Archive for: ‘Juni 2013’

Interim Fix 2 for IBM Notes 9.0

14. Juni 2013 Posted by Manfred Dillmann

Interim Fix 2 for IBM Notes 9.0 ( is available for download from IBM Fix Central. More information and download…

[DE] Die Renaissance der Kundenbeziehung oder Schluss mit Massenmarketing

14. Juni 2013 Posted by StefanP.

Marketing war bisher mehr oder weniger säen, düngen, das Feld bestellen ... industrielle Marketingproduktion.

Marketing war bisher mehr oder weniger säen, düngen, das Feld bestellen … industrielle Marketingproduktion.

Seit Jahren reden wir verstärkt davon, den Kunden (wieder) in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Kundenzentriert, servicefreundlich, neudenglisch nennen wir es customer centric und Customer Experience. Doch was ist die Realität im Alltag heute noch? Der Vertriebler wird von Quartal zu Quartal geprügelt, denn überraschenderweise ist dieses Quartal (wieder einmal) das wichtigste Quartal in der Geschichte des Unternehmens. Eine Flut meist interner Telefonkonferenzen und Reviews frisst die Zeit auf, die gerade der Vertrieb eigentlich mit seinen Kunden verbringen sollte. Und wenn dann das zarte Pflänzchen der persönlichen Beziehung zum Kunden zu blühen beginnt, wechseln wir den Verkäufer, so dass sich unser Kunde an einen neuen Ansprechpartner gewöhnen muss.

Im Vertrieb gibt es schon lange das schöne Bild des Jägers und des Gärtners. Aus oben beschriebenem Quartalsdruck kultivieren und fördern wir den Jäger, statt zu erkennen, dass wir im sozialen Zeitalter mehr Gärtner brauchen. Heute machen sich die Kunden nicht mehr über ihren Vertriebler schlau. Sie tun dies zuerst im sozialen Netz und nicht auf den bunten, rein werblichen, unkommunikativen Hochglanzbroschürenwebseiten der Unternehmen. Die Kunden schauen nach Bewertungen im Social Web, recherchieren in Communities, fragen in ihrem Netzwerk nach, wer welche Erfahrung mit dem Lieferanten und seinen Produkten hat. Die Meinung und Bewertung von (hoffentlich nicht) Leidensgenossen und nicht das bunte Online oder gedruckte Prospekt präjustiziert eine Kaufentscheidung, meist lange bevor es Unternehmen und Vertriebler oft merken. So gehen Kunden heute gut präpariert, wohl informiert, meist mit einer vorgefassten Meinung in Verkaufsgespräche. Und natürlich haben wir unsere Kunden unterdessen auch gelehrt, wann im Quartal und Jahr sie den besten Preis bekommen.

Und wir im Marketing verschlimmbessern die Situation noch. Wir SPAMmen unsere Interessenten und Kunden mit E-Mails und Newslettern zu, Promotions, die meist rein werblichen Charakter haben oder die zu den unzähligen Veranstaltungen einladen, die laufend stattfinden. Und dann wundern wir uns, dass immer mehr Kunden Newsletter und E-Mails der Unternehmen abbestellen, unsubscriben. Auch die mittlerweile nicht mehr ganz so neuen sozialen Kanäle haben wir oft nicht verstanden. Wir missbrauchen sie unterdessen als einen neuen Kanal, über den wir die Welt mit oben beschriebenen Nachrichten beschallen. Ich nenne das Social SPAM, der immer weiter zunimmt und die Prinzipien des Social Webs ad absurdum führt. Besonders erfreut bin ich, wenn ich die Mails bekomme, doch bitte über meine persönlichen sozialen Kanäle diese Veranstaltung und jene Promotion zu bewerben. Ein Teufel werde ich tun und meine Reputation und Glaubwürdigkeit im Netz aufs Spiel setzen. Natürlich werben wir über soziale Unternehmenskanäle und auch persönliche Konten. Jedoch sollten wir das gerade bei den persönlichen Accounts mit sehr viel Augenmaß und Überlegung tun. Ich habe mir beispielsweise die Regel auferlegt, auf Xing pro Jahr mein Netzwerk maximal zweimal zu IBM Veranstaltungen einzuladen, die es mir wert sind.

