Archive for: ‘Mai 2014’

Mit IBM Forms Server V8.1 können Unternehmen durch die Automatisierung dokumentenorientierter Formularanwendungen ihre Effizienz steigern, den Kundendienst verbessern und die Amortisierungszeit verkürzen

27. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Krueger

Bottom rule

IBM® Forms Server V8.1, zuvor bekannt als IBM Forms Server Classic, ermöglicht es Unternehmen und IT-Anwendern, dokumentenorientierte Prozesse zu automatisieren. Die Lösung bietet folgende Vorteile:


IBM Forms Server V8.1 umfasst eine Berechtigung für einen autorisierten Benutzer von IBM Forms Viewer V8.1 sowie einen autorisierten Benutzer von IBM Forms Designer V8.0.1

HR Konferenz | Frankfurt | 12. Juni 2014 | IBM Smarter Workforce 2014: Energising Life’s Work

27. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Krueger








Wir freuen uns, Sie am 12. Juni zur Konferenz IBM Smarter Workforce 2014: Energising Life’s Work einzuladen, einer kostenfreien eintägigen HR Konferenz im The Westin Grand Frankfurt.

Die Plätze sind begrenzt, sichern Sie sich noch heute Ihre Teilnahme:

Hören Sie spannende Vorträge von Ihren Kollegen und renommierten weltweiten HR Experten, die ihre Erfahrungen anhand von Praxisbeispielen rund um die Themen Recruitment, Onboarding, Talent Management, Social Learning, Engagement, Leadership, Compensation, Analytics, Big Data und Women in Leadership mit Ihnen teilen.

Wir haben einige Sprecher aufgelistet, die  Sie interessieren könnten:
•    Gastrednerin: Katarina Witt – Olympiasiegerin und Weltmeisterin im Eiskunstlauf
•    Jens Rauschen - Managing Director of HR Group, Hamm Reno Group
•    Stephan Johnen - Vice President Human Resources, Johnson Controls
•    Nicky Ivory-Chapman - Resourcing & Employer Reputation Manager, McDonald’s
•    Britta Gross - Human Capital Management Leader Germany, IBM
•    Tim Ackermann - Senior Director Talent Acquisition, PAREXEL
•    Dr. Ines Wichert - Senior Psychologist, IBM Smarter Workforce Institute
•    David Littlechild - Head of Engagement, Lloyds Banking Group
•    Gero Hesse - Board Member, Medienfabrik embrace, a Bertelsmann Company
•    Tim Stevens, Vice President Human Resources, IBM
Erleben Sie Katarina Witt, Olympiasiegerin und Weltmeisterin im Eiskunstlauf, TV-Gastgeberin, Schauspielerin, Autorin und Gründerin der Katarina-Witt-Stiftung. Sie gewährt Einblicke in persönliche Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen rund um Leadership, Höchstleistung und Partnerschaften und berichtet von unerwarteten Hindernissen, dem Umgang mit Rückschlägen und der Bedeutung einer Gewinner-Mentalität.

Falls Sie Fragen haben oder weitere Informationen wünschen, können Sie sich gerne direkt an Daniela del Rio Mendez, Event Manager (Tel: ++49 172 733 92 11 oder E-Mail wenden.

Print Screen Key freezes Windows

26. Mai 2014 Posted by Ralf Petter

Today i had a strange problem on my windows machine that every time i press the "Print Screen" key to capture a screenshot windows will freeze immediately. I thought that this is only a temporary problem,  but after a hard reset i got the same problem again after retrying to create a screenshot.

It took me some time to figure out that the problem is not bug, but a feature. Last week i have used the Windows Kernel Debugger on my machine and one of the feature of the Debugger is that when you press the "Print Screen" key the kernel stops and try to connect to a WinDbg session. When there is no Debugger attached it will wait infinitely. So if you have the problem that your windows freezes on print screen check if the kernel debugger is enabled.

