Posts Tagged: ‘Change Management’

Tom Zeizel’s Blog: Erfahrungsaustausch – IBM’s Social Adoption Roundtables

14. April 2018 Posted by Thomas Zeizel, IBM

Tom Zeizel’s Blog: Erfahrungsaustausch – unsere Social Adoption Roundtables Veränderung gibt es nicht geschenkt. Der Mensch an sich ist träge und hält nur zu gern an Prozeduren fest, an die er sich gewöhnt hat. Das Aufbruch-verheißende “let’s go West” der frühen Einwanderer in den USA ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Das das nicht unbedingt immer schlau […]

Der Beitrag Tom Zeizel’s Blog: Erfahrungsaustausch – IBM’s Social Adoption Roundtables erschien zuerst auf DNUG.

[EN] The Digital Workplace: It is about People, Places, Platform, Culture and Adoption

16. Februar 2017 Posted by StefanP.

Very interesting thoughts on the different aspects of productivity at the workplace:

In short, while we have long championed tools to improve enterprise productivity, the greatest gains may be in re-working the physical, not technological, architecture.

Source: Why the workplace doesn’t work | Intranetizen

It is not only about technology, it is about the physical workplace, too.

The same study [DEGW consulting (now Aecom)] suggested that there were very few differences in such distractions across office designs of varying degrees of ‘openness’ with the exception of mobile (or home) offices which incurred the fewest lost productive minutes. Working from home wins on that count it seems. …

Source: Why the workplace doesn’t work | Intranetizen

So, people are beng distracted in offices, loose time and are less productive and are looking for places to be productive:

„Home, travel, coffee shops, somewhere quiet.“

Source: Why the workplace doesn’t work | Intranetizen

I believe it is a bit to easy. While distraction is a challenge in the Office, it is not going away automatically in the Home Office. Distraction is not only being generated in the office. Phone, chat, email, family, my cats maybe distracting me in my home office, too. It is about a mixture of personal behaviour or discipline and physical workspace.

Why do companies rent spaces at locations like Design Offices? Because these places provide the environment for co-creation, innovation and project work. The provide workbays as quiet zones or as place for 1:1’s, co-working spaces with white boards for creative sessions, the well known coffee kitchen or water cooler and modern workspaces taking into consideration, flexible to stand or sit.

Technology is the enabler but it’s still people who lead the work in most offices. To make a workplace really work, there needs to be a holistic appreciation of people, places and platforms and the interchange between them. We need to be more ambitious for digital workplace technologies and help employees be more productive wherever they choose their workplace to be — bed, coffee shop or office.

Source: Why the workplace doesn’t work | Intranetizen

Keep in mind, how important collaboration is for innovation. So we need to provide the right spaces, online with tools for communication and collaboration and the physical workspaces, to booster productivity and innovation. And even this is by far not enough. It is more than People, Places and Platforms. Let us add leadership and culture. Old command and control structures are the natural enimies of digital transformation and an agile, responsive organisation. Without leaders willing to break down silos and hierarchies change is not going to happen.

And another aspect is very often forgotten: Adoption and training. Your people are not going to accept and drive digital transformation, if you don’t convince, train and re-train them.  And this is a continous journey, not a one-off effort. You need to train people on the methods and the tools. Tool training may even be the easier part of it. Explain your people how to use your Enterprise Social Networking-tool, your „WhatsApp for the Enterprise“ or your file sharing software and where the benefits for the individual in his or her work are. Beyond technology and tools we may add concepts like agile, Scrum, working out loud. If you want these methods to be successful. And this is the easier part …

The more difficult part is to convince your people on the why … A majority of workers are still holding backing information, to protect their job or for whatever reason. How do you get your people back into the boat, not working against change? How do you motivate them again? The numbers from Gallup are disillisioning. And still a lot of managers and don’t care …

The Digital Workplace driving the digital transformation is very likely not a quick win: It is about People, Places, Platform, Culture and Adoption.

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Change Management, Digital Transformation, featured, Innovation, Workplace-of-the-Future

[EN] McKinsey: Successful Digital Transformation needs all Employees and clear Communication

14. Februar 2017 Posted by StefanP.

Very interesting study: Transformation needs buy-in from all levels including frontline employees and a much better communcation

A new survey suggests that for their transformations to succeed, organizations need employee buy-in at all levels, consistent communication, and better people strategies.

