden schlichtweg ignoriert. Man setzt weiter auf die vertrauten Marketing- sowie Sales-Abläufe und degradiert soziale Medien zum bloßen Werkzeug, “statt eine wirklich neue unternehmerische Perspektive zu eröffnen”, moniert Solis.

via Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu bauen oder Websites zu schließen: Ego-Marketing oder Eco-Marketing? #nöccn | Ich sag mal.

Mal wieder zwei interessante Beiträge von Gunnar Sohn. Ich gebe Brian Solis und auch Johnny Häussler teilweise recht. Betonung liegt auf teilweise. Das soziale Netz und sein Einfluss auf Sales-Prozesse ist nicht mehr wegzudiskutieren (obwohl sich Johnny in seinem Beitrag ja vor allem auf Verlage bezieht).

Jedoch halte ich die These, man brauche keine eigene Webseite mehr, für sehr gewagt, ja falsch. Die eigene Webseite sollte aus meiner Sicht das Kommunikations- und Informationszentrum sein. Und darin liegt die Krux: Wir müssen weg von Hochglanzbroschürenwebseiten hin zu Dialogplattformen, die soziale Medien und Kommunikationsformen integrieren. Das muss aus meiner Sicht der Weg sein und da gibt es noch sehr, sehr viel zu tun.

Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: Digital Experience, Social Media, Web Experience

[EN] How valuable is your Homepage? How valuable is your Web Site?

4. Dezember 2014 Posted by StefanP.

I am a bit struggling with this posting:

Google is your new homepage. Every page you have is a homepage for someone. We must think beyond the traditional homepage.

“The value of the homepage is decreasing,” a leaked New York Times report stated in May 2014. …

“As more and more traffic comes from search and social, the homepage as the entryway into a site’s content is increasingly obsolete,” Ann Friedman wrote for Columbia Journalism Review in 2013.

Control of the homepage often represents a pyrrhic victory for traditional marketers and communicators. I recently heard a communicator say that the homepage was one of the few places where they controlled the message. For this organization, only 10 percent of site visitors came to the homepage and for every 100 people who arrived at the homepage, only 3 clicked on a news link. Thus, controlling the homepage is only the illusion of controlling the message.

We don’t work on the homepage. We work on the network. The web is a network and those who work on the web are networkers. The link is the essence of the web. Web writing is link writing. Don’t think control, think sharing. How shareable is your content? Don’t think homepage. There’s no direction home on the web because home changes based on the context of what people want to do. …

Links are the currency of the web, not content, and links are an inherently collaborative and sharing activity. Nothing lives in isolation on the web. Every page is a homepage for someone.

via The Continued Decline of the Homepage.

I do agree, that the Home Page is not the most relevant page. BUT: I believe that the own web site is essential. It should be the place to drive people to. It is the place, you control the hopefully valuable content with Calls To Action (knowing that you can’t control the web and the net). Gerry McGovern’s posting could be interpreted in a way, that you don’t need your web site, your “owned content”: #TotalDisagree

And I do agree, that sharing and shareability is essential.


Filed under: English Tagged: Content Marketing, Digital Experience, Web Experience

[EN] How Our Eyes Move on a Website [INFOGRAPHIC]

18. August 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

The folks at singlegrain have put together this handy infographic that takes a closer look at how our eyes move on a website or blog content, how web design influences eye movement tracking and interaction, and at the end proposes some tips for creating an effective website design.

via How Our Eyes Move on a Website [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Media Today.


Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Experience, Web Experience

[EN] DON’T TRUST ME!! Only 9 Percent of Buyers trust IT Vendor Websites

3. Juni 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

In 2012, 50 percent of people said they would trust a regular employee (up from 34 percent in 2011). Why? Because people believe that they are more likely to get the truth from a regular employee than from a CEO. People are so tired of propaganda, PR hype and marketing BS. And they are getting more tired by the day.

… Your potential customers want detail: they want facts, they want the smell of authenticity. ….Technology professionals are impatient, skeptical and cynical. They scan high and dig deep — … So often, these professionals see “marketing content” get in their way. …

And yet go to the websites of most IT companies and you are flooded with marketing waffle and smiley faces. The people designing and writing for these pages are locked into a highway billboard, brochure-ware marketing mentality that is so 20th century. This sort of stuff is a major reason why only 9 percent of buyers trust IT vendor websites. These websites scream: DON’T TRUST ME!!

Do we have to wait for the older marketing executives to retire? Maybe. Maybe that’s the only way because most younger marketers and communicators do understand the societal shifts, the fundamental changes in buyer and consumer behavior.

via Buyers Want Technical, Accurate Content.

Check out most IT vendor websites …

Very much related to 10 Ingredients for a Successful ‘System of Engagement’ in Marketing [Presentation].

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Experience, Digital Marketing, Marketing, Web Experience