Mein persönliches Zwischenfazit; Liebe Marketiers, die Zeit des Massenmarketings ist (zumindest beim Verkauf komplexerer Produkte und vor allem im B2B) vorbei. Stattdessen sollten wir darauf konzentrieren, wie wir den potentiellen Kunden positiv für unser Unternehmen und seine Produkte stimmen und sein Vertrauen gewinnen. Die notwendigen Massnahmen sind nicht einfach, aber auch kein Hexenwerk. Eine informative, kommunikative statt platt werbende eigene Webpräsenz ist der absolut notwendige erste Schritt. Kunden wollen gehaltvollen Dialog und qualitativ nützliche Inhalte. Genau dahingehend müssen wir die Webseiten unserer Unternehmen umbauen. Sie müssen zur Informations- und Kommunikationsdrehscheibe unseres Unternehmens werden, immer aktuelle und wertvolle Inhalte bieten, gut konsumierbar auf den normalen Bildschirmen wie auch auf der Vielzahl der unterschiedlichen mobilen Endgeräte. Und natürlich stellt sich auch die Frage, wann ich die Kontaktinformationen des potentiellen Kunden einfordere: beim Download eines White Papers oder lasse ich den Kunden aktiv auf mich zukommen und bitte ihm an passenden Stellen auf meiner Webseite direkte Kommunikatonsmöglichkeiten (Click-to-chat, Click-to-call, soziale Kanäle, E-Mail)  mit meinem Unternehmen an. Gerade für uns Marketiers, die wir an der Anzahl der generierten Leads gemessen werden, eine schwierige Frage. Einerseits müssen wir Erfolge nachweisen, andererseits wollen wir die Kunden nicht durch Registrierungsformulare verschrecken. Die Souveränität und Geduld, den Kunden “kommen” zu lassen, muss man erst mal haben, gerade auch angesichts des erwähnten Erfolgsdrucks.

Die eigene Webseite ist der erste Schritt, denn die potentiellen Kunden schauen sich sicher nicht nur dort um. Sie gehen in die erwähnten Communities und informieren sich dort. Was tun, sprach der Marketier? Aufmerksames Zuhören in den sozialen Kanälen, Social Media Monitoring in relevanten Communities und Bewertungsportalen, ist aller Anfang. Die entsprechenden Tools sind von freien Werkzeugen bis zu professionallen Produkten und Services vorhanden. Dieses Monitoring ist dann die Grundlage dafür, die für das eigene Unternehmen wichtigsten Plattformen zu identifizieren, wo sinnvoll zu kommentieren und auch durchaus die berühmten Opportunities zu identifzieren. Am liebsten lesen wir natürlich positive Kommentare zu unseren Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Die kommen nicht von alleine. Die kommen zu allererst durch gute eigene Produkte und guten Service. Und dann können wir noch seitens Marketing und Vertrieb  mit entsprechenden Massnahmen dazu beitragen, den berühmten Kampf um das Word of Mouth möglichst positiv zu gestalten.

Die eigene Webseite (Owned Media) haben wir ja schon zu einer kommunikationsfreundlichen, interaktiven Informationsdrehscheibe umgebaut. Natürlich platzieren wir auch weiterhin Anzeigen und Werbung (Paid Media), gestreut online und in Printmedien, wie es für das Unternehmen und die Produkte sinnvoll ist. Und dann kommen wir zur Königsdisziplin: Wie schaffen wir es, dass in den relevanten Communities und sozialen Kanälen positiv über Unternehmen und Produkte geschrieben wird. Wie verdienen wir uns diese Earned Media? Meiner Meinung gelingt das nur dadurch, dass wir in den entsprechenden Kanälen zuhören und dort unsere Meinung und Produkte authentisch, glaubhaft und eloquent vertreten. Über das Zuhören habe ich schon geschrieben. Für das Vertreten der eigenen Meinung braucht man auf jeden Fall entsprechende Kapazitätenim doppelten Sinne, Mitarbeiter, die die Kompetenz haben und denen man auch die Zeit gibt, sich als Meinungsführer und Sprecher zu einem bestimmten Thema in den sozialen Kanälen und Communities zu positionieren. Genau darin liegt meiner Erfahrung nach die Krux. Die beschriebenen Experten sind schon heute busy und viele Führungskräfte sehen auch nicht den Nutzen, den Thought Leadership in sozialen kanälen bringt. Das ist doch Aufgabe der Unternehmenskommunikation und PR-Abteilung.