… A particular blind spot seems to be the failure to involve frontline employees and their managers in the effort.

…. the results suggest that while C-level support is necessary, it is not by itself sufficient. …


Still, the most successful companies are much better than others at creating clear lines of communication. …

According to respondents, company leaders contribute most to a transformation when they articulate a vision and communicate actively. …


Change agents, … , appear to have a notable impact on success. Less than half of respondents say their organizations select these employees, who dedicate a significant part of their time to work as facilitators or agents of the transformation.

Source: The people power of transformations | McKinsey & Company

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Change Management, Digitale Transformation

[EN] Why Social Collaboration fails: Old Habits and Persistence, Command and Control

6. Februar 2017 Posted by StefanP.

The obvious question is: Why the corporate social network lacks the participation and lively zest found in consumer social media systems? And what can be done about it?

Source: Learning from HBR: Making corporate social network collaboration successful – Work Monkey Labs

Interesting thoughts on the lack of adoption of Collaboration software and Enterprise Social Networks. I do agree with a lot of the thoughts, but I believe there are important reasons for failure, or better a low adoption rate.

We are throwing new tools over the fence and expect, the users are happy about it and are immediately using the new applications. Surprise, they don’t. Why?

We don’t explain and train the users in a sufficient manner. My personal experience is that people do not experience automatically the benefits of the Collaboration tools. We need much more intensive hand-holding, leading and explaining by example, why simultaneous editing documents online (instead of downloading) or sharing by a Social Network is better than sending attachments. I am not talking about the one-off video course. It is continuous hand-holding and coaching.

Sending attachments by email … My favorite example, why Collaboration tools fail (and I have written about it). People are used to attach documents and they don’t change their habit. Changing habits and persistence is in my opinion one of the most serious challenges fighting adoption of collaboration tools.

And we have to face another challenge:

Charlene Li, thorough her research, says that the Leadership of the organization is the single most important factor in driving engagement of corporate social network in big organizations across the globe. If the leaders don’t see anything in it worth their time, employees won’t either.

Source: Learning from HBR: Making corporate social network collaboration successful – Work Monkey Labs

I don’t believe it is only leadership, Command and Control and hierarchical structures. It is still a common habit that people hold their knowledge. Not only leaders, not only middle management, of course the normal worker is holding information as a lot of studies proof.

And I am not sure, if the normal workers are getting the more or less fine difference between „old“ knowledge management and „new“ expertise sharing:

Managing knowledge the old way has gone. Employees have known and have experienced that managing knowledge repositories in databases is cumbersome, time consuming and has not helped them much.  Now it is expertise sharing.  Expertise sharing finds its rightful place in corporate social networks.

Source: Learning from HBR: Making corporate social network collaboration successful – Work Monkey Labs

And yes, let us technology providers not steal out of responsibility. We have to deliver much more user-friendly tools and experiences. We – at least most of the vendors I know – are still far away from a great user experience and ease of use. And of course we are facing the challenge of different working styles and need to get the Email generation, the Facebook-generation and the WhatsApp-generation work together as seamless as possible.

Let me close this post with a create quote from the post of Ramkumar Yaragarla stressing the importance of culture in the workplace:

Where there is trust and reciprocity, there is meaningful collaboration and corporate social networks can flourish.

Source: Learning from HBR: Making corporate social network collaboration successful – Work Monkey Labs

Einsortiert unter:English Tagged: Change Management, Collaboration, featured, Innovation, SchlauerArbeiten, Workplace-of-the-Future

[DE] Altmodische Tugenden und das Geschäftsleben

14. Mai 2015 Posted by StefanP.


In der Ethik bezeichnet der Begriff eine als wichtig und erstrebenswert geltende Charakter­eigenschaft, die eine Person befähigt, das sittlich Gute zu verwirklichen.

via Tugend – Wikipedia.