To check/deactivate the debugger start "msconfig.exe" with admin privileges and disable the debugger in the extended options on the start tab.

Big Data Basics

26. Mai 2014 Posted by IBM Experts

Das vom IT-Projekthaus Inovex bereitgestellte eBook "Big Data Basics" richtet sich an Manager und Projektleiter, die sich in den Fachbereichen und in den IT-Abteilungen mit der Analyse von...

[EN] Thoughts on the Workplace of the Future – Collaboration in the Social Age | My Blog Entries as eBook

26. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Writing a blog is an extremely exciting exercise. You are publishing your postings nearly in real time. You have the possibility to react and immediately and reach your audience. This is a positive and dramatic change compared to the pre-Internet and pre-Web 2.0-era.

Nevertheless I feel one dilemma: My older posts disappear in my timeline due to the fact that I am writing new articles and that I am curating information. Curated blog entries are more or less a reference to an interesting piece of information, a quote, an infographic or a video. I find this information worth to share and comment.

The longer self-created posting represent my thoughts and I quite often feel, they get lost in the overall flow of information. This is, why I published my book “Das soziale Zeitalter” in 2011 through bloggingbooks. Now time has passed by, we are in 2014, and I never published my English language articles.

This eBook is a selection of postings around the topic of “Social Business” and Collaboration. It is about using social tools and software for business. And it is about the new culture of sharing and communicating in todays ‘Social Age’. The new culture behavior driven by the Social Web, the internet as a transparency machine is questioning traditional hierarchies, traditional means of production and therefore is changing our world, our workplace and our Business overall. Ginni Rometty, IBM’s CEO, is talking about social networks being the new production line.

In my articles I try to cover a lot of the aspects of Social Business. And yes, I am not neutral. I am as Marketing lead Social Business for IBM in Europe party. I believe in a lot of our solutions and the change we are driving internally and externally. But beyond my responsibility to spread the IBM “Social Business” message I hope, I am personally passionate on the change we are currently experiencing. In comparison to a lot of German skepticism I am positive on “Social Business”. It is in my opinion primarily an opportunity and not a thread. And it is on us to work on both, the business and the social part. You find a lot of my thoughts represented in these postings.

This is the first eBook I have put together. More to come shortly.

I hope you do enjoy the reading and I am happy to get any feedback and comments.

Filed under: English Tagged: Blogging, e20, featured, SocBiz, Workplace-of-the-Future

[EN] How Social Listening Enables Real-Time Marketing – Forbes

26. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer


Perfect fit to my presentation on the 10 Ingredients  for a Successful  ‘System of Engagement’  in Marketing:

In fact, the pace of change in modern marketing, and speed at which customers are moving, are so turbo-charged that marketing pros don’t stand a chance if they’re using outdated platforms to run old-style marketing campaigns. More than 90 percent of consumers have discontinued communications with a company because they received irrelevant messages and promotions.

As consumers ourselves, we can relate. My personal email account overflows with unwanted marketing pitches.

Social “listening” helps companies tune in to what customers are saying and respond in real time with messages that better reflect their here-and-now sentiments and interests, according to Bradford. And socially-enabled modern marketing delivers information, content, and promotions to on-the-go consumers through whatever channel or touch point they choose.

via How Social ‘Listening’ Enables Real-Time Marketing.

Filed under: English Tagged: Digital Marketing, Marketing, Social Media

Vorstellung IBM Connections 5

26. Mai 2014 Posted by Joachim Haydecker

ein paar Gedanken dazu von mir auf meinem Blog und auch ein paar Bilder der neuen Version.

  • Der nächste Schritt: IBM Connections 5

Cloud statt Tape

26. Mai 2014 Posted by IBM Experts

Klingt erst einmal erstaunlich: Fast jedes zweite befragte deutsche Unternehmen vertraut heute am ehesten Cloud-Konzepten für die Datensicherung. In Frage kommt aber dafür nicht jeder beliebige...