Falsch gedacht. Die Zeiten sind heute vorbei. Früher genügte es, ab und an einmal ein Interview oder einen Artikel in den eigenen Brnachenblättchen und Publikationen zu platzieren. Heute dagegen muss das Unternehmen mit seinen Produkten und seinen Thought Leadern ständig online in den entsprechenden Kanälen präsent sein. Jetzt keine Panik: Man kann das organisieren und steuern, muss sich aber durchaus der Situation gegenwärtig sein. Und man sollte realisieren, dass wir nicht mehr in den Zeiten leben, wo wir uns auf Journalisten und Analysten konzentrieren können. Die sozialen Medien haben ein weitaus größere Zahl an relevanten Influencern herausgebracht, die sich in Communities, Blogs, Hangouts, auf Barcamps und Veranstaltungen tummeln. Die für mich und meine Produkte wichtigen Influencer muss ich identifizieren und eine Beziehung zu ihnen aufbauen, eine Beziehung, die den Influencern auch einen Mehrwert bietet. Das braucht zeit und Geduld, denn das soziale Netz kann man (hoffentlich) nicht kaufen. Der Benefit eines solchen Netzwerkes ist aber genau das, was ich oben beschrieben habe: Positive Kommentare und Bewertungen, die eine Kaufentscheidung maßgeblich mit beeinflussen.

Marketing heute wird immer zum persönlichen Hegen und Plfegen von Kundenbeziehungen mit indviduellen gärtnerischen Massnahmen.

Marketing heute wird immer zum persönlichen Hegen und Plfegen von Kundenbeziehungen mit indviduellen gärtnerischen Massnahmen.

Vertriebler sollten sich der Situation gegenwärtig sein, sich im Netz und real mit ihren Kunden vernetzen und eine Beziehung pflegen. Marketiers müssen realisieren, dass heute Massenmarketing nicht mehr alles ist. Daneben sollten sie ernsthaft über individualisiertes Digital Marketing und Influencer Marketing nachdenken, das auf werthaltige Inhalte, für den Kunden einfache Kommunikation und das Bilden eines Netzwerks baut. Dieses Netzwerk, das dann die positiven Bewertungen hervorbringt, müssen Marketing, Vertrieb und die Experten, die Subject Matter Experts des Unternehmens, zusammen aufbauen und vor allem hegen und pflegen. Alle genannten Mitarbeiter werden zu Marketiers, denn sie sind Marken- und Unternehmensbotschafter draussen im Netz. Und alle genannten Gruppen werden auch zu Verkäufern, denn sie müssen Vertriebschancen identifizieren und sich um die Verfolgung kümmern. Alle werden wir zu Kümmerern, die dann wirklich den Kunden und die Kundenbeziehung im Zentrum des Schaffens haben. Nur dann klappt das auch mit der Nachbarin …

Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: CustomerExperience, Marketing, Sales

IBM Notes/Domino vs. IBM Connections

14. Juni 2013 Posted by Joachim Haydecker

Hier ein Auszug aus Rainers und meinem Beitrag im dok.magazin. Das wurde auf der letzten Konferenz mit den Unterlagen verteilt.

XwebX Berlin – My final day thoughts!

13. Juni 2013 Posted by Rebecca Swindell

Day three first session of the day for me was Perfect Orchestration from Thomas Bryner. He spoke about social media content and that whatever I push out today an be recontext and reused a long time in the future - which can be a good thing or a bad thing. What it calls for is close monitoring of what is going on, and asking "what is happening to my content?"

He talked about how referrals are the most effective form of marketing, but marketing should be targeted and addressed to individuals, not just message dumping, your followers should be used as a message hub to others. Value of Facebook - a unique chance to reach the social referral system of the people you engage with.  But like buttons are too easy, and people might forget the company they have just liked within ten minutes.

He then smoke about conversation rates for various media, banner ads is 0.2%social channels is 0.71% search is 1.95% but the biggest is email at 3.19%. I was surprised by this as personally, and speaking to friends and colleagues, I rarely buy from an email, and more from social channels or search - but maybe that's because I love social and spend a lot of time there, or maybe it a generation thing? Interested to know people's thoughts on this...

He also spoke about being present on social just for the sake of being social probably isn't a good idea - couldn't agree more! He also discussed news jacking - which is a new term for me, but he gave the example of how when the miners in Chilli were trapped, Oakley gave them all free sunglasses for when they came into sunlight, which would not have cost the company much but was worth a hell of a lot in brand advertising due to the mass global news coverage of the disaster.