Wer sich so das Geschäftsleben, den Quartalswahnsinn, die Bürokratieorgien heutzutage anschaut, der kann schon ins Grübeln kommen. Manche Tugenden – welch ein altmodisches Wort – sind wohl nicht mehr in Mode und die Definition auf Wikipedia klingt auch altbacken und antiquiert. Ich rede nicht von klassischen bürgerlichen Tugenden wie Ordentlichkeit, Sparsamkeit, Fleiß, Reinlichkeit  oder Pünktlichkeit, von christlichen der ritterlichen Tugenden. Ich rede von Verhaltensweisen und Charakterzügen, die nicht nur, aber im Geschäftsleben immer aus der Mode zu kommen scheinen.

Respekt ist für mich eine dieser Kardinaltugenden. Respektiere die oder den Anderen und tue ihnen nichts an, was Dir nicht angetan werden soll. Na ja, nicht immer richtig, denn natürlich müssen Chefs auch Entscheidungen treffen, die hart sein können, aber ich denke schon, sie können mit einem gewissen Respekt, Feingefühl und Takt umgesetzt werden. Ein respektvoller Umgang scheint mir jedoch immer mehr verloren zu gehen. Die Mitarbeiter oder der Mitarbeiter müssen funktionieren, koste es, was es wolle an Nerven und Arbeits- und Lebenszeit.

Damit einer geht aus meiner Sicht auch ein immer größerer werdender Mangel an Bescheidenheit. Bescheidenheit ist im Zeitalter der Laut- und Vielsprecher wohl gar nicht mehr gefragt, ja scheint oft für das eigene Fortkommen eher kontraproduktiv zu sein. Wer bescheiden ist, fällt den Chefs eher nicht auf und nur allzu gerne heften sich andere die Lorbeeren ans Revers.

Ein ehrlich gemeintes Danke kommt – wenn überhaupt – auch nicht mehr so oft. Gerade wir Deutschen scheinen zu einem eher rüden Umgangston und zu Direktheit zu neigen. Das muss nicht immer negativ sein und mir ist oft lieber als die aus unserer Sicht eher unerträgliche Rumeierei andere Kulturen – wer hat einen Amerikaner schon mal klar Nein sagen hören? Trotzdem wäre an mancher Stelle ehrlich gemeinte Dankbarkeit für eine Leistung oder einen Verdienst – jemand hat sich ein Danke verdient … – angebracht. Und damit meine ich nicht die Schulterklopferei, ein Like im sozialen Netzwerk oder das oberflächliche Danke.

Eigenschaften, die scheinbar gerade im Geschäftsleben gar nicht mehr gefragt sind, sind Zivilcourage und auch Toleranz. Wie sagte noch der bayrische Titan noch so schön: “Wir brauchen mehr Spieler mit Eier in der Hose.” Solche Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind in der Regel nicht gefragt und werden nur zu oft in den Senkel gestellt. Sie sind “negativ”, denn sie sprechen Missstände oder Fehlverhalten an, legen Finger in die Wunden. Der Vorwurf, Ihr kritisiert nur und macht aber keine konkreten Verbesserungsvorschläge, kommt schnell von den Lippen.

Es fehle die positive Attitüde. Genau diese Attitüde hat man dagegen sehr oft gerade im mittleren Management, das gefälligst zu funktionieren und zu “executen” hat – und das oft auch stumpfsinnig tut oder resigniert weiter macht. Mitdenken unerwünscht. An den Controlettis und Bürokratikern des Geschäftslebens scheitert jedoch manche noch so gute gemeinte Unternehmensreform oder Neuausrichtung. Unnötige, entbehrenswerte bürokratische Prozesse und Genehmigungsverfahren haben eine ungemeine Beharrungskraft. Der Anspruch, agiler zu werden, erscheint so oft nur ein frommer Wunsch.

Hat Toleranz etwas im Geschäftsleben zu suchen? Unter Toleranz verstehe ich nicht Schlampigkeit dabei, Aufgaben zu erledigen. Es geht eher in Richtung Respekt. Es muss, sollte und darf nicht jeder gleich gebürstet werden. Vielfalt und genau die Toleranz unterschiedlicher Typen ist wichtig und kann auch ein Unternehmen sehr befruchten.

