Posts Tagged: ‘roi’

HCL Domino’s ROI and Total Economic Benefit

26. Oktober 2021 Posted by Barry Rosen

HCL Domino is a secure, enterprise-grade, application development platform that helps thousands of organizations around the world build automated solutions, create workflows, and build powerful applications quickly and effectively. Domino powers millions of apps that run the business for more than 15,000 organizations globally, and it has proven its staying power, its rock-solid stability, and essential business value for more than 30 years. Everyone who works with Domino understands its security and strength, and those that are on the most recent version, know that it’s now web- and mobile-friendly, has low-code capabilities, and is cloud-native.

A couple of years ago, Forrester was commissioned by us to interview four customers (with about 20 years of experience using Domino) to find out the benefits and costs — the ROI — with their investment in the platform. What Forrester found was that total cost of ownership and overall ROI of Domino is a story that high-level decision-makers need to hear. Here are some of the most important business outcomes the customers told us in this study:

  • They saved almost $3 million in license costs by building the functionality they needed in-house. With Domino, you don’t need an additional CRM, email or other off-the-shelf, third-party software. It’s an all-in-one solution.
  • $1.3 million was saved in by implementing improved automation and workflow. Domino eliminates re-work and redundancies, enhancing collaboration and productivity.
  • Almost $1 million was saved by being able to use business users to build apps — eliminating some of the higher-end pro-code developer resources (and freeing up those resources to focus instead on the needs of the business, not building/tweaking apps).

Alongside benefits that are clearly quantifiable, the customers interviewed also expressed their appreciation for what Domino inherently does:

  • Enables the quick development of robust enterprise applications
  • Provides guaranteed performance and reliability (we frequently hear customers say, “it just WORKS”)
  • Domino doesn’t go down — apps and databases run for decades without stalling or interruption
  • Domino is backwards-compatible — upgrading from old versions to new ones is straightforward and direct
  • All apps are fully customizable and can be tailored easily to meet an industry’s — or an organization’s — unique business needs

Forrester found, overall, that these customers — while they did spend money on ongoing maintenance and development costs, and there are associated fees for software, servers, and support — benefited from an overall ROI of more than 300%.

What are you waiting for? Find out more, by talking to one our representatives who can walk you through the specific equations for your organization and why you should upgrade to the recent, most modern version to get the most out of your Domino investments today.



What’s the real cost of better digital experiences today?

5. Februar 2020 Posted by Kirsten Kelley

Ever wish you could go back to a simpler time? People who had businesses back before the internet were interested in providing a great customer experience, but it was all pretty straightforward. The customer had only a few touch points with the business — face to face, phone or mail – and the successful businesses put their organization’s best foot forward to create a great impression.

The cost to create multi-channel digital experiences

Now, it’s tricky. If you do business online, you need to worry about the full range of your visitors’ digital customer experiences.  Every digital touch point – you need to be awesome! This includes all web and mobile interactions, but also kiosks, IoT devices, wearables as well as the many other points of communication still in development.

And tricky can also mean costly. With so many channels it becomes harder and harder to create memorable, consistent impressions on each one. Supporting personalized content on so many channels can often sap internal resources. And if you don’t get it right everywhere, users may find themselves looking elsewhere.

What if you could create, manage and deliver engaging and personalized multi-channel experiences with a single digital experience platform? And what if that digital experience platform could not only integrate your efforts to provide customer-centric experiences, but also set your organization on the road to greater productivity?  Well, we have some facts to help illustrate the potential upside!

The research results from IDC

The International Data Corporation (IDC), a premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology markets, interviewed organizations that use the HCL Digital Experience platform to create and manage their digital experiences. “Study participants told IDC that they have realized significant business benefits from their use of HCL DX, especially in increased revenue and employee productivity. The ability to deliver more engaging, relevant content, tailored to personas and channels, has been key to their success.”