My next session was from Jason Cornell and Stefan Hepper on Exceptional Web Experiences with Digital Asset Management. Jason started by showing some website that are using extensive rich media content to capture people's attention in an ever crowding online world - which is why it's imperative to have a Social Web Experience.


He spoke about IBMs rich media solutions- including the newly announced Digital Asset Management. Stefan then took the audience through some use cases and a gave a quick demo.

Jason then talked about Digital Asset and Web Content flow


And then talked about some case studies of the solution - including this one from Showtime


My penultimate session of the conference was from Mac Guidera and Adam Ginsburg on Leveraging the power of IBM Connections and Websphere Portal.

Mac started by talking about Forbes view of how social media takes custom relationships to the next level and how important it is - as after all we are all social animals. In addition we are all web savvy now and it's important for us to understand what is happening to the data we generate online and know that the companies we interact with our listening.


Customers are on the driving seat - connecting with the individually requires a consistent and engaging online experience - including meaningful self service on the web - something which IBMs web experience software helps our customers achieve says Mac, seeing benefits like a 32% decrease in calls to the customer support line.

Here is how IBM help customers improve their organisations social web experience


Adam then took us through an example of how people could collaborate on organising a downtown carnival (from food, to music to acts etc) - the interactive site allowing people to see an activity stream of what's happening- which is embedded so people can interact in situ and in the context of the application.  Lots of social rendering portlets - such as member directories- are designed by IBM and available out of the box to help our customers get started - all of which are customisable too, as well as their look and feel.

The next tool discussed was the Social Media Publisher and the analytic capabilities associated with this.


And in closing Mac suggested next steps for the audience


My last session of the day, and of the conference, was by the ever informative Stuart McRae - Social Business is an Integration Problem - and was a follow on session to the one I attended yesterday (see my day 2 blog).

He talked about how social businesses focus on creating trusted networks as the way the operate. Problems now need to be rethought as interacts between people, rather than a set of processes - people driven works, workflows driven processes won't in the journey to becoming a Social Business.


He then moved onto mobile - which he said was an absolute must for social. There is no point rolling out social in an organisation and not giving them access on their mobile phones, as they will update on the go rather than when they get back to their desks later, mobile is key to enabling social.

Love this example from Stuart of why its important to tweet and how this could be used in underpinning your business processes


And that's it from me at XWebX Berlin 2013. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blogs from the last three days and you can keep up with where I am next on Twitter @RSwindell. Till next time.. Stay Social!

The Power of Algorithms

13. Juni 2013 Posted by Alexander Kluge

[EN] The true story about replacing Notes …

13. Juni 2013 Posted by StefanP.

Great presentation and such a true story. Had a conversation with a friend of mine a few days ago: His company made the political motivated decision to go Microsoft. Obviously some ROI figures were calculated and a complete migration including the applications was planned in a given timeframe. Now, years after the Notes-Apps are still vital for the business and running. The employees have both clients on their desktop. The company still has both licenses. And of course now nobody is re-calculating and questioning the ROI of a failed migration … Currently we see our friends telling again the story, how easy an migration is, now into their new cloud offerings. Same arguments, same potential to simply fail!

Filed under: English Tagged: Apps, Collaboration, Notes

2 Security Bulletin IBM Notes 8.0.X, 8.5.X, 9.0

12. Juni 2013 Posted by Noteshexe

Abstract: In some scenarios, IBM Notes may fail to zero the plaintext password within memory, leaving the plaintext password accessible to an attacker with the ability to access memory on the user’s local workstation. Affected Plattform: Notes 9.0, 8.5.X Fix :  9.0 Interim Fix2, 8.5.3 FP4 Interim Fix 2, 8.5.3 FP5 This issue is being [...]

IBM erweitert Unterstützung für Linux auf Power Systems

12. Juni 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

IBM (NYSE: IBM) hat auf dem Red Hat Summit in Boston neue Initiativen zur Unterstützung des Linux-Einsatzes in Unternehmen vorgestellt.

XwebX Berlin – Day 2 Highlights

12. Juni 2013 Posted by Rebecca Swindell

Here is my blog from day 2 - again mainly in pictures!! You can see our tweetwall from the event here

My first session of day two was from Stephen Wright on "IBM's implementation and strategy - 600.000 users and growing". He spoke about how IBM's transformation into a social business is an ongoing journey and how noir CEO's have been fundamental in this as we become a globally integrated enterprise. This is done through a centralised approach, guided by our overall transformation and grounded in our Values - enabling growth, enabling productivity and enabling change.

Some stats from the session in IBM we have consolidated: 128 CIOS to 1, 155 data centres to 3 and 16,000 applications to 3,800. It's has improved our agility, reduced our costs and reduced our carbon footprint.

Stephen then took the audience through how IBMers use our internal collaboration tools, and how we use Analytics to assess what pele are searching on, then use this to optimise our internal pages. IBM's culture is really becoming a social by employees letting others know hat they are doing, what they need help with add how they can help others by posting regular status updates on Connections.

New adopters quickly integrate their information and applications through using our WhirlWind  community, and can assess what they need through user ratings and reviews - something I did not know about so I will be looking through it all later!

He then talked about the announcement from yesterday of he Digital Asset Mgmt tool that was announced this week - you can find out more here -


The second session of the day I attended was from Stuart McRae own driving social business adoption through or business processes - today was the why part and tomorrow will be focused on practical examples on how you integrate.  I have heard Stuart speak many times before, but always learn something new, and his passion for Social Business always shines through.


Social Collaboration must become the way users work not additional thing they have to do to work - that was Stuarts mantra last year, but still rings true 12 months later - and is still a fundamental consideration when thinking about social business adoption within your organisation. You need to change the way people work and give people the confidence in the platform and its capabilities.

Stuart then spoke about how to drive social business adoption and how to create a new way of working.


It's new way of working needs to include guidelines, governance to shift culture,drive changes in user behaviour, integrate social into your business processes, tailor the experience by audience and create new social job roles. It's about coaching and encouraging the employee to get it right the next 1000 times, rather than punishing them if they get int wrong the first time.

Stuart talked about the launch with top down AND groundswell support, you need senior leaders that "walk the talk" and identify early adopters to evangelise the value - across all roles and audiences. He emphasised the importance of communication - you have to say what, why, and how. It's not about getting EVERYONE to share... It's about getting people who need it to use what is being shared.

Next he discussed two way mentoring and how this can help adoption.


Stuart continued the session by reemphasising the importance of culture change for 100% engagement - this needs to be done through viral adoption and to remove all barriers to adoptions, but don't move too fast with mass adoption, enthusiasts need to help to drive it.

He then closed the session by talking about the six patterns of social business - you can download a white paper of these from the IBM website.


The next session I attended was from Jyske Bank - who I mentioned in my blog yesterday - but I wanted to know more about their story - I was not alone as there was standing room only on the session.

They opened by talking about what is important to them - fast time to am rest, empowered users, continual delivery, 24/7/365  platform,state of the art quality and minimal daily maintenance. Projects are always joint ventures between marketing, business development and the corporate web team - and this is broken down into business consultants, commnicaiton consultants, web content authors, graphical designers, interaction designer, WCM consultant, web and java designers and a tester.

Next they moved on to "why" did they choose repos solve web design, with a major actor being the big increase in mobile web traffic and the desire to mark sure their customers had a great experience of their company via their mobile website - as well as all the new devices that are constantly coming onto the market. One website for all devices but that reacts to the width of the device.

The "how" was tackled with the basics to begin with.



Glen then showed the difference between the old website HTML code versus the new one - which is designed using Websphere Portal. They talked how they use it now on a daily basis as well about how important it is to empower their web editors - who want to get on with their daily asks without having to involve the development team constantly - and this is all done through role based views and access rights.

They talked about the great user experience - and this needs to be taken seriously, with a dedicated resource who is focused on it, and allow them to work and really test stuff. Is important to learn from the best - use best of breed suppliers.In addition you MUST have a consistent look and feel, by gaining full control for the HTML - treat CSS as a first class citizen.

The first session I went to after lunch was Utilising Self Service straight through processing for improved customer satisfaction and business results from Richard Brown and Jer O'Connor. They opened talking about the IBM CEO study - which you can download from our website. The session then moved to use cases on different industries and moved to a live demo - Portal, WCM, Forms Experience Builder and Connections Social Rendering which were used to create the solution at the Insurance company they were using as an example.


My final session of the day was by Rob Ingram and Iqbal Singh on starting your Smarter Workforce journey with Web Experience and Kenexa. Rob started by talking about the C Suite studies that IBM has conducted and the imperatives currently facing the CHRO and CEO audience.