Nachbetrachtung zur 40.DNUG-Konferenz

25. Mai 2014 Posted by Jörg Allmann

gepostet bei holistic-thinking

Gamification für Unternehmen

24. Mai 2014 Posted by Jonas Steffl

Gamification für Unternehmen ist ein Trend, der sich weiter fortsetzt. Laut unserer Umfrage, an der einige Euluc-Nutzer teilgenommen haben, wurde eine mögliche Einführung eines Gamification-Moduls, den Kudos Badges, auf der Euluc eher skeptisch gesehen.

Hier ein Artikel, der interessante Informationen zu Gamification im Unternehmenskontext beinhaltet:


Mit Gamification spielend zum Unternehmens-Erfolg (PCWelt, 13.04.2014)


Was haltet ihr von Gamification im Allgemeinen und von einer möglichen Einführung auf der Euluc? Vor allem würde uns interessieren, welche Gründe ihr für euren Standpunkt habt. Wir würden uns sehr über eure Meinung freuen.


Gamification für Unternehmen

24. Mai 2014 Posted by Jonas Steffl

Gamification für Unternehmen ist ein Trend, der sich weiter fortsetzt. Laut unserer Umfrage, an der einige Euluc-Nutzer teilgenommen haben, wurde eine mögliche Einführung eines Gamification-Moduls, den Kudos Badges, auf der Euluc eher skeptisch gesehen.

Hier ein Artikel, der interessante Informationen zu Gamification im Unternehmenskontext beinhaltet:


Mit Gamification spielend zum Unternehmens-Erfolg (PCWelt, 13.04.2014)


Was haltet ihr von Gamification im Allgemeinen und von einer möglichen Einführung auf der Euluc? Vor allem würde uns interessieren, welche Gründe ihr für euren Standpunkt habt. Wir würden uns sehr über eure Meinung freuen.


B2RUN 2014: Vom Bürostuhl auf die Laufstrecke

23. Mai 2014 Posted by Diana Jensen

GBS läuft deutsche Firmenlaufmeisterschaft 2014

B2RUN 2014We will survive” schallte es aus den Lautsprecherboxen kurz vor dem Startschuss. Nun ja, einen etwas höheren Anspruch hatten wir schon. Wir sortierten uns deshalb nach kurzer Diskussion nicht in den Block der Freizeit- oder Genussläufer, sondern in den der “ambitionierten Läufer”. Damit hieß das Ziel beim B2RUN 2014 in Karlsruhe für uns acht GBS Mitarbeiter: 6,1 Kilometer unter 40 Minuten.
Fotoshooting vor dem Wildparkstadion
6.500 Sportbegeisterte gingen in Karlsruhe an den Start und wurden spätestens beim Warten in der super gelaunten Menschenmenge vom Gänsehautfeeling angesteckt. Wir hatten auf jeden Fall von Anfang an Spaß, wenn auch unterschiedlich trainiert und vorbereitet.

Klar war, dass wir gemeinsam starten, uns vielleicht eine Zeit lang auf dem Weg im Auge behalten, jedoch voraussichtlich mit Abständen ankommen. Dem Gemeinschaftsgefühl tat das keinen Abbruch, denn wir trafen uns alle happy am Ziel wieder.

Super Laufzeiten

Unser Azubi sprintete erwartungsgemäß voraus. Ich sah ihn nur noch ein Mal auf der Strecke: Vor der Wendeschleife, als die schnelleren Läufer schon auf dem Rückweg waren und mir temporeich entgegenkamen. Seine Zeit von 27,28 Minuten blieb uneinholbar – sie war die Bestzeit der GBS-Läufer. Doch auch die Kollegen aus Sales, Marketing, Qualitätsmanagement und Research & Development wurden den Erwartungen gerecht und erreichten das Ziel innerhalb der angepeilten 40 Minuten. Beim Einlauf ins Wildparkstadion mobilisierte jeder die letzten Reserven, angefeuert von den zahlreichen Zuschauern auf der Tribüne.