HCL customers say that HCL Digital Experience solutions help them:

  • Generate more revenue, by providing customers and partners personalized real-time information about products, services, and prices
  • Enable faster and easier development of public-facing websites, intranets/portals, extranets, and other engaging content experiences
  • Drive higher employee productivity for those who create, deliver, and use digital experiences in marketing, creative services, application development, IT operations, sales, customer support, and other areas

“We are able to deliver a more personalized experience with HCL DX…This means better customer service, and everyone is happier. And that means as much as 10% more revenue.”


Consider some of the benefits that users have reported using the HCL Digital Experience platform:

  • 661% five-year ROI
  • 33% improvement in customer satisfaction
  • $41.7 million in new revenue

And if you’re concerned about upfront costs, consider this statistic: HCL Digital Experience customers reported that it took them only 16 months, on average, after investing in the platform to break even.

So it may not be the 90’s anymore, but with the right tools it can still be simple –- and cost-effective — for your organization to provide great customer experiences.

View the Infographic


The post What’s the real cost of better digital experiences today? appeared first on HCL SW Blogs.

Heute vor (mehr als) 10 Jahren: Die Aufregung um ROI und Social Media

8. Januar 2020 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Gunnar hat mich mit seinem Beitrag zur Stimme als ultimativen Interface auf die Idee gebracht. Guck doch einfach mal nach, was Du so vor 10 Jahren verzapft hast. Gesagt, getan, hier ver- und rebloggt. Und schon schwindele ich*, denn ich habe einen Beitrag ausgesucht, den ich am 26.12.2009, also vor mehr als 10 Jahren, zum Thema ROI und Social Media veröffentlicht habe.

Und siehe da. Den Beitrag kann ich so heute noch stehen lassen und auch die Diskussion wird heute noch geführt. Der Verkauf ist (weiterhin) ein Verkauf ein Prozess mit vielen „Touchpoints“, in denen Marketing und Vertrieb den Kunden „berühren“. Ja, wirklich, liebe Anne Schüller, da steht der Begriff Touchpoint. Und auch heute noch ordnen wir oft einen Verkauf kausal einer einzelnen Vertriebsmaßnahme zu, dabei wissen wir es – zumindest im B2B-Umfeld – doch besser. Dort ist ein Verkaufserfolg immer Teamwork und Marketing ist in der ein oder anderen Weise immer beteiligt.

Ja natürlich müssen wir messbar sein. Doch nicht aus Rechtfertigung, sondern herauszufinden, welche Marketingmaßnahmen denn am erfolgreichsten sind. Wie wir messen, ist allerdings des öfteren fraglich, denn in der Customer Journey sind in den verschiedenen Stufen unterschiedliche Marketingtaktiken notwendig und sinnvoll. Und auch Social Media kann auf dieser Reise unterschiedliche Rollen spielen. Das reicht von der Beschallung über soziale Kanäle – in der Regel blasen wir mehr oder weniger gute Marketingnachrichten raus – bis hin zu einem wirklichen Dialog über eben diese.

Wer Lust hat, der sei auf den damaligen Beitrag verwiesen. Und als Appetitmacher hier einige Referenzen in Zwitscherformat:

Zumindest im #B2B #Verkauf ein Prozess mit vielen #Touchpoints, in denen Marketing und Vertrieb den Kunden „berühren“ – Was ist nun der entscheidende Touchpoint, dem wir den Erfolg zuordnen? #ROI #Marketing #SocialMedia

Unsere Systeme und die vom Management angefragten Analysen, welche Marketingmaßnahmen erfolgreich sind, erfordern in der Regel, daß wir eine künstliche 1:1-Beziehung zwischen Vertriebserfolg und Marketingmaßnahme herstellen #Marketing #ROI

Wir können den Erfolg von #SocialMedia genauso gut oder genauso schlecht messen wie den Erfolg oder Misserfolg konventioneller Marketingmaßnahmen. #Marketing #ROI

* Am 8. Januar 2010 gab es zwar auch Beiträge, aber weder Early Warning: Notebook im Einsatz auf der Insel! noch die damalige Umbenamsung meines Blogs in „Digital naiv“ erscheinen mir re-bloggens-wert.