Rob then moved on to the Talent Optimised vision - leverage Analytics, engage and develop people and make it fun, rewarding and addictive.

IBM Smarter Workforce Strategy - Motivate, Attract and Empower


Rob talked about the various components of a Smarter Workforce, including learning, Analytics (using Cognos) and manager portal. Iqbal then spoke about more about the branded candidate experience and used an example of someone looking for a new job with a company and the social experience that might occur during this, and how a branded career website can make this more effective, including how the person can track their application, ask questions about the job or the company, find out when their interview is, task lists -  endless possibilities!


This can then progress into on boarding - where a candidate can talk to HR experts, look in marketing portals at the company products, engage with core teams across all geographies and more, all of which help employees get up to speed faster and increase new hire satisfaction through this individually tailored experience.


Remember you can join in the conversation on Twitter by using #ibmexperience and following me @RSwindell

Come back tomorrow for day 3 key moments and my overall conference highlights!





Apple macht ernst und erweitert die Enterprise Funktionen

12. Juni 2013 Posted by .:. .:.

Aktuell findet in San Franzisco die diesjährige Apple Developer Conference WWDC statt. Wer meint, das während der Keynote von Tim Cook am 10.06. alles Wichtige zu iOS7 gesagt und gezeigt wurde, liegt ...

Read Character Columns with CCSID 65535 in JDBC

12. Juni 2013 Posted by Ralf Petter

In DB2 on the System i every Character Column have a CCSID which defines with which characterset the data of this column is encoded. For example a column with german characters should normally be encoded with 273 or 1141. When you access this columns from JDBC the data will be automatically converted from the characterset used in the column to Unicode. But when the CCSID of the column is 65535 (binary data) the jdbc driver will not convert and since all data on the System i is stored in EBCDIC you will only get garbage from this columns.

But there is an easy way to fix this problem. You need to set the translateBinary Option to true when you connect to your System i and every 65535 character field will be translated from EBCDIC to Unicode automatically.

  AS400JDBCDataSource dataSource = new AS400JDBCDataSource(systemName, userName, password);
Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection();

// Or when you prefer the old connection Method
Connection conn2 = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:as400://" + systemName + ";translate binary=true",
userName, password);

Then the result is human readable.

“zEnterprise: The Best Gets Better”

12. Juni 2013 Posted by Stev Glodowski

"zEnterprise:  The Best Gets Better"
DATE:  Thursday, July 23, 2013
TIME:  11:00am ET / 10:00am CT / 8:00am PT

Organizations of all sizes are under intense competitive pressure to provide new and improved services.  To innovate.  To differentiate.  To deliver new value.  And to do it all for less with fewer resources.  There is a solution.

On July 23, zEnterprise® gets even better. Come see how you can enable better business results:

  • Energize your apps to foster growth
  • Save money by consolidating workloads and exploiting the cloud
  • Improve security on the industry's most trusted and resilient infrastructure
  • Improve performance, flexibility and scale

With new capabilities in cloud, analytics and mobile, zEnterprise truly offers it all – for whatever comes your way now and in the future.  Register now to join IBM senior business leaders and industry-leading clients on July 23 to learn more about the unique value and new capabilities zEnterprise brings to market.

Please join IBM senior business leaders and industry-leading clients to learn more about the unique value and new
capabilities zEnterprise brings to market on July 23.

See how zEnterprise enables better business results. Registration at

On of the speakers for this event will be Doug Balog, General Manager , IBM System z

Mehr als ein neuer Webshop

12. Juni 2013 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Einen leistungsfähigen Webshop für etwa eine halbe Million Produkte, kundenindividuell dargestellt auf Basis digitaler Analysen: Das realisiert die Wilhelm Koch GmbH aus Osnabrück in ihrem neuen B2B-Webshop für Haustechnik-Produkte.

Interim Fix 1 for IBM Notes & Domino 9.0

11. Juni 2013 Posted by Manfred Dillmann

Interim Fix 1 for IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 ( is available for download from IBM Fix Central. More information and download…

XwebX Berlin – Day 1 Highlights and Pictures

11. Juni 2013 Posted by Rebecca Swindell

Here are my highlights from day 1 - mainly in pictures - it's all about rich media after all - although apologies that some are a bit grain!! You can see our tweetwall from the event here

Markus Mueller opened the conference and took the audience through the many exciting sessions from IBMers and Customers who were going to be sharing their experiences with the delegates.