Engagement, “Passion for the Business” und ständige Höchstleistung werden nur zu gerne gefordert. Das ist auch richtig so. Doch diese Maximen können aus meiner Sicht nur dann eingeklagt werden, wenn auch die genannten Tugenden im jeweiligen Unternehmen und im Geschäftsleben gelebt werden. Ich weiss, naiv und altmodisch.


Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: Change Management, featured, Management

[DE] Ein persönlicher CeBIT 2015 Rückblick: Digitale Transformation & die Aufmerksamkeit im Management

23. März 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Ein kleiner Dialog auf Twitter nach meinem Impulsvortrag zum Ende von Social Business auf der Social Business Arena am ersten Messetag der CeBIT 2015. Danke alle Diskutanten, live, auf Twitter und auf anderen Kanälen.

Hier der Link zu Storify. Leider lässt sich der Storify-Dialog nicht auf meiner auf gehorteten Seite einbetten.

Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: Change Management, Digital Transformation, SocBiz

[EN] From Command-and-Control-by-Excel to Self-Responsibilty-while-not-forget-Performance-Mentality

9. Februar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

In short, we need to revamp our workplace tools and culture to drive higher and healthier productivity. Command and control is out. Performance-driven cultures where management seeks high productivity but gives employees more freedom to determine their schedules and location is the way of the future in an increasingly complex, always-on and stress-filled world.

First order of business should be making our business tools look and work more like popular, intuitive consumer software, a trend known as the “consumerization of IT.” That means employing strategies like “mobile-first,” as well as self-serve, social and collaborative solutions on employee systems and devices. …

Going forward, good work experience management will become a fundamental condition of the success of any business, indeed any society. If we do this right and make it a priority, technology coupled with good management can play the role it has always aspired to: that of liberator, creator and enabler.

via When Work Isn’t a Place Anymore | Amit Chatterjee.

Yes, tools are important, but more important is the culture. And I have my concerns, that we are ready to move from command-and control-by-Excel to self-responsibilty-and-trust-while-not-forget-performance mentality. I still do not understand, why we still run time-consuming, non-business-aware approval processes instead of giving the power in the hand of responsible managers and employees.

Take the example of travel approvals. Give the employee – or their direct manager – a budget for the quarter or the year and let them decide, where to spend the money. And make them responsible, if they overspend or fail. This is another way of self-service and enablement.

Filed under: English Tagged: Change Management, Management, Mobile

[DE] Von Excel-Führungskräften, Berichtsorgien und Planungsillusionen – Ein Ergänzung zu @gsohn

25. Januar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

“Statt auf die Potenziale ihrer Mitarbeiter zu setzen, verstecken sich die Excel-Führungskräfte hinter Berichtsorgien und Kennzahlen-Management.

Eine Organisation im Optimierungswahn über bürokratische Prozesse fördert die kollektive Dummheit in Unternehmen. Exzellenz, Aufbruchstimmung und visionäres Denken lässt sich nicht verwalten “oder in Listen und Tabellen organisieren – und schon gar nicht aus Vergangenheitsdaten extrahieren”, moniert Dueck. Bestleistungen erzeugt man nicht mit Kontrollen, sondern mit Freude und Leidenschaft.

… Die Excel-Tabelle von heute bildet das Geschehen von gestern ab. Auf der Strecke bleibt die Gegenwart. In einer Excel-Ökonomie aus Ängsten, Planungsillusionen und sinnlosen Kontrollschleifen gedeiht weder Vertrauen noch wirtschaftliche Prosperität.”

via Digitale Bräsigkeit und veraltete Management-Methoden – Über die kollektive Dummheit in deutschen Unternehmen | Ich sag mal.

Gunnar Sohn und mein ebenso geschätzter, ehemaliger Kollege Gunter Dueck sprechen bzw. schreiben mir aus der Seele. Natürlich ist die Problematik vielfältiger und nicht nur auf Deutschland begrenzt. Der Druck, jedes Quartal gute Ergebnisse zu liefern, führt ebenso zu Dauerdruck und irrsinnig rabattierten Geschäftsabschlüssen: “This Quarter is the most important one in the history of the company.”

Ein Middle Management, das oft seine Besitzstände mit allen Mitteln verteidigen will, oder eine Controlling/Finanzabteilung, die an der einen Stelle Sparkurs verordnet, auf der andere Seite Genehmigungen wider besseren Menschenverstands so verzögert, dass statt Kosteneinsparungen höhere Ausgaben verursacht werden, tragen zum Elend bei. Durch solche Verhaltensweisen und Machtgelüste werden wohlgemeinte Reforminitiativen schnell torpediert.

Von der Demotivation logisch denkender Mitarbeiter, die dem Unternehmen eigentlich zugetan sind, will ich nicht anfangen. Selbstbestimmung und eigenverantwortliches Verhalten werden in der Regel nicht gefördert. Stattdessen werden Kontroll- und Machterhaltungsprozesse implementiert, ja sogar ausgeweitet. Ein Schelm, wer böses dabei denkt … Wirkliche Reformen und eine Transformation gehen anders.

Und unbedingt den ganzen Beitrag von Gunnar lesen!

Filed under: Deutsch Tagged: Change Management, featured, Management

[EN] Social Tools are in the Organizations – Those with formal Strategy succeed

9. Januar 2015 Posted by StefanP.

Interesting report by McKinsey. Social Tools arrived in business, but there is still space for improvement. Those organizations implementing specific practices that support organizational change are gaining the greatest benefits:

The fully networked organizations are also more likely to establish formal strategies around the usage of social tools; taken together, these practices and strategies create an environment that’s better suited to achieving value from technologies. …

The shares of companies using some kind of social technology in their business, overall and on mobile devices, is high but leveling out. Eighty-two percent of respondents say their companies use at least one tool (compared with 83 percent in 2012), and 67 percent report the use of at least one tool on mobile (compared with 65 percent in 2012).  …

Videoconferencing and social networks are used most often in the business.

Videoconferencing and social networks are used most often in the business.


via Organizing the networked enterprise for change | McKinsey & Company.

Filed under: English Tagged: Change Management, SocBiz

[EN] Cultural Transformation is the Main Challenge for Digital Transformation

17. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

This is a perfect fit to my yesterdays posting on the Social Business Journey:

Cultural transformation is the main challenge for digital transformation. Digital businesses map out customer journeys and ensure that products turn into plug-ins for broader digital propositions. These propositions are connected through data, communities, and collaboration. This allows the business to understand who the customers are and how they use products. It’s easier to implement technology innovations than to change habits and culture. Technology is only the catalyst for cultural and organizational transformation.

via Digital Transformation Is Changing The Market For Consulting – Observations About Internal Cultural Transformation At PWC | Forrester Blogs.

Filed under: English Tagged: Change Management, Digital Transformation, SocBiz

[EN] Not Overnight: The Way to become a Social Business is a Journey

15. September 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

The payoffs are significant: A 2012 report by the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that full implementation of social technologies — going beyond email to internal social media and collaboration tools — would raise the productivity of managers and professionals by as much as 25%. …

The key is “full implementation.” The 2014 Social Business Global Executive Study and Research Project by MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte found that only 17% of respondents see themselves as having mature social business practices. …

What I see is that communication and collaboration technologies get installed — that is, purchased and made available to employees and sometimes contractors and customers, with perhaps some training provided — and then the effort stops. …

Companies can’t assume that because people use Facebook in their personal lives they understand how to leverage those skills into greater communication and collaboration at work. Facebook gives people a good background and starting point for social collaboration, but how the tools and practices will work best in a company needs to be an on-going negotiation.

via Are Companies Ready to Finally Kill Email? | MIT Sloan Management Review.

Not very surprising results. The way to become a Social Business – or perhaps we should call it Digital Business meanwhile? – is an exciting,  journey. It will not happen overnight. It needs commitment top-down, ongoing willingness to break down silos and to change, change management experience and what the author calls ongoing negotiations. This is, why it is extremely important not only to buy the best Social software – which I believe comes from my employer, although the author doesn’t mention it, which makes me concerned. You need to have a partner on board, which is able to help and coach during the Social Business journey. A company needs to develop its own Social Business Agenda together with a good sparring partner, ideally a partner, who is himself on the Social Business journey and has already made a lot of experiences.

But again: Stay tuned, stay committed. It takes time and then you can get the productivity benefits out of it!


Filed under: English Tagged: Change Management, SocBiz