#CMOKurator: Wo wird 2020 investiert? Welche Kanäle werden bespielt? Und E-Mail regiert weiter auch in der Kundenkommunikation

21. November 2019 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Die Marketingplanung für 2020 sollte bereits auf Hochtouren laufen. Da kommen einige Statistiken und Reports gerade recht. Was steht also ganz oben auf der Prioritätenliste der B2B Marketingprofis? Leads in Kunden konvertieren und mehr Sales Leads generieren. Aber wie soll das geschehen? Dem ist ein Report der Sagefrog Marketing Group nachgegangen. Hier die Ergebnisse:


Personalisierung und Account Based Marketing stehen ganz oben auf der Liste. Danach kommen Video Marketing und Inbound Marketing gefolgt von künstlicher Intelligenz und Automatisierung. Ein anderes Ergebnis des Reports: Wenn nach dem Thema Social Media im B2B-Umfeld gefragt wird, dominiert /zumindest außerhalb Deutschlands) Linked. 86% der Befragten bevorzugen demnach diesen Kanal.

Und in welchen Kanälen werden die Budgets investiert? Hier die Ergebnisse einer nicht B2B-spezifischen  Umfrage von Gartner in den USA und Großbritannien, die zeigt, in welche Kanäle die Budgets fließen:


Und in welche Ressourcen wird investiert? Insgesamt gehen laut Bericht auf Marketing Charts 26 Prozent der Betriebsmittel in Medien. Etwa die gleiche Summe wird für Marketingtechnologien ausgegeben. Die Ausgaben für Agenturen sind von 25 Prozent in 2017 auf etwa 22 Prozent gefallen.

Interessant auch die Verteilung der Ausgaben laut Gartner: 16 Prozent gehen in Marketing Analytics, 13,4 Prozent in die Erstellung und Verwaltung von Inhalten, 13, 2 Prozent in Marktforschung und Wettbewerbsbeobachtung, Marketing Operations verbraucht 13,2 Prozent, Kundenforschung 12,5 Prozent, Brandstrategie und -aufbau 11,9 Prozent, Sales Enablement 11,6 Prozent sowie Treue- und Bonusprogramme 8,8 Prozent. Die Studie von Gartner kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Trotz Social Media, TicTac und TikTok, E-Mail ist auch in der Kommunikation von Kunden mit Unternehmen nicht tot zu kriegen. Das ist das Ergebnis einer weltweit durchgeführten Umfrage von Twilio.

Der bevorzugte Kanal eines Verbrauchers hängt stark von der Dringlichkeit der Nachricht ab. 83 Prozent der Verbraucher weltweit sagen, dass sie E-Mails für die Kommunikation von Unternehmen bevorzugen. Textnachrichten sind jedoch mehr als doppelt so beliebt wie E-Mails, wenn es um den Empfang dringender Nachrichten von Unternehmen geht.

über Kein Social Media: Verbraucher kommunizieren am liebsten via Mail | W&V

Ergebnisse weltweit © Twilio

Und was stört die Empfänger am meisten?

  • Nicht relevante Inhalte (56 Prozent)
  • Kein Bezug zum Abonnement der Inhalte (41 Prozent)
  • falscher Kommunikationskanal (33 Prozent)
  • unpassende Uhrzeit (nur 13 Prozent möchten abends kontaktiert werden)

über Aktuelle Studie: Die wichtigsten Learnings für die Kundenkommunikation

Passend dazu die Übersicht auf Social Media Today zu Email Marketing Best Practices for 2020. Kernaussage(n): Sei relevant, sei persönlich und sprachlich/grammatikalisch professionell. Und „spam“-me deine Empfänger nicht zu. Eine E-Mail die Woche mag angesichts der E-Mail-Flut, der sich jeder Empfänger ausgesetzt sieht, genügen.