Larry Bowden then took the audience through IBM's vision and strategy, which has been built on the customer feedback we have received - he has been doing this for the last 13 years and is very passionate about helping our customers achieve the best business results through web experiences, including using mobile, cloud and analytics to enhance this. Larry presented how our customers have benefited from using IBM's web experience software. 


As well as taking the audience through what used to be IBM's Project Northstar and how it looks today:



IBM investments were also discussed, including key acquisitions such as Kenexa, UNICA, Core Metrics, Tealeaf as well as the product the updates of IBM forms and XWEbX 8.x FastTrack this year.

Gary Dolsen then took the stage to show the audience what we have been working on in the last year and what we are working on now. He explored that the relationship between LOB and IT is really important at the moment, they have to work hand in hand and our investments reflect this. He said that customers have  asked for nicely pre integrated suites of functionality and this is part of the version 8 portfolio of digital experience software.

He explained that Content is one of our biggest areas of investment


There was then a demo from Rob Enright and Nicole Carrier - who talked how IBM Social Software can be used to help analyse the market sentiment about a brand and then use this to generate new revenue through running segmented targeted marketing campaigns - as well as split testing promotions through all strategic online channels. This can all help build tighter relationships with customers around what they care about most.


Nicole also showed a heat map of the fictional companies site that can then be used to optimise a website. 



Rob talked about Kenexa and Social Recruiting - and how our digital experience software can complement this to achieve exceptional web experiences for candidates interested in joining a new company, including a culture fit quiz!

Peter Bugge Jakobsen from Jyske bank started his session showing a video of ow Social their bank is - and he is clearly very passionate and rightly proud of what they have achieved. He spoke about responsive web design needing to be enhanced progressively and all devices and channels considered at the same time.

I then attended a session from Dan Collins and Jeff Seifert on Delivering Engaging Social Business Solutions with IBM. They spoke about the GBS CMO report and what CMOs are concerned with over the next five years, with Social Media being the second highest market factor effecting the marketing function - just topped by data explosion. Interesting stat was that 62% of Facebook fans "like" a company page just to get the discounts - therefore having communities are key - these people need to be engaged with, as eventually they are going to buy something, this can be done through integrating IBM Web Experience Software.

Why social needs to be part of Portal was the next session I attended given by Mac Guidera. He spoke about CEO priorities including empowering employees through value, engaging customers and individuals, and amplifying innovation with partnerships - all found in the IBM CEO study "Leading Through Connections".

He then showed this slide about the value of a social business platform.


Sales can improve productivity, customer service can improve customer retention, marketing can reach new audiences and product development can speed time to market - all using IBM's Social Software to improve business processes.  He then showed how different companies all over the world and cross industry have realised these benefits - check out the IBM website for these case studies.

Winning Strategies from Peter Funke and Thomas Bryner was the next session I attended, which began by looking at the Business Value Assessment model.


He spoke about the importance of Innovation - to improve services, expand into new areas and develop new product. He said simply put its about selling more, with a higher profit margin, to more people and have more effective sales team.

Peter then took over and about the benefits associated tooth social business investments across all industries, including margin and productivity improvements across tasks like reading and answering email, searching and gathering info, communicating and collaborating internally and more role pacific tasks.

My last session of the day was Rob Enright and Latoya Sankey on improving customer engagement with IBM Enterprise Marketing Mgmt and Web Content Mgr. They spoke about IBM's vision to help clients create engaging, exceptional and differential web experiences. Some great stats in this session including Internet connected devices outnumber people in the USA and 80% of the worlds population will have a mobile device in the next five years,10% of adults in the US own a laptops AND tablet AND smartphone. Also by 2014 video is going to account for 90% PF web traffic - rich media has to be incorporate into your website.

Latoya then spoke about the various value realised by customers using the IBM Customer Experience Suite and the Marketing Center, as well as how Smarter Commerce is weaved in.


Rob then gave a demo of the Marketing Center, including segmentations, a-b split testing, and communication - whether it's a website or an email etc.  This was followed by a really fun dynamic and interactive demo of the software through a site - tracking clicks, conversions etc, and seeing which operating system and device people were using to do this.

Overall, it's been a fantastic day, with some great content and excellent speakers - so very much looking forward to seeing what day 2 will bring! 

You can join in the conversation using #ibmexperience and follow me on @RSwindell. Check back for my day 2 highlights this time tomorrow!