Die Laufbedingungen waren wider Erwarten hervorragend: Aus den anfangs der Woche befürchteten 30 Grad, den kurzfristig prognostizierten Gewittern mit ergiebigen Regenfällen und Sturm, wurden kurz vor Beginn perfekte 22 Grad und etwas Wind.

Neue Rennstrecke und Einlaufen wie der KSC

6,1 km rund um's Wildparkstadion Die B2RUN-Strecke in Karlsruhe führte in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal rund um’s Wildparkstadion. Durch den Hardtwald Richtung Schloss – am Schlossgartensee entlang und wieder zurück mit Zieleinlauf im Stadion.

Großes Plus der neuen idyllischen, schattenspendenden Strecke: Weniger Engstellen, freieres Laufen und auch das Überholen war kein Problem. Die Natur war dabei jeden Meter entlang der neuen rund sechs Kilometer langen Strecke präsent und die Kulisse mit Karlsruher Schloss sowieso einzigartig.

Planungen 2015

Da sind 2015 durchaus ein paar Neue drin - oder? Wir waren in diesem Jahr bereits zum zweiten Mal dabei – unsere Teilnahme 2015 ist selbstverständlich schon ins Auge gefasst. Laufen ist angesagt – das hat sich wieder bestätigt. Und der B2RUN ist auf’s Neue ein Event bei dem sich Kollegen unter sportlichen Bedingungen weg von den Bürostühlen einmal auf ganz andere Art erleben können.

[EN] B2B Marketing Needs Durable Systems of Engagement

23. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

This article was first published on CMSwire.

Anyone looking to sell IT technology business-to-business (B2B) has it pretty hard these days. Decision-making processes have become more complex and more people have a say.

A recent Text100 study reported (registration required) that on average, six people (in Germany, seven) with very different functions are involved with purchasing decisions. Two-thirds of the companies surveyed said that once the decision had been made, the purchase still had to be signed off by the board. At the information gathering stage, decision-makers use numerous offline and online channels to do their research. This stage now lasts longer and more resources go into preparing and justifying decisions.

The study, which surveyed 1,900 people from around the world, asked questions about the influences that affect B2B decision-makers as they consider purchasing IT solutions.

During the research stage, people tend to rely mainly on the suppliers’ websites, on IT magazines, online searches, and discussions with colleagues and consultants. The final decision appears to be influenced by two key factors: 1. the price, or rather the cost-saving potential (the study found this played a major role in all stages of the process) and 2. advice and opinions from acquaintances, as well as user reviews and recommendations.

The study identified four key influences on the decision-making process:

  • Decision-makers — who are they and what are their needs?
  • Influencers — Who do decision-makers trust the most? Who are the people that carry the most weight and have the best reputation in the field?
  • Channels — Where do decision-makers get their information?
  • Content — What do decision-makers want to see, read or hear? What kind of information do they want and value?

If technology companies want to succeed, they must take all of these aspects into account and integrate them into their marketing and communication strategies. The days of “simple” marketing are over. Tech companies need to adopt a mixed approach that combines corporate presence (owned media) with paid presence (paid media), social channels and targeted recommendations (earned media). The end result should allow potential customers to access a range of high quality information about the company and its technology.

Unlike in previous years, technical content alone will no longer suffice. IT decision-makers are increasingly being joined by those with “business focused” roles. Since these non-technical players are involved in the decision-making process, they want access to information that is relevant to them.

Customers Reach Decisions Before Vendors Know

Another point worth noting: a study conducted by CEB in collaboration with Google showed B2B buyers have on average completed 57 percent of their decision-making process before they reach out to the supplier. Forrester reports that, depending on the market and the complexity of the products in question, businesses might well have completed between 66 percent to 90 percent of the process before contacting the supplier.

Potential buyers use information sources in different ways during the different stages of the decision-making process. At the information gathering stage, a company’s website plays a bigger role than it does in the stages where the decision is actually made. At that point, the focus shifts to recommendations, reviews and discussions with other customers (on and offline).

Marketing strategies should provide the information and modes of contact that buyers are looking for at every step of the decision-making process. Companies must adopt an approach that combines paid, owned and earned media over the entire purchase process.

Companies must also be careful not to underestimate the effect that relationships can have on business dealings. In particular, those in the B2B sector can have an enormous impact on decision-making processes. These relationships are no longer limited to the traditional, personal variety. In many cases, today’s relationships begin on the Internet. A company’s online reputation, visible in online communities, is fast acquiring the kind of influence that “real” relationships long possessed.

‘Social Proof Makes or Breaks a Buyer’s Decision’

Social media and networks are having an enormous impact on marketing. Marketing efforts need to win over “influencers” and ensure that they have a regular supply of high-quality information. In the past, influencers were mostly journalists and analysts, but thanks to the Internet, the group now also includes bloggers and independent advisors who know the social media ropes. Social networks also give suppliers the opportunity to send in their own experts who can use the ropes to form opinions and increase the company’s influence.

By creating links between customers, and between customers, suppliers and partners, online activities create transparent and easy to find semi-public or public discussions. This means that marketing and sales need to start working more closely together. Marketing experts can use social media to speak to customers and potential customers. Sales experts should be connected to their customers via social media so that they can keep an eye on what their contacts and their businesses are “getting up to.”

This is also an opportunity to encourage customers to give positive reviews of and information about suppliers and their products. Ideally, when sales and marketing start working more closely, they will develop a closer relationship with the customer, who then becomes a kind of advocate for the supplier. We cannot underestimate the value of having advocates like these.

The study offered encouraging findings on this point: seven out of 10 buyers share positive experiences in social channels. Seven out of 10 also said they would provide information upon request. Surprisingly, users are more likely to share positive experiences than negative. There is one exception: Germans are comparatively more likely to leave negative messages in online forums.

Suppliers, Take Note

Suppliers would do well to take particularly good note of some of the study findings. For instance, respondents said that they didn’t want sales activities to be one-off events. B2B customers want their suppliers to maintain long-term relationships with them. Relationships shouldn’t end once the product has been sold and installed, or once the warranty has expired. More than anything, customers want to hear about how others fulfilled similar requirements to theirs.

The study provides a good overview for marketing professionals (among others) working in the B2B technology sector. It breaks down the marketing and sales processes and highlights the key aspects in each of the different stages. The study calls on companies to open their minds to new sales processes and to the demands of the social media age. It encourages them to combine traditional and digital channels and fill them with smart, relevant content. It is also a call for a system of engagement — with emphasis on the word “engagement.”

Companies need to engage with influencers, opinion leaders and analysts. More than anything, they need to engage with and commit to their customers in a way that incorporates social media and all its tools. If they do that, they’ll have loyal customers and healthy sales figures.

B2B infographic Edited8.4b


Filed under: English Tagged: B2B, Digital Marketing, featured, Marketing, SocBiz

Vom „Second Screen“ zum „First Screen“

23. Mai 2014 Posted by IBM Experts

Während des Fernsehens haben die meisten Nutzer mobiler Tageszeitungswebseiten regelmäßig einen "Second Screen" vor Augen. Als zweiter Bildschirm kommt neben dem Tablet und dem Computer besonders...

PAC Studie: Schlüsselrolle für Predictive Analytics

23. Mai 2014 Posted by IBM Press Releases - All Topics - Germany

Der Einsatz von Predictive Analytics in der Fertigungsindustrie schreitet unaufhaltsam voran. Die aktuelle Studie von Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) belegt, dass rund 40 Prozent der Unternehmen bereits entsprechende Software-Lösungen bei verschiedenen Prozessen, von der Qualitätssicherung bis hin zur Lieferkettensteuerung nutzen.