Und für uns alle Marketingexperten noch etwas Nachhilfe zur Differenzierung und richtigen Anwendung von KPI (Key Performance Indicators) und ROI (Return on Investment):

Consider the use cases of KPI metrics vs. ROI measurement in terms of reading a book. KPIs tell you what happens after each chapter, whereas ROI tells you what happened after the conclusion of the entire story. KPIs are a forward-looking predictor of end performance, whereas ROI is used as a backward-looking informer of future budget allocation decisions.

über The Crucial Difference Between KPI and ROI Metrics | LinkedIn Marketing Blog


[EN] Practical Steps to Measuring Social ROI – Bill Ryan on CMSwire

27. Mai 2014 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

A simplified or simple approach in measuring Social ROI:

In any business, time is money. If you can show how your social initiative can reduce time and effort for specific tasks that leads to an increase in productivity, you can relate the savings to the cost of an employee’s time.

A simple formula for measuring the cost of an employee is:

  • Annual Salary + Salary Burden (typically 15 percent – 20 percent of the Annual Salary) / 2,080 Hours (total hours in a working year).

For example: Jane is an HR Analyst making $60,000 per year. Using the formula above you can extrapolate the following:

  • $60,000 per year + $12,000 (20 percent Salary Burden) = $72,000
  • $72,000 / 2080 hours = $34.61 per hour cost for Jane

According to a McKinsey & Company study, social collaboration can increase internal communication and collaboration by 25 percent to 35 percent and overall productivity by 20 percent to 25 percent.

improved communication and collaboration.png

If we take the overall productivity number at face value (using the lower percentage) we can calculate the cost savings for Jane the HR Analyst based on the following algorithm:

  • 40 hours per week * 20 percent increase in productivity = 8 hours per week
  • 8 hours per week * $34.61 = $276.88
  • $276.88 * 52 Weeks = $14,397.76 per year.

This is a very simple algorithm that can guide you in showing hourly savings for a specific employee. There are more complex algorithms that can be used to calculate employee cost but I wanted to keep this simple for the purpose of this exercise. You can find free calculators online that will provide you a deeper breakdown and more options to input if this algorithm is too simple.

via Practical Steps to Measuring Social ROI.

Filed under: English Tagged: ROI, SocBiz

[EN] Eleven REAL reasons that show employee engagement DOES have financial results| The Social Workplace

11. September 2013 Posted by StefanP.

A MUST READ on Employee Engagement and its outcome:

1. Greater Revenue Growth

On average, the companies in the study with the highest engagement experienced 16.29 percentage points higher revenue growth over three years than those with lower engagement.

Screen Shot 2013-09-08 at 11.47.43 AM

Check out the complete posting by Elizabeth Lupfer here: via How to Push Engagement. Push it REAL Good. | The Social Workplace.

Filed under: English Tagged: Empl, HR, ROI, SmarterWorkforce, SocBiz

[EN] Social Business: 3 things leaders focus on : revenue, costs, risk | B. Duperrin

11. September 2013 Posted by StefanP.

Great summary on what leaders really  want as Social Business output:

3 things leaders focus on : revenue, costs, risk

No matter the name things are given, leaders want to know three things about a social initiative

1°) How it will contribute to increase revenue

2°) How it will contribute to lower costs

3°) Is it possible to mitigate the risk caused by transformation

via Social Business : success does not matter. Impact does..

Filed under: English Tagged: Leadership, ROI, SocBiz

Selling Social Business to the CFO | Enterprise Strategies | @Greg2dot0

29. August 2012 Posted by Stefan Pfeiffer

Another great reading. This time from Greg Lowe. We - the technologists - need to focus much more on talking business value. Check out the complete posting!

What’s important to the business?

To get started, we need to understand what businesses care about. In my experience, this can be broken down into 4 areas:

  • Increase Revenue – Grow sales, acquire new customers, develop new products
  • Reduce Cost – Shorten project completion time, reduce inventory, improve process efficiency
  • Improve satisfaction – Provide customers better information/services/products, improve morale, reduce attrition
  • Reduce Risk –Avoid fines, reduce intellectual property loss, Increase security awareness

If we further analyze these, we can see they break down into 2 general categories: